Grier Hopkins, Democrat son of former Democrat Mayor Luke Hopkins, has won the mayoral race for the Fairbanks North Star Borough. A week after the election ended, Hopkins pulled ahead with 154-vote advantage. Robert Shields, the third candidate in the race, took the election from the conservatives with 705 votes.
Hopkins served briefly in the Alaska Legislature and has been a big advocate for higher property taxes. John Coghill served in the Legislature from 1999 to 2020.

Democrats aligned with Hopkins won seats on the Assembly: David Guttenberg was reelected, along with Kristan Kelly.
Conservative Republican Tammie Wilson was also a winner for a seat on the Assembly.

On the School Board, one conservative has won a seat: Loa Carroll-Hubbard beat Tamara Kruse Roselius.
Liberals won the other seat: Morgan Dulian beating April Smith.
We picked up 1 out of 4 borough positions. Do you believe me that we need to run better people yet?
I don’t know, BJ. An old, goofy, hippie-clown like Guttenberg is hard to beat for comic relief during cold winters in Fairbanks. He’s the long-haired pregnant guy in the photo, following the new mayor, his nephew.
What’s your interest in the shape of David Guttenburg’s body? You talk about it a lot?
That why Guttenberg won his race. He’s quite humorous to look at. It gives otherwise normal people a chance to say, “look at that guy. I feel pretty good about myself now.”
Everyone gets to look at him and feel good about themselves, even on an off day. Probably even you, BJ.
Tammie is in the pocket of the Bible Baptist Church, she want to make our taxes higher by cutting churches’ taxes. good luck.
Wake up man Churches are tax exempt
Only for the church. Not for their daycare, vacant lots, half-built monstrosities, Airbnb, summer camps or other get rich quick schemes.
BJ is correct. Tammie Wilson wants 100% of FNSB church properties to be exempt from property taxes, even when the properties have nothing to do with religious functions. Regular homeowners and small businesses should pick up the tab, according to Tammie.
So many people blindly repeat and support. Thank you for producing actual information. Everyone should take note that the Sunday before elections, Tammie chose to go and speak at Bible Baptist, and praised them publicly for the work they do. They sheltered at least three child rapists for over 30 years. Those are Tammie’s guys. The son is on trial for it right now, Destroyed the lives of dozens of girls in town and she praises them.
Only 25% of registered voters cast a ballot. Fully three-quarters of the electorate did not vote. Not a good sign for democracy.
We live in a Constitutional Republic. The word democracy is not mentioned once in the Constitution.
A constitutional republic is a democracy. It is as if you stated that you don’t have a dog, you have a Dalmatian or I don’t drive a Chevy, I drive a Silverado.
You spelled democracy wrong. The correct spelling is demoncracy.
God Almighty, please help us to save the Republic!
Thank you. For some, this is far beyond their capacity for knowledge apparently.
Wrong Jamie Johnson. There is a huge difference between a constitutional republic and a democracy. I suggest you do some research on why the founders chose a constitutional republic over a democracy.
“Real liberty is neither found in despotism or the extremes of democracy, but in moderate governments.” – Alexander Hamilton
Fairbanks is a dump just like los anchorage. We were there on Friday and people were openly going to the bathroom in plain view, passed out in front of businesses, and we watched as what looked like someone selling drugs in a parking lot. You get what you vote for and I’m sure glad I don’t live there!!!
Just the start of the blue wave that will spread across the country. Women don’t want government messing with their private health issues. Voters don’t think billionaires need more tax cuts. The top 1% are starting to lose their control since they can’t get voters riled up over guns being seized since it hasn’t happened with 2 terms of Obama and 1 Biden term. They’re “eating the dogs” isn’t gaining any traction with the educated, the low info base of Trump love the racist Haitian lies and are convinced the Democrats steer the weather. Trump will get those 75 million buffoons votes but needs 85 million to win the electoral college. But save all the stupid flags and watches for 2028!
Are you high?
In your dreams, buddy. This is just little communist Fairbanks. The crowds in the Lower 48 will have Trump in the White House by November 6.
A blue wave is wishful thinking. When people like Ana Kasparian are abandoning the liberal left, then you know others are also waking up to their unhinged nonsense.
Wishful thinking is pretending conservatives didn’t screw up another election. Keep your head in the sand, no one will notice either way.
Add this to Bronson getting shown the door and it’s obvious that many are sick of the tired MAGA message.
Bronson put conservatives in Alaska back a decade. No one stood up to him, they got in bed with him instead.
Another borough lost to the demonrats.
Fairbanks has always been Liberal. People mind their own business and do their own things here. Only when Shaeffer Cox got high on his own supply did people think we were Conservative up here. Everyone smokes weed, we aren’t conservative lol.
Some of us remember the Joe Voglers of Alaska and now see what they were talking about.
Indeed. Very few of us, but yes.
The problem with John Coghill is that there was no emotional support backing his candidacy. He was defeated in his last race by a guy who drove truck for a living. Why? Because Coghill didn’t have the spine to hang in with other legislators or the governor who wanted Alaskans to get the full statutory PFD. That issue alone cost Coghill his otherwise secure state Senate seat.
In the FNSB mayor’s race, most of Coghill’s voters turned out only to oppose a snot-nosed son of a former mayor. And there are a bunch of them. Coghill lost by only about 150 votes to Hopkins. And those that voted for Coghill absolutely hate the Hopkins tribe of political thieves.
Coghill can now ride off into the sunset knowing his political days are over. Hopkins Jr. will face
thousands of hostile residents who remember how bad it was under Luke. It’s going to get worse under the little boy who thinks that the Alaska oil companies are causing global warming.
Calling a 40 yo man a little boy makes you sound like a total weirdo.
Coghill.didnt care about the race, that’s why he didn’t campaign. He’s been driving the Rescue Mission into the ground, making $200,000 doing ‘God’s Work’. He’s not worried at all.
40-year old man who hangs out with high school kids at their high school and campaigns on site, now that’s weird. Maybe an investigation necessary?
Are you going to investigate April Smith and Tammie Wilson too? Are we going to start investigating everyone and everything we don’t understand? Might be a good idea for you!
Every single candidate came to Kids’ Voting at LHS and WVHS. Just because you don’t know what’s going on doesn’t make it nefarious, it makes you out of touch and should maybe get something better to do bc you don’t have the mental bandwidth to even follow local politics.
Neither Tammie nor April need investigation. It’s only YOUR party that cheats and lies incessantly. Get your house in order, little commie BJ. And tell your good friends at the Newsminer that reporting the truth might keep their rag going another year, or two.
Yep, I need a bit longer too, becuz the cabinet keeps running dry at the worst possible times. Like November 5.
Funny thing to say to one of the main organizers of the Republican Party of Fairbanks, but that’s why you’re a keyboard warrior and will never be anything more.
Tammie is in bed with the Bible Baptist Church, and April is one public meltdown away from getting the Keith Fons treatment.
You wouldn’t know why no respectable conversative candidates would campaign with them.
Those machines are not only programmable, they WERE programmed.
North–Fairbanks uses paper ballots, not voting machines.
When I vote in Fairbanks, my ballot does not go into a box. A volunteer puts it directly into a MACHINE.
Good job robert you just screwed fairbanks.
With all of the qualified, smart, common sense thinking people in the Interior, you have to wonder how we ended up with a union puppet who has no real-life work experience as the new mayor?
Even old Uncle Dave is probably wondering how much shelf life he has left to train this kid to understand that the tax cap is a real thing and not just a suggestion.
Uncle Dave doesn’t spend much time thinking about his own shelf life. He’s too worried about the shelf life of his stash of Schlitz out in the shed.
I would have voted for Aaron Lowjewski. I just couldn’t vote for Coghill since he screwed us over on the Dividend. What I was really hoping for was to see Barb Haney running for borough mayor. That race would have produced way more turnout than this dud election. All we have running the borough now are a bunch of greedy union bosses.
Bingo. Aaron dropping out resulted in a lot of votes to Robert Shields I think. Coghill was dead in the water and didn’t attempt to campaign.
Aaron dropped out due to pressure from the Alaska GOP party elite worried that two Republicans would split the vote. But as it turned out, their plan to force out the more viable candidate failed.
Exactly right, SA.
We need to talk because you seem to understand strategy and no one else at a State level does.
Hopkins junior didn’t even break 50%. He represents the minority in Fairbanks. Wonder if that includes LGBTQ and da gang?
the great Alaskan tradition of not bothering to vote continues. As does the slide into progressive hell.
Will Fairbanks & the FNSB become the next community to succumb to left-itis? I dread to think what scams they will pull to bust the tax cap and drive us out. Seriously, I may no longer be able to afford living here.
I didn’t think John Coghill could beat Junior – he pissed off a lot of people when he was Senator.
Nov 5th will show us what remains of Fairbanks’ conservative influence.
If you don’t like it, leave it!
Just saw the election results on tv with Coghill’s defeat interview. He actually looked happy that Hopkins won the race. 4 years ago when Rob Meyers took out Coghill in the Senate race, Coghill didn’t look happy at all. Amazing what a couple losses can do for a guy. Enjoy retirement, John.
He doesn’t care because he already makes big bucks running the failing Rescue Mission. Full of bedbugs so no one wants to go there.
On TV last night, Coghill said he couldn’t wait to go back to work. What job would that be now that he’s out of politics for good?
Does counting bedbugs qualify?
Yes. Nitpicking counts as work. And anyone who denies a full, statutory PFD is a nitpicker. So long, John.
He’s the louse that needs to be turned out of the Rescue Mission. I went to donate food this spring and they had maggot infested food everywhere, piles of trash. It’s a mess.
Geez, BJ……why don’t you get off your *SS and go volunteer at the Rescue Mission.
Let’s see what you can do.
I have worked at the Rescue Mission for over 25 years. How do you think I know what goes on there? Try again loser.
The selection was made. No election – it was a selection. Absentee, early voting and question ballots – the easy way to cheat!
They were mostly conservative this time, you think conservatives cheat?
Were screwed with Hopkins
This is a good reason for an audit of both the counting of ballots and the intelligence of Fairbanks voters. Hopkins hasn’t done a single thing in his life except groom himself for a government position and Dulian is a LBGTQ School Porn Pushing Cuck. Fairbanks has gone MAD!
In the same election FNSB voters re-approved the property tax cap. This cap limits growth in government spending.
Coghill had a bit too much baggage. His support for both SB-91, and SB-21 did two things that Alaskans have not forgotten. SB-91 unleashed a crime wave, and SB-21 made all Alaskans poorer.
Hopkkns benefitted by massive amounts of money from public employee unions. APOC reports will probably show a 2 to 1 spending advantage for Hopkins because of this. Clearly- Hopkins has no mandate here, and that should temper his spending plans.
And of course, don’t forget to mention that Guttenberg is Hopkins’ mom’s brother, i.e. Hopkins’ uncle.
……and luke is his dad……and his sister’s husband is Scott Kendall…….and his wife’s mom is pat ….and his daddy in law is ………pat…..and uncle dave’s dad was married to a commie’s ex-wife…….and their dog was a gift from Mao’s great grandson’s concubine. I’m drafting a flow chart now.
Any chance the family tree can be traced back to West Virginia?
As I mentioned previously, the Guttenbergs are from Queens. Does anybody remember the film Desperately Seeking Susan?
“Anyone here from Queens? Yeah? Well, I’m from normal parents myself.”
The sap always drips down the family tree.
Yep, and now the taxpayers are stuck with the sap………again.
Donald Trump is also from Queens. I wonder if the Hopkins and the Trump’s knew each other back in the day. People seeking power tend to hang out. Maybe the Hopkins were renters(?).
Just another reason to avoid Fairbanks at all costs.
It’s never been for the weak, stay home ?
If they had ranked choice voting, maybe coghill would have won.
I remember a mailer that went out when Hopkin’s father Luke was running for mayor. It was for an opposing candidate, and featured a picture of Luke wearing a blue denim jacket with a pile collar, and he had this evil scowl on his face. A few days after I got that flyer, I saw him at Freddy’s and he was wearing that exact jacket, and had the exact same evil scowl on his face! Now I am sure I will see Grier somewhere and he will have that same stupid s#@t eating grin on his face…
Government, and controlling your life is the Hopkin’s family business. Fairbanks just loves Communists, it seems.
He’s got a lot to be happy about, I bet you will.
Hopkins is walking into a friendly liberal Assembly. Tammie and Barb are the DEIs that do nothing but seek attention, and I always forget Brett is there, he is such a rollover.
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