Republican Jared Goecker, running against Sen. Kelly Merrick for Chugiak-Eagle River’s state Senate Seat L, has just gotten a big-name endorsement from the sitting governor — Mike Dunleavy.
Although Merrick is also a Republican, Dunleavy did not ask voters in Chugiak-Eagle River to “rank” Merrick in the general election. He only mentioned Goecker. In addition to Goecker and Merrick, Democrat Lee Hammermeister is running for the seat.
Dunleavy took the rare step of cutting a YouTube video endorsement for Goecker, whom he described as a “common-sense conservative.” The ad is here:
Merrick may be in deep trouble. Even though she is Republican and married to a Big Labor boss who brings a lot of money to support her campaign, she has been an unreliable vote for conservatives in the Senate and is seen by many as being a false-flag Republican, voting against the governor on several occasions.
Hopefully it will be another clunker of an endorsement. His track record is almost as low as Trumps.
All you have is hate in your heart. Actually, his endorsements are pretty good. He thinks about them carefully. In actuality their track record is much better than Bill Walker. He was only elected once.
Good job gov,!! remove party girl from her job
If money that normally flows to Democrat politicians is instead flowing to a “Republican” candidate in a particular race, you can call them a Republican all you want, but its not going to change how they vote.
Like the “conservatives for RCV” promising to rid elections of “dark money” by using dark money?
True. It is going to be interesting to see how long this lasts. With having said that, are you implying that we should have went with Dahlstrom who would not even lift a finger to ensure election integrity in our state?
Sorry, I forgot that we are on a Goecker story-not a Begich story! Ha.
Big Mike, waiting to the last second !!!
Way to display decisive decision making!!!
Kelly Merrick votes with Senate Democrats 95% of the time!
And Indian leg wrestles with them 100% of the time. With union boss permission.
Is there a voyeur somewhere behind the enemy lines?
Well done????????
Big Mike is finally getting down to business. TY.
Way to GO Governor! For once, making some smart choices! Thank you! Goecker is a solid guy and a man of faith as well. He has a good future ahead of him and will be a great guy for Eagle River and the State.
Merrick is a very nice person but has never been in the right party for her positions.
A nice person doesn’t represent themselves as one thing and act the opposite.
If Merrick was a true Republican she would drop out like Dahlstrom who did the commendable thing for her party.
Chugiak! We must get rid of Merrick, she says she is a Republican and in the house and the senate caucused with Democrats to hand them the majority. Republicans had held the majority by one vote, her backstab gave that one vote majority to Democrats. WAKE THE HELL UP. How many more times?
Alaskans for Freedom, So, seriously you think Trump has a poor tack record??? Where have you been lately? Wake up and smell the coffee!!!
While I agree with your opinion trying to convince a mule to wake the hell up is not an easy task or worth the wear on your keyboard
When Merrick first ran for State Office I confronted her on her Husband. Merrick lied through her teeth about her strong conservative values. Her actions are a reflection of the Democratic machine in full swing. I am proud of our Governor and the two Republican candidates that drop out of the race and support Jared.
Will someone please clarify for me the actual votes that make Merrick a RINO? Is it really only because she supports public service employees? Is it because she’s not lockstep with Dunleavy? Where’s the beef?
Caucusing with Democrats gave the Democrats control of the Senate agenda. Worse than any single vote, it affects every vote. Growing public employee retirement is not fiscally conservative, taking the permanent fund from state citizens to fund public employee pensions is redistribution a hallmark of socialism, again not a conservative position.
So, in other words, not much. The “Senate agenda” is made up of actual bills, which you conveniently don’t bother to actually address. “[T]aking the permanent fund from state citizens to fund public employee pensions” is a straw man fallacy. By your line of thinking, pretty much all state funding is socialism.
It is impossible to know how many conservative bills were either not introduced or didn’t advance through committee as the Democrats determined the agenda.
Yes, a lot of government spending is redistribution. The disparity in education money per student is a good example. Reducing the amount of each Alaskan’s PFD and spending that money on defined benefit programs for state pensions is not a “straw man”, it happened.
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