Breaking: Gov. Mike Dunleavy picks a side, endorses Jared Goecker for AK Senate, Chugiak-Eagle River


Republican Jared Goecker, running against Sen. Kelly Merrick for Chugiak-Eagle River’s state Senate Seat L, has just gotten a big-name endorsement from the sitting governor — Mike Dunleavy.

Although Merrick is also a Republican, Dunleavy did not ask voters in Chugiak-Eagle River to “rank” Merrick in the general election. He only mentioned Goecker. In addition to Goecker and Merrick, Democrat Lee Hammermeister is running for the seat.

Dunleavy took the rare step of cutting a YouTube video endorsement for Goecker, whom he described as a “common-sense conservative.” The ad is here:

Merrick may be in deep trouble. Even though she is Republican and married to a Big Labor boss who brings a lot of money to support her campaign, she has been an unreliable vote for conservatives in the Senate and is seen by many as being a false-flag Republican, voting against the governor on several occasions.


  1. If money that normally flows to Democrat politicians is instead flowing to a “Republican” candidate in a particular race, you can call them a Republican all you want, but its not going to change how they vote.


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