Breaking: Dunleavy and Dahlstrom is the ticket for governor


Mike Dunleavy today named Commissioner of Corrections and former State Rep. Nancy Dahlstrom as his running mate for 2022.

“Nancy is well-qualified, experienced, knowledgeable, and has the temperament to do the job of Lieutenant Governor well,” said Dunleavy. “Over the past four years, Nancy and I have worked together to make Alaska a safer, better place for everyone. Alaska has long struggled to address public safety issues – but Nancy and I are committed to continuing to reverse these troubling trends and statistics. We are seeing progress, but we have more work to do. I am pleased that Nancy is joining the ticket. With her experience in the private sector, the legislative process, and the executive branch, I know she’s dedicated to the role of lieutenant governor.”

Dahlstrom has a long history of public service. She moved to Alaska when she was 18. She ran against Lisa Murkowski for Alaska House in 2002. After losing by just 56 votes, she was tapped to finish Murkowski’s term in the Alaska House after Gov. Frank Murkowski named his daughter Lisa to finish his seat in the U.S. Senate, as he had been elected governor.

Dahlstrom is a Republican from Eagle River, who also served in the Parnell Administration as a senior advisor to the governor.

“She’s a Republican, but she’s an Alaskan first and foremost. She will serve Alaskans and this great state competently. Nancy Dahlstrom is willing, able, and ready to serve,” Dunleavy said.

Dahlstrom, in an interview with Must Read Alaska, says she has built a strong relationship with the governor and he is comfortable with her working style and judgment. He appointed her to take over the Department of Corrections shortly after he took office in 2018.

The Dunleavy-Dahlstrom campaign will announce endorsements and events in the next few months.


    • Who knows? What we do know is that she is an actual Republican and those are getting harder to find….

      • You saying a lot of people don’t want to be tainted by Dunleavy? Makes sense to me.

        • A lot of people turned Dunleavy down. Dahlstrom was asked to accept if no one else did. Announcing after end of session tells a lot. The legislators that were asked all went home pulled down the shades and turned off the phones.

    • Dahlstrom most definitely has a spine and she’s a smart lady. She’s well able to sort thru issues before her and find workable solutions. She’s hard working and not typically prone to drift in the seas of political rhetoric. Rather, she has a strong compass that guides her. She educated, putting herself thru collage as an adult and has a solid family. It makes sense that Dunleavy chose her as a runny mate. I worked with Nancy in her early years of public service and I’m sure she’ll turn out to be one of Alaska’s better Lt Governor.

  1. Love love love Dunleavy’s choice in picking my good friend Nancy Dahlstrom. I love that one of the first things she stated upon being tapped for this position is her Determination to make sure Alaska’s elections and safe and secure!

    • Where you asleep during the Plandemic ? Come’on Man! He locked down the state ,his unconstitutional Travel Mandate ect! Extending his power for two months without legislative approved powers! How about his commissioner’s failing to be Bonded prior to & during serving in office ! His continual denial of & failure to protect your votes by allowing law to be created by the Supreme court ,no & on…. Wake up Sr.

  2. Not knowing anything else about Dahlstrom, I will have to say that I LIKE what read. Correctional Commissioner has GOT to be a “plus” for this position.

      • If I remember correctly, the very first thing she did as commissioner was discontinue a faith-based program which generated positive outcomes. I’ve interacted with many people involved in prison ministry and reentry programs since 2016. From all I’ve heard, DOC wants recidivism because it equals job security. Those of a certain political persuasion will generally support that idea of job security because it benefits “God, guns and guts”-type people.

  3. What will she do about our election process? How will she restore trust in our elections? Can she be steadfast when being called Jim Crow 2.0?

  4. Will she also just sit idly by while the Anchorage Assembly tramples on our Constitutional liberties?

  5. She is NOT for the constitution. Everything done in the correctional system on her watch ran over the constitutional rights of everyone who was in the correctional system. COVID ran rampant, courts were backed up, and constitutional rights and inmate reform were non existent. Not a surprising performance since she was appointed by Dunleavy with NO correctional experience. This is a gravely disappointing pick.

    • Agreed that it’s disappointing, she was going to send prisoners out of Alaska instead of opening up the Palmer facilities and also had the system shut down when a big Father’s Day celebration was supposed to occur so that the children could be with and see their parent which devastated those families, it doesn’t seem like much, but for them it was the World and an alternate plan could have been created if she had any creativity or care.

  6. Mike Dunleavy has allowed the legislature to steal thousands of dollars of our rightfully earned PFDs. Instead of vetoing the budget and twisting arms he has rolled over, over and over again. Charlie Pierce is the only conservative option. I would also list Kurka, but he revealed his true socialist colors in the concurrence vote

    • “Rightfully earned PFDs” is an interesting, entitled socialist take–what exactly did you do to “earn” your PFD. Seems like 700,000 or so Alaskans just lived here for a year, but only a gimmie-gimmie person would think that they worked for their free government money. More people living off government handouts.

  7. Of all the running mates for the gubernatorial candidates, she seems to be the best qualified. By the way, it is quite a list of women running this year for Lt. Governor alongside their Governor candidates. It wasn’t until I completed my degree in Business administration in 2016 that I truly began to see the difference that qualifications can make in the partner in a governor/Lt. governor team. Having also been a legislator, she will have first-hand experience with the voting and an appreciation on how that has been changed, or maybe the best word is usurped, by the present Scott Kendall-designed abomination. She is definitely a plus for the ticket and I wish the Dunleavy-Dahlstrom ticket a sweeping victory for Alaska and Alaskans.

  8. What was the deal with her and the Alaska National Guard under Parnell? It was quite awhile ago (which indicates to me she’s part of the Northern Swamp). If I’m not mistaken it had something to do with a cover up of sexual assault, sexual abuse, and missing funds and then the silence and hush of course. Crickets. There were to many other ways to handle such things but I think out of it was an uppity, blaming, screeching email and no accountability. Is there ANYONE not part of the North Swamp? Wish highlight would be given to the “alternative” governor choices as the “mainstream” ones are swamp…frozen in time, swamp!

  9. Dunleavy was a career public school employee & his running mate seems to be a member of the state government elite. We can’t expect much to change in Juneau if they are elected. Just a sad fact.

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