Breaking: Donald Trump endorses Nick Begich for Congress


Former President Donald Trump carved time out of his schedule on Sunday for Alaska Republican congressional candidate Nick Begich. After being the target of a second assassination attempt, Trump hopped on the phone and called Begich to tell him some good news: He is endorsing him for Congress.

Trump then made it official with a social media post.

“America First Patriot Nick Begich won a primary against a Strong and Respected Candidate in Alaska, a State I love and won by large margins in 2016 and 2020. That Candidate has now withdrawn in favor of Nick, so this time, for the first time in years, we will have a REPUBLICAN against a Democrat – The Republican, Nick Begich, is outstanding, and he will win!” Trump wrote.

“Nick will be an INCREDIBLE Fighter in Congress and will work closely with me to enact MAGA policies. As a very successful Small Businessman, Nick knows how to Fight Inflation, Grow the Economy, Lower Taxes, and Eliminate Government Waste. In Congress, Nick will fight tirelessly to Secure our Border, Stop Migrant Crime, Champion American Energy Independence, Strengthen our Incredible Military/Vets, and Defense our always under siege Second Amendment,” Trump wrote.

Begich has been a Trump supporter since 2016 and endorsed him this election cycle as well.

“Honored to have President @realDonaldTrump’s complete and total endorsement! Together we will Make Alaska – and all of America – Great Again!” Begich wrote on X/Twitter.

“There is a clear difference among the choices for President in this election. Only one presidential candidate has a pro-Alaska agenda and a record of supporting Alaskan resource development – that’s Donald Trump. His strong record in Alaska is one of the many reasons why I was proud to endorse him back in December.” Nick Begich said earlier.

It was a big day of endorsements for Begich. Earlier in the day, he was endorsed by U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan.

Rep. Mary Peltola has said she will not vote for Trump but refuses to tell Alaskans who she will vote for for president.

“Some candidates in this race don’t want to tell Alaskans who they support for President – but Alaskans deserve transparency from their representative in Congress. We deserve to know whether they’ll align with those with a pro-Alaska agenda or with those who want to lock our state down.”

“From opening up vital energy resources, streamlining infrastructure development, and supporting our critical industries, Trump’s America First policies delivered tangible benefits to our great state. I am deeply honored to have his support in this crucial race.”

Under Trump’s presidency, Alaska saw crucial pro-growth policies, including the expansion of oil and gas exploration, reduced federal overreach in land management, and a strong push for job creation within the state’s natural resource sectors. These initiatives helped lay the groundwork for a thriving Alaskan economy, positioning the state as a leader in energy independence and economic growth, Nick Begich added. He said he looks forward to working with President Trump in his next administration to further develop Alaska’s potential, from bolstering the state’s economic base to advancing opportunities for its people.

The Trump endorsement came one day after the Alaska Republican Party re-upped its endorsement of Begich, who the party also gave its sole endorsement to in 2022.

The first major Republican elected official to endorse Begich was Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida, who gave his endorsement in January. Donalds is a close friend of Trump and has been seen as an important influence in Trump’s endorsement.


  1. That’s all I needed to hear let’s oust a nit wit named Peltola nick nick nick all my votes are covered now I just need a ballot REPUBLICANS MAGA


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