Breaking: Dahlstrom withdraws from race for Congress


Nancy Dahlstrom, the Republican who came in third in the congressional race in Alaska in the jungle primary, pulled out of the race on Friday morning.

She said Rep. Mary Peltola must be replaced and “At this time, the best thing I can do to see that goal realized is to withdraw my name from the general election ballot and end my campaign,” she said. She thanked her supporters and said she was committed to continuing to fight for the conservative cause

By leaving the race, Dahlstrom, who got 20,000 votes in the primary, helps salvage her own political future and that of the governor, who had backed her.

This leaves Nick Begich a more clear path to beat Peltola in the general election on Nov. 5, which is just 74 days away.

The grassroots Republicans across the state had been applying enormous pressure on her since she had earlier announced that she would advance to the general election ballot.

Joel Borgquist, chair of the political action committee Keep It Alaska, said the “Donors were excited to hear this and to have one candidate they can throw their support behind and beat Peltola.”


      • I’m as far away from a democrat as there is. That makes it very difficult to vote for a Begich. He hasn’t convinced me yet that he is a conservative. Gonna be very difficult to vote for a Begich.

        • If you don’t, we’ll have another two years of Peltola. Sometimes you just have to hold your nose– although I don’t agree with you on Begich.

        • I guess that’s making a “ you problem” a problem for the majority of conservatives out here.
          How pray tell DOES he earn your blessing.
          Judging based on spelling of a sir name is as lame as judging on color of skin.

        • Well, you are in the minority…the same minority as the old washed up GWBush/Sullivan Republicans.

          Your group is the smallest and weakest faction…you are fading into nothing because for 40yrs you represented the Right…but you have done nothing but allow evil to spread by doing nothing.

          True losers

        • Just hand it to Peltola then, and lets have a Democrat ruled US House.
          You idiot. Please don’t vote, who needs you.

    • Throwing ones hat into the ring with the political climate of these days takes guts, so Dahlstrom leaves with a measure of honor and she put Alaska first instead of her own political ambitions, with that, she may have a political future in Alaska.

    • That is not what conservatives do. Strictly a leftist thing to ridicule. See Rules for Radicals.
      And, why call someone names because they did the right thing?

      • Most negative comments on NB3 here at MRAK are either from Democrats, or from Sarah Palin disciples who leave in live in disreality. Remember:
        Sarah is gone. Twice. Hopefully for good.

  1. Thank You Nancy Dahlstrom! You put Alaska first, very commendable.
    Let’s all work together now and elect NBIII!

    • Yep, Dahlstrom showed more class than Begich and his cult ever did when they sabotaged Palin’s run twice. After Peltola smashes little Nicky in November, one would hope he’d gracelessly retire.

      But who am I kidding? He’s a Begich. Clearly being paid to muddy the RCV waters and make sure an actual conservative never takes that seat.

      • You forget: NBIII threw his hat in the ring BEFORE Don Young passed away. I don’t think he had any notion of doing anything to ‘muddy the RCV.’

        Alaska Republican voters can’t get out of their own way. Save the acrimony for the R you don’t like and give it to the D you ‘really don’t like.’ Failing this, it is the stubborn, obstinate, acrimonious, self-righteous, conservative (?) voter who will lay this at the feet Alaska’s member of the Squad. I hope that’s not you!

        I didn’t know there was a ‘Begich Cult.’ I thought he would be good for ‘change.’ I still do. I would rather move forward with THIS Begich than THAT ‘Smelt-ola.’ [Some of the stunts she pulled during the last two years, truly stink to high heaven.]

        Have a nice day Apu.

      • Palin threw her name in the hat at an attempt to remain relevant in the political arena. Anyone ever knows where she is?

      • “…….After Peltola smashes little Nicky in November, one would hope he’d gracelessly retire………”
        He won’t. And the far right in Alaska will learn nothing, but their anger and hatred will grow.

      • Please, Palin is a joke and opportunist.
        I love Trump, but he endorsed an idiot in Palin.

        So now there is a Begich “cult”?? hahahaha…that is a nonsensical statement.

        You sound like a GOP GWBush/Dan Sullivan loser who is out numbered and out smarted by true Conservative Constitutional America First Citizens.

        You are part of the weakest, smallest, and most flaccid political group.

      • Begich cult??? You sound butt hurt for Palin! She may have been governor but horribly wrong as us rep. Begich was young’s right hand man. We need him over Peltola’s selling out her own for power! “Just Think” Peltola says one thing from one side of her mouth and then does just the opposite, that’s called lying!

    • Robert, I agree. There is a lot of negativity being spilled on this board right now. Dahlstrom could have chosen to stay in the race but she chose to quit, albeit under a lot of pressure. I believe we should give her credit for doing the honorable thing for grassroots Republicans and the state. All the negatrons on here can kiss off.

    • Amen Robt Schenker! Nancy, thank you for showing class and courage and that you know that this election is far bigger than you – which leads me to respect your political future. Thank you again.

      • Under RCV, nearly every person here would have voted Begich, Dahlstrom, and either nothing after that or (for same effect) Peltola.

        Dahlstrom did the right thing by uniting people who would’ve ranked Begich under Peltola or Dahlstrom. She effectively changed the election to a pure up or down conservative vote.

        Subsequent to Dahlstrom’s honorable action, we either live with the result or we make up BS stories about a stolen election, break into polling places, beat up some cops and see what happens. Even though we’ve seen before how that doesn’t help…

    • Wow, how’s that bitter after taste in your mouth Chuck? She’s a loser and has always been a loser; not about her quitting. Doubtful anyone will call her a quitter

      • “……..She’s a loser and has always been a los………”
        Will that be true of Mr. Begich if he loses to Peltola in November?

        • Although daft, you and Chucky do realize the RaeLynn pitched a softball to you moronic trolls to watch your Marxist little heads turn red, don’t you?

          • Farthest thing from Marxist here, bub, you’re exactly the kind of ” all Nick ,All the time ” cultist I was alluding to! Unless someone bows. Down before The Almighty Nick!!!!” They’re suddenly a “Marxist” in your eyes

          • LOL! “Realist”. Calling a guy who bled from a gunshot wound fired by a bonafide communist a Marxist. You have no grasp on reality. You’re just another extremist. Works for me. Go ahead; build up a civil war. I’ve been in a couple. Enjoy. We’ll see how American extremists do in this one.

        • No, in that case, Alaska would be the loser. Peltola does NOT work for all Alaskans, and even works to sabotage our economy– when she’s not fishing while on duty.

          • “No, in that case, Alaska would be the loser………”
            As I suspected. Begich can continue this forever, and his cult will follow. He will never win, yet never lose, and Alaska loses like clockwork.

              • It’s looking to me like we’re all destined to ride this mess all the way down. Nick Begich is definitely the better candidate than Peltola, but he is by no means my redeemer. If he’s yours, I’ll wish you good luck.

    • I highly doubt that anyone with a brain is going to call her a quitter. She was not listening to the majority of the people and it is the People who should be choosing who represents her. I am very happy that she has stepped down because it will give the People a chance to get Peltola out of that seat.

  2. Thanks to everyone who helped make this happen. Thanks to Nancy Dahlstrom for doing the right thing to help beat Peltola.

    And a special thanks to MRAK and Suzanne for putting the truth and pressure out there.

    Now, we all must unite behind Nick Begich III to win the one and only Congressional seat and assure that we can open up Alaska and its economy.

    • I echo your sentiments! Thank you to everyone who spoke up, wrote letters, and to the journalists that followed and reported on this story!

    • Thank you David Boyle for a logical and dignified comment. And thank those who seconded it. Dahlstrom did something positive in resigning her campaign. Let’s give her credit for that and leave her negatives out of it for this moment. Its called civility.

      • Sadly there are many that don’t understand civility. Pride is a fickle thing. The old saying of cutting off your nose to spite your face is very appropriate here. It all worked out as it should. The people have spoken. Pride is the only thing that will defeat us now. Some need to swallow hard and use their head.

  3. Thank You, Nancy Dahlstrom. I have only had the opportunity to meet you twice and you were very important to me getting costs related to elections and I had high opinion of you. I want to thank you for dropping out, it is a very honorable and courageous thing to do and I know Alaska Appreciates you for doing it.

    Phil Izon

  4. Thank You Nancy. I know this was a hard decision for you but for the greater good it is the best decision. Now we can all focus our attentions and efforts on electing Nick to Congress and hopefully help right this sinking ship.

    Thanks Again From All Of Alaska

  5. Dahlstrom needs to get to work on her DAY JOB…the problems with our voter rolls and the problems in this primary election have been well documented!
    ALSO…working hard for Nick should be evident…IMMEDIATELY!
    A very weak statement so far!

  6. She could have saved herself a lot of grief by some common sense communication with the entire GOP and agreed to work with them instead of holding out for a miracle.
    It leaves a nasty taste in peoples views of her lack of interest in the best outcome for the party.

    • “She could have saved herself a lot of grief by some common sense communication with the entire GOP………”
      The Republican Party is embroiled in a civil war with itself nationwide. It is a re-run of the end of the Whig Party, and we have a ways to go before this gets resolved.

  7. The magnanimous thing to do now, Nancy, is to endorse Nick Begich. But your ego is very bruised and your selfishness on full display takes time to overcome. Thank you, Big Mike, for putting a few brain cells together and figuring this out for her. Even Democrats have to admit that your teamwork is right up there with………

  8. Thank you,
    MRAK readers and hundreds of commenters who woke-up Nancy. Superb reporting by our revered leader who digs for the Truth, relentlessly, and knows how to put it into words better than anyone else in the 49th state. We are blessed to have MRAK.

    • Yes, thank you, Suzanne for letting MRAK readers work this task. Dahlstrom was an avid reader of MRAK. She finally saw the light.?

      • This is true. Dahlstrom was an avid reader of MRAK and used to love the comments.
        Now ………..maybe not so much. ??

  9. No one will call her a quitter. What we will do is thank her for making the right choice by putting the people of this state ahead of her political ambitions. Thank you Nancy Dahlstrom for doing the right thing.

  10. Good news, indeed. Congratulations on making the right decision. You done good, Madam.

    As an aside, it would appear that Nancy wants to be governor, for at least a couple years should Trump win and select Mike for Interior. Cheers –

  11. Nancy can see no matter what we the people do it will be Mary by 167 votes thanks to Lisa & rank choice. Good bye integrity. IMAGINE what JESUS will do to all the oath breakers who mock FATHER & WE THE PEOPLE Lisa your RANK.

    • Do not forget that this was just the Primary. HOPEFULLY, more voters will be turning out for the General election and we will see a Republican taking back that seat then.

      • We’ve already read numerous comments on MRAK comments from both Dahlstrom and Begich cult members that they’d vote for Peltola over the other Republican. This happened with Begich/Palin/Peltola. This is what ranked choice voting was designed to do. Is this really that difficult to see? The root of the problem is stupidity. Hatred. Arrogance. Spite. You will never defeat it. It defeats you. Every time.

        • You’re projecting Reggie. Stand down sir – it is time to celebrate a chance to unseat the communist Mary Peltola. There really is no comparison to what Princess Palin did two years ago – give her up.

          • “……..You’re projecting Reggie……..”
            Yup. It’s pretty clear to me. You and others disagree. So “shut up, Reggie”……..just like the extreme left cries. “Stop saying it!” “Your negativity will jinx reality!”
            Don’t walk under any ladders before November 5th, you Begich disciples………

  12. I can only imagine the rending of garments that will occur in the comments here on MRAK if Peltola ends up winning again.

      • No, cman is correct on this. AK Republicans have arranged circular firing squads for the entirety of my adult life. Probably even longer. There are enough comments of hate and vitriol between the two R-camps, that it is not certain thing that NBIII will win this. We all need to share Peltola’s stinking record with everyone we know; there is little other way to change hearts and minds.

        Yes on 2

    • Peltola IS going to win again. If the primary results are any indication. She clearly has more than 50% of the State’s support.

      • Peltola’s support will fizzle alongside Kamala Harris. All Peltola really needs is a new husband (no. 6) to square her life, preferably a rich one in Florida. Sarah went that route and we’ve never seen or heard from her again. Thank God!
        BTW, big fundraiser coming your way, Nick. I’m hosting.

        • Thank you, Todd. I’m sure you had something to do with Sarah exiting the state.
          We owe you ……. Dude!

  13. Not to throw cold water on the good news, if you look up the totals for Nick, Dahlstrom and the third republican, we’re still short of Peltola’s total with 87% of the total votes tallied. The job our side has is to get the “Never Begich” crew to understand the gravity of their votes.

  14. Thank You Lt. Governor Dahlstrom.
    You put the State of AK first today and I know it was a hard decision for you.
    Thank You.

    Now lets elect Nick and DUMP “Rank Stink Voting”!!

  15. First decent decision she has made in 5 years !!!
    Thank you from all of Alaska….maybe we have a chance now of having a Rep in Congress who wants to represent ALASKA.

  16. I did not vote for Nancy, but she was my state house rep when I lived in Eagle River, and I am deeply saddened by how she was treated by some in our party, especially these past few weeks.

    How returning something at Nordstrom Rack after a long day of sign-waving can become “casually shopping at Nordstrom Rack” (while elections in rural Alaska fall apart) is beyond me.

    Sarah Palin was savaged and we got Peltola. Nancy Dahlstrom was savaged (on both good points and ridiculous points) and there’s too high of a chance now that we’ll get Peltola for two more years.

    Whether you voted for Palin or not, and whether you voted for Dahlstrom or not, these ladies were treated very poorly by some in our party.

    If, going forward, challengers will be forced to treat the outcome of the primary election as binding (and spend an excessive amount of effort to win it) or be savaged by our party, this will only help incumbents like Peltola.

    I say this as an incumbent myself.

    Remember, we no longer have primaries in Alaska thanks to Scott Kendall and Lisa Murkowski.

    Democrats can and do now vote against conservatives in our new “primaries”. We don’t have a single non-Republican running for any of our legislative seats here in the Mat-Su this election cycle. Democrats can either vote for a Republican or they can choose not to vote.

    And by the way, since Scott Kendall is now out publicly trumpeting that a Democrat is “supporting” my re-election, just remember that Kendall, in addition to supporting Ranked-Choice Voting, has spent the last few years publicly trying to convince the legislature to expel me from office and publicly tried to get a judge to do it in the last election.

    Kendall isn’t suddenly telling Democrats to support me, he’s still telling Republicans to oppose me, like he does every year.

    He didn’t suddenly become a Republican and now he’s trying to help make the legislature more conservative.

    Bottom line: Let challengers be challengers. Recognize that they already have an uphill battle on their hands going against an incumbent and let them figure out the best strategy for their particular race. If they raise money in the primary and feel like they have to save some or all of it for the general, in order to be competitive in November, that should be their choice to make, not their opponent’s supporters’ choice to make for them by savaging them in public and forcing them to withdraw for not “winning” in the primary.

    Democrats play in Republican primaries in Alaska, and in our party. Remember how Bill Walker ran for governor as a “Pro-Life Republican”? Remenber how Cathy Giessel ran as a “Pro-Life Republican”? Remember how the former communications officer for the ARP went on to became the full-time spokesman for the ACLU?

    Yeah, they play in our primaries and in our party. They are at work in Nick and Nancy’s race this year to help Mary, just like they helped play Nick and Sarah against each other to help Mary last time.

    Help us repeal Ranked-Choice Voting so that we can actually have primaries in Alaska again, like most states.

    • “……. I am deeply saddened by how she was treated by some in our party, especially these past few weeks…….”
      Thank you, sir. Excellent post. Too bad few will learn from it.

    • Rep. Eastman, I opposed Dahlstrom running because she has the job of ensuring that our elections are honest and fair. What has she done to ensure that our rolls were cleaned up, get rid of ERIC (as other states are doing), and ensuring that the state runs the elections smoothly? Should She have even been running as a candidate when she is supposed to be ensuring that the elections are honest and fair? I think that there was a conflict of interest there. I am glad that she stepped down.
      I hope that the People of this state eventually take back the election responsibilities and quit letting the state to run the elections. We got lazy and now we are paying for it as shown by messes like these we are seeing.

      • Well said.

        I did not vote for Dahlstrom for similar reasons. That said, the issue goes deeper than the lieutenant governor. The legislature is the one that approves funding for ERIC each year. Unlike other Republican states that have already left ERIC, Republican legislators in Alaska voted to approve additional funding for ERIC this year, even though ERIC has directly contributed to our state voter roll currently being the worst of any of the 50 states.

        Each year, Republican legislators vote on whether to continue to fund our political opposition through ERIC, and each year legislators say: “YES.”

        This year, only two Republicans voted to consider ending the funding for our state membership in ERIC: Myself and Rep. Ben Carpenter.

        Every other Republican voted to continue funding ERIC:
        2024: Amendment 130. ‘

        Here was the vote in 2023:
        Amendment 72. ‘

        Here was the vote in 2022:
        2022: Amendment 1 to Amendment 75. ‘

    • Sorry David. The Communists, I mean Democrats, have a firm grip on their candidates. Did they allow anyone to run against Mary? Nope. Republicans are all-in on RCV because they don’t have to tell anyone “No”. And since the Republican Party establishment isn’t too far off left-leaning moderate, they’re completely happy having a Mary Peltola represent Alaska in Congress.

      Once candidates like Nancy man up, take the loss, and put their support behind the leading candidate, then we proceed to the general with one quasi Conservative against one committed Communist.

      I truly appreciate Nancy’s decision to pull out and give NBIII the best chance at defeating Mary. If Sarah had had the intestinal fortitude to do that 2 years ago, NBIII may very well be running as an incumbent. Her ego wouldn’t let her, and we haven’t heard a peep from her (thankfully) in two years. I doubt she’s even been in the State. Sarah was never going to beat Mary. She was too disliked.

      • Those who advocate the philosophy of parties having “a firm grip” on their candidates would do well to remember that Lisa Murkowski is currently the most powerful Republican in our state and that she already has an adequately firm grip on things in our party. We needn’t give her more.

        There are many ways to block conservatives from winning elected office, or to ensure that they are sufficiently compromised before they are sworn into office.

        The powers that be are willing to back either option, because neither are a threat to the status quo.

    • Representative Eastman makes good points in the first half of his comment, sadly the second half betrays the first the same way he betrays Republicans each and every year while in Juneau while carrying water for the Democrats and gaslighting conservatives.

    • David, your comparisons and self-aggrandizement here are out of order. I watched Princess Sarah play the fool and the harlot at the 2022 AKGOP Convention. She had no ideas, nothing to contribute except to saay she agreed with Nick Begich. Were you there? I respected Palin as Governor. I’ve known the Giessels for years – something happened to Cathy during her first term in the Senate to change her from a pro-life conservative to the opposite. People change – as have you. “Treated very poorly by some in our Party” – and what have they done to/for us? Me thinks you have been cooped up in your basement closet office – get out in the light friend, see what reality looks like.

    • Nope, it will still be four, the fifth place candidate will take her place. That is unless she waits until whatever the magic day is to officially withdraw that doesn’t allow for that to happen, that’s what the bear doctor did that kept Tara Sweeney from being on the ballot in one of the previous rank elections for Congress.

  17. Thank you for doing the right thing! We have a chance now to replace a horrible lefty who is just worried about fleecing the Alaska public for her own power and wealth.

  18. I still will never vote for her. She had years to address election integrity issues and didn’t. She had years to cull the voter rolls and didn’t.
    She failed at her job. That doesn’t warrant a promotion.

  19. Nancy: Thanks for doing the right thing. It was probably defeatist to make the commitment to drop out if you came in 3rd before the election, so that strategy was understandable. But you did it, and you stand taller now. Please give Nick a full-throated endorsement and we can get the wooden-headed Marxist Puppet out of Alaska’s seat in congress.

  20. Thank you, thank you, thank you Nancy!!!!! We just have to get Missing Mary Peltola out of DC for the sake of saving Alaska. The lively hood of Alaska is more than fish.

  21. Thank you, Nancy for doing the right thing. Now, please publicly endorse Nick and request President Trump to endorse Nick. And release full unredacted Kelly Tshibaka elect audit report.

  22. I am heaving a huge sigh of relief! I thought for sure that she was going to “Palin” this thing and we’d be stuck with Peltola again.

  23. Smart.
    If Dunleavy takes a job with the Trump administration, and Dahlstrom becomes Governor, she’ll now have a chance for united Republican support in 2026.

  24. I supported and voted for Nancy Dahlstrom. Her legislative experience would have been an asset working in congress. I will now support Begich. We must send a Republican to Congress.

  25. Now is the time for her to do the job of the Lt. Governor: FIX OUR ELECTIONS! She has not done anything in this area and everyone congratulating her for dropping out needs to understand that. She needs to clean our voter rolls, speak publicly to get rid of proposition 2, and seriously investigate all of the potential fraud we have seen in 2020 and 2022. I suggest she start immediately by doing a forensic audit of proposition 2!

    • Last time around, we thought ranking the red would work. Turns out it doesn’t, so at least some of us learned from the experience.

      Note that Nick did tell his people to rank the red. There was a subset of his supporters who refused to vote for the crazy lady (Sarah), a position I respect.

      Note that this time around a bunch of Trump supporters rejected his endorsement of Nancy. I expect all of them to vote for Trump in Nov. Cheers –

  26. … Lisa, take note …
    … observe how a real republican composes their actions’ for the party …
    … but I’m sure you’ll jump ship sometime after 05NOV24, once RCV is gone …
    … and finally show your true political convictions …

  27. Thank you Nancy Dahlstrom. Now get Mary Peltola out! God Blessings on your run for Alaska’s next Representative, Nick Begich!

  28. Ok, now that this is behind us. Can we PLEASE stop acting like running in a primary is an attack on the R party?

    NOBODY has the RIGHT to run unopposed. Primaries are supposed to bring the cream to the top. Campaigns are organized, philosophies debated, and hopefully the best candidate wins.

    If you are bothered by either Dalstrom or Palin having the audacity to run against NB3 you are no better than the Democrat elite that just installed Cackles 2.0 without so much as a single vote in the primary election.

    NB3 is a very strong candidate and has a real shot at winning. If he can’t win without the Kamala method why would we want him in Congress anyway?

  29. Thank you, Nancy. You did the right and noble thing to withdraw from the race. Now, please support Nick Begich for the win. We need him, and you.

  30. WIthdrawing made sense for her if she didn’t think she had a chance to win in the general, but if it’s a response to the election system it makes no sense. People who want to see a Republican win should simply rank the Republicans over other candidates. If voters used the system to their advantage they would not have to worry about vote splitting.

    • That doesn’t work, we’ve seen it happen with Peltola and Murkowski. Thank you Ms. Dahlstrom, not an easy decision but you knew what was best for Alaskans. Hold no blame, RCV has changed the political landscape.

      • It *didn’t* work (in 2022) because it wasn’t done. Apparently a substantial number of voters either did not like the other candidates they could have ranked or they didn’t really get why they should.

    • “……..People who want to see a Republican win should simply rank the Republicans over other candidates………”
      What we are clearly witnessing here is the degradation of the party, not a strengthening. Murkowski lost the 2010 primary to Joe Miller because conservatives voted for Miller, and this is her answer. A jungle primary and ranked choice general ballot destroys extremism on either end of the spectrum……… if the party fails to control their respective extremists. This destroys any political party that is not operated like an organized crime cartel. Guaranteed. It’s as revolutionary as the 17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
      It’s obvious that lots and lots of folks will require numerous election cycles to figure this out……..which illustrates why the power brokers got the 17th Amendment passed……….

  31. I can’t wait until rank voting is voted out so we can get back to primaries where we actually select who we want to represent us in the general election instead of making backroom Biden deals that make a completely mockery of elections.

  32. My thanks to Nancy Dahlstrom.
    As Ranked Choice is still alive and well…
    Circling the wagons is our only defense.
    This is the most honorable thing she could have done.
    We will not forget.

  33. Thank you for your reporting Suzanne truth as always, and thank you Nancy for stepping down in order for Alaska to beat Peltola for congress. Dan

    • Biden did NOT make that decision…said decision was made upon him by outside forces.

      Oh, wait, perhaps said decision by her was made within the same situation….

      Whatever the ‘reason’, Nancy took the classy way out, so as to stay relevant unto the future political possibilities…

      Palin, the narcissistic, clueless a—— did not, and where is she now? Outside the State and existing within a world of no relevance….

      Those that supported Palin, and Dahlstrom are of a kind. A similar kind. Said kind of the clueless, or worse, the kind of the Democrat, which is where it led.

      Palin was never going to represent anything other than herself, and nor was Dahlstrom.

      Just as Peltola has never represented anything but herself.

      And guess what, their gender had nothing to do with it…they all are simply narcissists, regardless of their sex, just as any narcissistic male such as Chris Constant, whining bitch that he is…

      There is a simple vote within the future that fixes all of this…

      Absolve, or vote against ranked choice voting, and return unto one vote, one-person voting so as to results the next day, versus the current resultant results after days of ‘counting’

    • Hey boys. Still looking for that LGBTQ hook-up with you (brothers). We can teach you a little bit about politics later. You do need some education there. Cheers!

  34. Nancy finally realized “ conservative” Alaskans are too stupid too use RCV to their advantage, and did the right thing. I was going to rank Nick 1 and Nancy 2. Thank you Nancy. Now we see if enough “ conservative” Alaskans can be bothered to vote, and have the reading and comprehension skills required to ditch RCV. I doubt it.

  35. I’m glad we have learned how to play the Rank-Choice game. It is no longer the person we must consider, but the philosophical position that divides candidates, and the Republican/Democrat divide is wider and more definitive than ever before. May Mary Peltola be the last of the rank/choice disasters we have to contend with. Go Nick!

  36. Sadly there are many that don’t understand civility. Pride is a fickle thing. The old saying of cutting off your nose to spite your face is very appropriate here. It all worked out as it should. The people have spoken. Pride is the only thing that will defeat us now. Some need to swallow hard and use their head

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