Breaking: Collier resigns from Pebble Partnership



Whatever political clout that Pebble Mine CEO Tom Collier thought he had, had fast evaporated after leaked recordings from a covert environmental group hit the news this week. It has cost him his job.

Collier has resigned from the Pebble Partnership “in light of comments made about elected and regulatory officials in Alaska in private conversations covertly videotaped by an environmental activist group,” the company wrote in a press release.

Northern Dynasty named former Pebble Partnership CEO John Shively, a well-known and respected Alaska business and political leader who most recently served as Chairman of the Pebble Partnership’s general partner, Pebble Mines Corp., as interim CEO pending a leadership search.

Northern Dynasty in a statement said “Collier’s comments embellished both his and the Pebble Partnership’s relationships with elected officials and federal representatives in Alaska, including Governor Dunleavy, Senators Murkowski and Sullivan and senior representatives of the US Army Corps of Engineers (“USACE”). The comments were clearly offensive to these and other political, business and community leaders in the state and for this, Northern Dynasty unreservedly apologizes to all Alaskans.”

Conversations with Collier and others with Northern Dynasty President & CEO Ron Thiessen, were secretly videotaped by two unknown individuals posing as representatives of a Hong Kong-based investment firm with links to a Chinese State-Owned Enterprise (SOE). A Washington DC-based environmental group, the Environmental Investigation Agency, released the tapes online Monday after obscuring the voices and identities of the individuals posing as investors.

“The unethical manner in which these tapes were acquired does not excuse the comments that were made, or the crass way they were expressed,” said Thiessen, Northern Dynasty President & CEO. “On behalf of the Company and our employees, I offer my unreserved apology to all those who were hurt or offended, and all Alaskans.”


  1. Well folks, definitely looks like a something burger now. With extra mustard, too.

    “Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall”. Proverbs 16.18.

  2. This is a big deal, and a benchmark a career builder for the environmentalists and Democrats who tricked these highly remunerated Pebble people. If someone did this to me I would feel quite stupid, but I would be looking to get even. This moves the resumes of the perpetrators to the top of the heap for the Biden team, and something like lunch with AOC or Bernie might be put together.

  3. But hey, the replaced him with an even better used car salesman! This is deliciously hilarious. This is a big deal that is likely to have serious ramifications. I would love to hear the phone calls from Murkowski and Sullivan to PLP.

  4. I can’t help but think of one little know journalist, David Daleidon, who five years ago secretly recorded Planned Parenthood directors IN public places like a restaurant (no expectation of privacy) by posing as a biotechnology representative to make the recordings.. He got prices, specifics, and quite a bit of bragging of techniques on how to persevere the heads, organs, etc to sell.
    For his efforts, Planned Parenthood (with our tax money) has successfully sued David for over 2 million dollars
    And who led that charge almost five years ago?
    California Attorney General Kamala Harris. She launched an investigation into Mr. Dadleidon’s work, who discovered Planned Parenthood’s trafficking of aborted baby body parts.
    Of course, the court wouldn’t allow the recordings. Only the evidence that Planned Parenthood folks didn’t know they were being recorded and the accusations hurt their reputation.
    All that to say, this is not an unusual tactic by journalists.
    Mr. Collier and Northern Dynasty obviously won’t sue. But it sounds like Northern Dynasty has handled it as best as can be expected.

  5. No privacy anymore. Collier should have been smarter than this. Everyone has a phone with hi res audio/video. There are voice recorders so small you can hide them virtually anywhere. Hopefully his successor will learn from this.

  6. I am favorably inclined toward Pebble but really do wonder about the guys who have been running the process. PR is key to any major resource development. These guys are are worst in class at PR. Makes me wonder about the tailing pond plans.

  7. Only a matter of time before the greens started emulating Project Veritas. Folks on Our Side ought to expect that sort of treatment and plan accordingly.

    ADN is up with a piece this morning claiming Sullivan came out against Pebble. No verification on that as yet. My guess is that is a lie. If it is true, Sullivan just turned a slam dunk win against Dr Al the Kiddies Pal into a toss up. We will hope he is smarter than that. I think he is, but need to see how this plays out. Cheers –

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