President Joe Biden pardoned several American political figures today who may have faced criminal charges for their actions during his administration. Among them are former Rep. Liz Cheney, Dr. Anthony Fauci and Gen. Mark A. Milley, who served during the first Trump administration and later called Trump “A fascist to the core.”
Fauci is linked to the gain-of-function research on viruses and the funneling of money to a lab in China, where it is believed the Covid virus originated.
Cheney was chair of the Jan. 6 Committee in the House, which became, according to many, witch hunt against the Trump Administration.
In a statement while he was still asleep at 7 a.m. Monday on Inauguration Day, Biden called them “dedicated, selfless public servants.”
He said he believed them to be blameless, “But these are exceptional circumstances, and I cannot in good conscience do nothing.”
A statement from the House Oversight Committee reminded readers that Biden did much more. This action was to protect himself: “Joe Biden will be remembered for using his last few weeks in office to shield his son from the law and protect himself.”
Sen. Rand Paul said, “If there was ever any doubt as to who bears responsibility for the COVID pandemic, Biden’s pardon of Fauci forever seals the deal. As Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee I will not rest until the entire truth of the coverup is exposed. Fauci’s pardon will only serve as an accelerant to pierce the veil of deception. Ignominious! Anthony Fauci will go down in history as the first government scientist to be preemptively pardoned for a crime.”
Biden’s statement from the White House says:
“In certain cases, some have even been threatened with criminal prosecutions, including General Mark A. Milley, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, and the members and staff of the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol. These public servants have served our nation with honor and distinction and do not deserve to be the targets of unjustified and politically motivated prosecutions.
“General Milley served our nation for more than 40 years, serving in multiple command and leadership posts and deploying to some of the most dangerous parts of the world to protect and defend democracy. As Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he guided our Armed Forces through complex global security threats and strengthened our existing alliances while forging new ones.
“For more than half a century, Dr. Fauci served our country. He saved countless lives by managing the government’s response to pressing health crises, including HIV/AIDS, as well as the Ebola and Zika viruses. During his tenure as my Chief Medical Advisor, he helped the country tackle a once-in-a-century pandemic. The United States is safer and healthier because of him.
“On January 6, 2021, American democracy was tested when a mob of insurrectionists attacked the Capitol in an attempt to overturn a fair and free election by force and violence. In light of the significance of that day, Congress established the bipartisan Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol to investigate and report upon the facts, circumstances, and causes of the insurrection. The Select Committee fulfilled this mission with integrity and a commitment to discovering the truth. Rather than accept accountability, those who perpetrated the January 6th attack have taken every opportunity to undermine and intimidate those who participated in the Select Committee in an attempt to rewrite history, erase the stain of January 6th for partisan gain, and seek revenge, including by threatening criminal prosecutions.
“I believe in the rule of law, and I am optimistic that the strength of our legal institutions will ultimately prevail over politics. But these are exceptional circumstances, and I cannot in good conscience do nothing. Baseless and politically motivated investigations wreak havoc on the lives, safety, and financial security of targeted individuals and their families. Even when individuals have done nothing wrong—and in fact have done the right thing—and will ultimately be exonerated, the mere fact of being investigated or prosecuted can irreparably damage reputations and finances.
“That is why I am exercising my authority under the Constitution to pardon General Mark A. Milley, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the Members of Congress and staff who served on the Select Committee, and the U.S. Capitol and D.C. Metropolitan police officers who testified before the Select Committee. The issuance of these pardons should not be mistaken as an acknowledgment that any individual engaged in any wrongdoing, nor should acceptance be misconstrued as an admission of guilt for any offense. Our nation owes these public servants a debt of gratitude for their tireless commitment to our country.”
Biden has pardoned more people than any president in history. On Sunday, he pardoned or commuted sentences for five more, some posthumously.
Trump should enter a nationwide US citizen, pardon for any crime that they may commit this year.
Fair is fair if Biden can pardon people that have not been taken to court or charged with a crime than anybody can get a pardon
I want my free pardon so I can go do something without having to worry about going to jail.
It’s discrimination against American citizens.
That man is the worse thing to ever happen to America.
Hope he enjoys his time left, he’s gonna burn in the next life.
If he wants to dance, go after everyone named Biden he didn’t pardon.
How so? Was low unemployment bad for America?
Low unemployment equated to people going and filling in the jobs lost during covid. Everyone knows your hero fudged every jobs number.
Gregory; please stop lying. We keep proving you a bold faced liar.. yet you compulsively lie every post here.
It is embarrassing at this point.
Now they can’t plead the 5th when questioned but they can be jailed for contempt of congress.
Very good point. I hope it’s legally true.
It’s not
It’s true. You better go look at gateway pundit, there is a story there which spells out the pardon is a badge of guilty. They also lose their 5th ammendment right. They will sing like canaries or be held in contempt. It’s a failure 44 and 46 overlooked.
You cannot argue with a shop teacher. He know WAY more about everything than you do. The super-intelligent beings who are suppressing the tech we so desperately need tell him everything.
LMAO ? ? ?
Bottom line you don’t Pardon innocence !!!!
Biden’s administration setting all the vermin free before they crawls back into their holes.
What a steaming pos Biden is, as is his awful wife and most of his administration and those in congress who were pre-pardoned.They are criminals.
Now that they can no longer claim the 5th, subpoena them all and get their testimony of their crimes. If they perjure themselves, prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law.
Our long national nightmare is over. We all just survived the worst president in our history.
Agreed. Maybe not the language I would use, but well said. This is as bad a travesty as any brandon has committed yet. Fauci, collaborating with the enemy China, unleashed on the entire world the ability to create the worst possible biological weapon – contrary to international law – and tried to hide that he used our money to do it. I call that treason. Milley, like Benedict Arnold, was a good general – until he turned on his Commander-in-Chief. Traitor. Likewise, Cheney.
What they, and o’biden’s handlers, inflicted on this nation is not possible to make amends or peace for – might as well issue pardons and let them write books full of lies and get rich.
This isn’t over, and we haven’t yet survived – but the beginning of turning it around is here.
D’rats and commies take note: you’ve escalated the game – when appropriate, we will use the same techniques to destroy you.
Milley was doing his sworn duty and upholding his constitutional oath and cheney didn’t do anything wrong.
Then, why a pardon?
Because Trump has vengeance is his black heart. Bondi in his pocket
Thought you like Bondi? Do I have to refer you to the comments you made when Matt Gaetz was the nominee? Or, like a toddler, is what you said previously no longer admissable?
If Liz didn’t do anything wrong; why did Biden pardon her?
By committing treason? Taking the time to call China and promise to warn them? Milley was scared to death of having to he held to the rule of law. We know you admire him for wearing his leather dog mask in uniform
Baseless and politically motivated investigations destroy people’s lives,
Hmmm sound familiar anyone
They forget that part.
All J6 trespassers being sentenced to 4-6 years, yeah they know about political persecution.
In the “spirit of the rule of law” … I’m guessing that we’ll have to trust that justice will ultimately be served by other means and methods. Just like OJ, he was set free, the criminal case never really solved whereby they found – convicted the killer, but he never lived a free and productive life afterwards. I think something like that will play-out for these newest pardons.
BTW … If you’ve been granted a Presidential pardon, how do you and/or is there a special citation you put on your business cards, LinkedIn profile, or resume? Just curious.
Good. Don can begin running the executive branch and let his night of the long knives fade away. Vengeance is mine safety the Lord!
Gotta love that autocorrect… Proofread teacher.
Shop teacher…..we can’t spell nimrod.
Don Young said it wasn’t an insurrection.
“Integrity”?is the nickname of the congressional paper shredder.
So Mr. Biden confirms that he is the absolute worst POTUS ever. What a POS
No. Trump is by pardoning his little invasion force. Trump felt guilty for whipping them up on the sixth.
Worst invasion force ever.
If that constitutes an invasion in your world, you are living in some kid’s saturday morning cartoon.
It’s all he had
Even the joint chiefs stripped him of power. Man without a country.
Donald Trump is your President
President Trump most certainly has a country. It is the one he is President of. And, unless you moved overseas recently, he is the President of the very country you call home.
No they didn’t, they have no power to do this. That would be a coupe/ treason, seditious action, insurrection. We have gizmo for those type.
Not at all surprising that today is a national holiday for MLK and MRAK has no coverage.
REAL Americans do not celebrate an inherently divisive and racist ‘holiday’.
I do not recognize Black Monday.
Its Janteenth.
Racist holiday???
Not at all surprising that the only reason why you even comment here is to continually disparage and denigrate this site. Dude, you need to get a life.
Don’t we all?
Show us how.
I did. Cash in, move to Florida, buy a boat and live the good life comrade.
Yet… here you are ignoring all of that, and wasting your days posting comments on MRAK. Not much of a life, is it?
He’s here because he is being paid to. Stoner in parents basement saying he has a job.
I am willing to bet Gregory is a shop teacher…a substitute shop teacher.
Google did not recognize MLK day either.
Where is your outrage?
Once again, Sebastian posts something totally irrelevant.
Waiting patiently for General Amnesty of J6 patriots, as promised by Trump. Certainly these heroes deserve a pardon more than Roger Stone and Paul Manafort, the rich lobbyists that Trump pardoned in his first term, along with Jared Kushner’s crooked father, soon to be ambassador to France.
And the criminality and treason of the presidential usurper reaches a new low.
The US Constitution does NOT give a president the right to grant pre-emptive pardons. The very concept is an insult to all logic, justice and constitutionality.
Yes it does. Just leave the date blank silly.
Biden pardons his whole family too! Ah, none of the criminals he pardoned committed any crimes, right?
His administration demonstrated how easy it is to weaponize the justice system against your political opponents. And, he wants to do everything he can to delay that from happening to himself.
Typical child… errr… I mean leftist. The outgoing pResident just assumed nothing would change, and his party would remain in power indefinitely. So, changing the rules would never boomerang on him. (Like it did to Harry Reid.) Which is also a trait of children. No ability to learn from the mistakes of others.
All these folks need to have asterisks placed after their names and an explanation inticating that they
were pardoned by Biden for possible criminal activity.
That’s not how it works even for real criminals.
Don’t worry, when the truth comes out, they won’t need an astriks. They will face public humiliation for taking 30 pieces of silver.
What a rotten pos & yet the left-wing-nuts still love him!
THE worst potus in our nations history!
Wilson and LBJ agree with this comment.
Funny thing about pardons, they are only for the guilty…
Since innocent people can be put in jail, it seems to me like it worked pretty good
Supreme Court ruled decades ago, accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt and wrong doing.
Greg; like every single J6er who was detained for over a year – with zero charges against them.. to this day.
Do you ever get tired of being proven wrong every single day?
Joseph was so small when started and could not resist the opportunity to get smaller.
Fauci very clearly lied to Congress and probably multiple times. No person is more symbolic of bureaucratic overreach and abuse in the federal government.
This development is not… unexpected. Biden has now established a sort of precedent whereby future presidents (and governors, perhaps) may peremptorily protect their friends and political allies from probable/potential future indictments and prosecution for all sorts of actual crimes – merely on the flimsy rationale that those friends and allies might become victims of prosecutorial ‘lawfare.’ This precedent opens up a far greater potential for injustice than Biden’s vehement opposition to a sitting president’s Constitutional immunity to criminal prosecution. In the latter situation, of course, a sitting president still remains open to impeachment and conviction in Congress. Biden has left the political stage, and let us all rejoice, but his ignominious life and work are forever embedded in the history of our nation.
Biden has no clue what he has done. His cabinet should be brought up on treason charges. Every last one of them.
Ha ha the unhinged left are going super unhinged on here at the moment.
We’re ALL unhinged because we see that this immense power (of the pardon) should not be in the hands of the likes of the characters that we’ve had to choose between to elect to what once was considered a hallowed office
We’re ALL unhinged because we see that this immense power (of the pardon) should not be in the hands of the likes of the characters that we’ve had to choose between to elect to what once was considered a hallowed office – for many years, perhaps always: a new form of government is needed
Outrageous! What an insult to honest law-abiding citizens. The arrogance of this man knows no bounds. Lock ’em ALL up!
“I believe in the rule of law” If you believed in the rule of law you wouldn’t preemptively bypass it.
“Congress established the bipartisan Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol to investigate and report upon the facts, circumstances, and causes of the insurrection.” If there was an insurrection, after the longest most thorough investigation in FBI history and after this committees investigation why has nobody been charged with insurrection?
“The issuance of these pardons should not be mistaken as an acknowledgment that any individual engaged in any wrongdoing, nor should acceptance be misconstrued as an admission of guilt for any offense.” This is an outright acknowledgement of exactly what these pardons do, it’s not even good gaslighting anymore they just pay it lip service.
I am not convinced that blanket “pardons” for those who have not even been charged will stand. The constitution says nothing about a president granting blanket immunity. If this does stand, Trump should, as others on here have mentioned, simply grant total immunity to literally anyone whom the democrats or the deep state might target in the future, including himself.
I hear he pardoned his cat and his dog also.
Only the staff were behind all the corrupt, last minute EOs were not pardoned, so how sweet the justice when Congress pursues further investigations into the bowels of the Biden administration. They should flush the whole pile into a federal penitentiary.
Pardons don’t protect from civil asset forfeiture. Take away ALL their stuff and impoverish tbem
Some guy bumped into Biden in the Capitol hallway and said “Pardon me.” So, Biden did.
What I think is more newsworthy is who he did not issue a pardon for. What about one for Garland and Mayorkas? Both had extremely questionable testimony under oath to Congress, and both had some very questionable actions. But, without some investigation, it is just suspicion.
EXACTLY like Fauci, the J6 commission, his Family, etc… etc… etc…
One more person Biden did not pardon. Jill Biden.
She is guilty of elder abuse in any State in the nation.
Proof? Didn’t think so. Slander.
Really? What she and the dems imposed upon us is blatantly elder abuse. If you think JB was in his right faculties during his term, well we don’t expect that type of critical thinking from a alleged shop teacher.
Better let Jill know I besmirched her good name. Perhaps she can sue me into oblivion.
Her only crime was wearing dresses made with upholstery fabric. It’s almost as if she was part of The White House furniture.