Bob Bird: Miracles still happen



This election, if it was honest, should be akin to 1980 and ‘84, when Ronald Reagan blew out the Democrats’ candles. In two elections that had the potential of winning 100 states, he won 94 of them.

Or it would be like in 1994, when Republicans took control of the House for the first time in 40 years, due to the leftist policies of Bill Clinton.

We have pretty much exhausted the political discourse of the obviously stolen election of 2020. The lamestream media still harps about the “false claims” and “election deniers”, but they are part of the machinery of tyranny that is swallowing, not just America, but the world. And while some states have moved to try to clean up the insidious and sophisticated technology that contributes to this, the machinery of cheating need only be effective in key counties in swing states to work its satanic magic again.

Pile on with mail-in ballots, Dominion voting machines that talk to cell towers, millions of illegal immigrants and decaying voter rolls, a ludicrously rigged presidential “debate”, and you will understand while this journalist is pessimistic. 

And I hope I am wrong. I hope I wake up on Nov. 6 with egg on my face.

And Trump still makes mistakes. The Vance appointment was not a home run, he has alienated his prolife base, and he likely has Deep State moles within his staff. How else would the latest would-be assassin, with CIA ties, know to hang out in the bushes for 12 hours?

Most conservatives are sensing this. The empty-headed Harris/Walz puppets are breezing along with smug confidence, and the media will provide them the illusion for “plausible deniability” of a fraudulent election.

And supposedly solid states have election integrity problems. Dave Cuddy, who like me took two cracks at Ted Stevens’ senate seat, recently ran for Congress in a Texas district where he has moved. His two Republican opponents were nothing more than dabblers, like the well-intentioned Gerald Heikes or John Howe, who run armchair campaigns and show up for a few media interviews or chamber-of-commerce forums. Yet Cuddy lost, with a miniscule turnout, giving the far-left Democrat virtually no opposition in the general election.

Cuddy, who ran a sophisticated, conservative campaign, was the only serious Republican candidate, but he just recently discovered that there were 50,000 missing ballots in his Texas primary. The establishment Republican leadership made merely perfunctory investigations into this chicanery. It was obvious that Cuddy was going to be a serious threat to incumbent Greg Casar, and he was taken out with a fence-post candidate, recently moved from California, who has no intention of working on his own campaign.

It smells every step of the way like a fix. Listeners can hear the interview by going to, click on “Podcasts” at the top right, and scroll to The Talk of the Kenai for Sept. 18, hours 1 and 2.

It is going to be a lot harder for the leftist fixers to salvage Rep. Mary Peltola. There are only so many mail-in ballots you can produce in Alaska without raising suspicions, Nick Begich has the momentum, a Trump endorsement and national funding. Begich would be wise to keep a stiff arm’s length away from GOP “experts” who think they know more about Alaska than Alaskans. Nancy Dahlstrom found that out. There are bound to be Deep State moles who might give him bad advice or steer him into some sort of trap.

But let’s look at the “Vote No on 2” ads that are currently running. Truly, RCV is a weapon that leftists want to keep. It should be filed into an archive so future generations can hear and see the most shameless piece of political lying you can find anywhere. They are making tearful, sappy commercials using military veterans. They warn of “Outside dark money” and local “political insiders” running and dictating Alaskan politics, while their disclaimers, now required by law, show them to be exactly that, headquartered in Chicago, Houston and Denver.

This works, because the constitutional convention vote of 2022 was lost, largely because of the $8 million in Soros money that bought similar, fearful commercials, warning of outsiders influencing Alaskan politics.

Miracles still happen. While we must work, contribute and disseminate for truth, we cannot neglect prayer. It is man’s strength, and God’s “weakness”. We are a sinful culture, but the Biblical story of Abraham, found in Genesis 18:16-33, negotiating with Angels of Vengeance, should not be forgotten.

Bob Bird is former chair of the Alaskan Independence Party and the host of a talk show on KSRM radio, Kenai.


  1. Amen to all. I do have hope Begich can pull off a victory for our state. It will take a pretty good size ‘cheat’ to derail his momentum. Still, with zero scruples or value for honesty from the leftist machine, we are indeed up against evil at every level. Praying daily for our nation, states and communities.

  2. While intending to vote for Begich, deep in my thinking will be accepting his joining with the Deep State sirens of offerings, particularly as the grandson of the late political Democrat Begich, being swooned by the “Establishment”, with hints and projections of personal wealth gains beyond his imagination.
    I pray I am thinking in the wrong lane, while preparing for these thoughts to become a reality.

    Never would a vote be given to any Democrat in this current era of politics.

  3. Hmmm(???) … Patiently awaiting for answers // discovery (ie: A Miracle!!!) of the following things that mysteriously go missing without any accountability and/or transparency:

    … 30 tons of missing Ammonia Nitrate
    … 325k missing Migrant Children
    … Epstein Client List and Foto’s – Tapes
    … January 5th Pipe bomber
    … Speaker Johnson’s Balls
    … Anthony Weiner’s Laptop
    … Diddy’s Client List and Foto’s – Tapes
    … The money Oprah raised for Maui
    … Hillary’s emails
    … Joe B.
    … DNC HQ hard drive the Awans fled to Pakistan with
    … The Awans
    … Hunter’s Laptop
    … Billions in Relief for Haiti the Clinton Foundation defrauded
    … Thousands of Fast and Furious firearms
    … Eric Holder’s subpoenaed Congressional testimony
    … Affordable Health Care
    … 8-Billion Rounds of Ammo under the Obama Administration
    … Trillions of unaccounted funds($$$) from Pentagon (prior to 9-11) and many US Agencies
    … Seth Rich’s Laptop
    … Transparency of Govt Agencies & NGO’s
    … Nicole Brown’s Killer
    … HRC Victim List Solved
    … Source of the Cocaine in the WH
    … Transparency and 3rd Party Audit of Ukraine Aid +$200B

    • Excellent list, Rob. I’d add to that:
      … $22 trillion spent by the feds alone on anti-poverty programs during the 50 years following 1964 (as the Left currently tries to convince us to repeat it)……………

  4. The Catholic Conference of Ohio has condemned JD Vance who is himself a Catholic that practices under the leadership of these church Bishops, for spreading lies about Haitian immigrants.

    • ……..while simultaneously pandering to pro-abortion Catholic elected officials (Murkowski, Pelosi, Biden, et al). (Praise to Archbishop Cordileone of San Fransisco who forbids Holy Communion to Pelosi after working for years toward her conversion from mortal sin, while Archbishop Gregory of DC continues the pandering).

  5. Lots of truth in this column. I may not agree with everything stated but will embrace the notion that there are some seriously bad actors in and around the federal government. Some may be truly evil, and others are only trying to enrich themselves or feather the nest for their families and friends. Typical behavior of many from the Northeast.

    I will go a bit further and say that Donald Trump does more than make mistakes – rather, in addition, he has some serious flaws. I would not want to be netting a large halibut at the back of the boat with the Donald at the controls. He does not have a steady hand and is distracted by anything that remotely implicates his ego.

    That said, the current Vice President is a completely empty pantsuit. Her extemporaneous statements reveal that she has not thought deeply about most policy questions that are of importance to Americans. She is not a serious person. If elected, the misdeeds of the Deep State people around her would significantly compound. I have no idea who would have actual control of the nuclear codes or the hotline to the Joint Special Operations Command in North Carolina, but it would not be her. She is a puppet.

    While flawed, there is a chance that the Donald might limit the bad actors pulling the strings in Washington, DC. With that in mind, I will be reading the Scripture cited by Mr. Bird this evening.

  6. I absolutely agree. This election would have similar results to Reagan’s near sweep of the electoral college if we had a candidate like Reagan! Someone who had the full support of his party and was able to draw people from the middle. The reality is that we did this to ourselves and now we are going to pay for it.

  7. “We have pretty much exhausted the political discourse of the obviously stolen election of 2020.”
    There will never be any political discourse into the anomalies of the 2020 election until there is some actual investigation into those anomalies. Is it possible that Biden could overcome a massive Trump lead overnight? Yes, absolutely. Is it likely? No. But, is anyone even willing to look into it? Not really. And, the few people who actually press for an audit are buried in legal challenges, and sometimes threatened with prosecution.
    And, a refusal to even look into it is what drives continued claims the election was stolen.

  8. This sums up our govt.- “Jon Wooditch, the Department of Veterans Affairs’ former top watchdog, resigned after being caught masturbating in the agency’s all-glass conference room in full view of people across the street, including school teachers at an education conference. (2015)
    He was caught with porn on his work computer in 2003, but VA officials only “counseled” him. Not long afterward, he was promoted to the top job, which he had for about six months. He returned to his post as deputy IG after the Senate confirmed George J. Opfer as permanent IG in November 2005.
    DOI IG agents also learned during their investigation of a separate incident in Wooditch’s hometown of LeMoyne, Pa. In 2006, they were told, he made an “inappropriate advance” on his next-door neighbor as she was grieving her husband’s death.

    “She thwarted Wooditch’s romantic advances. Approximately a day or two later, she said Wooditch began to pose nude and masturbate in front of a window that was only viewable from her house” repeatedly, the report said.”
    He did all sorts of stuff.

  9. I call BS. In 1980/1984 we had a great presidential candidate, Ronald Reagan. Reagan was a well spoken, friendly guy who took his job seriously. Americans saw that, and elected him in landslide proportions, especially in 1984 when he won every state except one.

    Now we have the slightly deranged Trump. A draft dodger. A guy who seems only to know how to insult people and nearly ensure our defeat. Trump has never won the popular vote, and he won’t again this time around.

    It doesn’t help when you whack jobs babble on about stolen elections. Good Lord. You know how stupid you sound? Kari Lake goes on about this stolen election crap and it ensures we lose elections. Lake lost her race for governor in Arizona, to a moron Democrat, and she’s now set to give the Democrats a seat in the US Senate.

    Pay attention to history. Looks at the incredible way Reagan brought us together. And we won. Repeatedly!

    • I will continue to go on about “stolen elections” until they actually start investigating the weird stuff that goes down in close elections.
      When every news anchor and every politician (that won) clamors on and on about how the election was perfectly secure and transparent, and they are so quick to dismiss any claim of odd events, I will say the election was stolen. No investigation means, way too often, that people are afraid to investigate, not that there is nothing there.
      Added bonus, because you brought up Kari Lake, take a good look at the audit results of the 2020 Maricopa county ballots. When some 100K+ ballots are questionable, with more than 70k+ deemed illegally cast, there is something to investigate further. When one of the candidates in the 2022 Governor election is the AZ Secretary of State who refuses to recuse herself from the duty of overseeing the election she is running in, there is questionable actions that (again) are not being investigated. Finally, the system AZ put in place, where the ballots are printed on site, seemed to malfunction in the conservative areas, but work perfectly in the liberal ones. But… no investigation into why.
      Want the “stolen election” stuff to disappear? Investigate the weird stuff, and stop arresting anyone who questions it.

      • CBM, Lake sued, and lost.


        We have the rule of law in this country. The courts are there to adjudicate these sorts of disputes. For the most part the courts do a reasonable job.

        So. Going on and on with claims about stolen elections makes conservatives look like those tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists. It costs us votes, and elections.

      • CB. The 65 lawsuits claiming 2020 was illegitimate have been investigated. There was zero evidence to support your naïve contention. Critical thinking demands examining evidence without bias. Try it.

  10. “It doesn’t help when you whack jobs babble on about stolen elections. Good Lord. You know how stupid you sound? Pay attention to history.”

    Stolen presidential elections: 1876, there is no question that it was stolen. In 1960, it is becoming quite clear to many historians of all persuasions. With computer voting machines, it is now that much easier. All the proof one needs is to look at election night, 2020. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER in the history of elections have states simultaneously decided to halt the counting. Oh, and they just so happened to be the “swing states” who had Trump leading. Then, when counting resumed next morning … TA-DA! Trump was defeated, all by wafer-thin margins. You don’t need Dr. Douglas Frank, a true computer expert who has made three different visits to Alaska explaining what happened, to know that is all the proof you really need.

    Mr. M, you are awfully trusting. When you read your history a little more thoroughly, come back and we’ll talk further.

    • Bob, my reference to stolen elections is to the present. The 1960 election may have had a fair number of Mayor Daley’s dead people voting in Chicago for Kennedy. No one will ever know for sure.

      In any event, to save you from yourself- extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. If you and the rest of the election result deniers want to babble on about the elections being stolen, you had the opportunity to make your case in court. You had your chance. You failed. Dozens of court cases have not led to the conclusion the election was stolen. Kari Lake, a former Democrat, looks like a total whack job when she says another election that she lost, was stolen. She went to court, and lost. Judges need proof. She didn’t offer it.

      Since you reference the 1960 election, I’ll share a story about Nixon. Nixon knew he may have been robbed. But he rose above and noise and accepted the result. He ran again, and won in 1968. Why is this important? The USA starts looking like a banana republic when wild, unproven, claims about elections being stolen are made. Election result denying candidates, and the parties that support them, start looking like morons when they make claims that they can’t prove.

      And guess what? Morons tend to lose voters, and elections. Trump lost the debate to the abject moron Harris the other day. He looked foolish when he tried to defend his 2020 election denial nonsense.

      • After his defeat in 1960, Nixon laid low for several years, then spent much of the 1966 campaign season stumping for Republicans across the country. It helped repair any ill will he had with the party base and got his name out front again. Prior to the 1966 elections, George Romney was widely viewed as the front-runner. How does this compare to today? Campaigning and the voting mindset has certainly changed a lot over the decades. The party faithful have had eight years to work on developing alternatives to Trump. It doesn’t help that their voting base are content to let the news media and social media dictate their choices to them.

    • Despite the perennial attractiveness of sinister conspiracy theories, there is no clear evidence that swing states halted vote counting in the 2020 election in an unusual way compared to previous elections.

      – Increased mail-in voting: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a significant increase in mail-in voting in 2020, which led to longer counting times in some states. This was an expected outcome given the circumstances, rather than an unusual halt in counting.

      – Restrictions on early processing: Some key swing states like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin did not allow election officials to begin processing mail-in ballots until Election Day, creating a backlog.

      – Time-intensive process: Reviewing, processing, and tallying mail-in ballots is often a manual and time-consuming process in many states.

      – State-specific rules: Different states have different rules for when they can begin processing and counting mail-in ballots, which can affect how quickly results are reported. This is not unusual and varies from state to state in every election.

      – Volume of ballots: The sheer number of mail-in ballots, estimated at 50-70% of all votes cast (up from less than 25% in 2018), overwhelmed some state election systems not set up to handle such volumes.

      – Voter errors: Voters unaccustomed to mail-in voting were more likely to make errors requiring additional processing time, such as signature discrepancies needing correction.

      – Last-minute voting: Many voters requested and returned mail-in ballots close to deadlines, adding to the processing crunch.

      – Normal vote counting procedures: The vote counting process in 2020 followed standard procedures in most states, including swing states. Vote counting typically continues after Election Day in many states to process mail-in ballots, provisional ballots, and military/overseas ballots.

      – Transparency in the process: Vote counting was conducted under observation by representatives from both parties and independent observers in most locations, as is standard practice.

      – No evidence of widespread irregularities: Despite claims of irregularities, multiple recounts, audits, and court cases found no evidence of widespread fraud or unusual stoppages in vote counting that would have affected the outcome of the election.

      – Differences from previous elections: While the 2020 election did see some changes in voting and counting procedures due to the pandemic, these were generally implemented transparently and in accordance with state laws.

      – Provisional ballots: There was an increase in provisional ballots, which take longer to verify and count.

      – Legal challenges: Ongoing court actions in some states affected the counting process.

      – Record turnout: High voter turnout added to the volume of ballots to be processed.

      Claims of unusual vote counting stoppages or irregularities in swing states have been extensively investigated and debunked by election officials, courts, and independent observers. The 2020 election was declared by cybersecurity officials as “the most secure in American history.” Slower vote counting is not inherently problematic or indicative of fraud. The main issue in 2020 was that the delays, particularly in swing states, allowed for the spread of misinformation and unfounded claims about the integrity of the election.

      • You focus strictly on stoppages in ballot counting. Nothing else.
        Perhaps the easiest thing to investigate and the easiest to dismiss.
        The issue is not just “they stopped counting” it is much more than that.

        • I covered a bit more than that, but OK, I did some more searching to respond to the other issues you’ve brought up in this thread, for the benefit of other readers.

          Several journalistic organizations conducted investigations into alleged irregularities in the 2020 presidential election:

          – Major news outlets: Organizations like The Associated Press, Reuters, and other mainstream media outlets conducted fact-checking and investigative reporting on various claims of election fraud and irregularities.

          – Fact-checking organizations: Dedicated fact-checking organizations like, PolitiFact, and AFP Fact Check investigated specific claims about the election.

          – State-level investigations: Local news organizations in swing states conducted their own investigations into claims specific to their regions.

          – Data journalism teams: Organizations with dedicated data journalism units, like ProPublica and FiveThirtyEight, analyzed election data to investigate claims of irregularities.

          – Investigative journalism outlets: ProPublica, The Washington Post, and The New York Times conducted in-depth investigations into various aspects of the election process and claims of fraud.

          – Academic collaborations: Some news organizations partnered with academic institutions to analyze election data and claims, such as the MIT Election Data and Science Lab.

          These investigations consistently found no evidence of widespread fraud or irregularities that would have affected the outcome of the 2020 election. The claims of fraud were repeatedly debunked, and multiple audits and court cases affirmed the integrity of the election results.


          There is no credible evidence that 70,000 votes were illegally cast in Arizona in the 2020 election. Here are the key points:

          – Multiple investigations and audits found no evidence of widespread fraud:
          – The Arizona Attorney General’s office spent over 10,000 hours investigating allegations of voting irregularities and found no evidence to support claims of widespread fraud or illegal voting that would have affected the outcome of the election.
          – Numerous audits, including one conducted by Cyber Ninjas (hired by state Republicans), actually found a few hundred additional votes for Biden and fewer for Trump].

          – Specific claims debunked:
          – Claims about 10,000 non-citizens voting using the same Social Security number have been fact-checked and found to be baseless.
          – There is no evidence supporting claims of large numbers of “illegal aliens” voting.

          – Recent citizenship documentation issue:
          – A recent discovery of about 97,000 voters lacking proper citizenship documentation is unrelated to the 2020 election. These individuals have sworn they are citizens but lack certain documentation. This issue was discovered in 2024 and does not indicate illegal voting in 2020.


          There were a few main arguments against Katie Hobbs recusing herself from overseeing the 2022 Arizona election in which she was running for governor:

          – County-level administration: Helen Purcel, the former Maricopa County recorder, argued that there was “no reason” for Hobbs to recuse herself because Arizona’s elections are primarily administered at the county level, not by the Secretary of State’s office.

          – Limited influence on outcomes: Steve May, a former Republican state legislator in Arizona, stated that “It’s not real that the secretary of state can determine the outcome of the election.” This suggests that Hobbs’ role was seen as more procedural than influential in determining results.

          – Avoiding support for false claims: May also argued that “Recusing herself only gives further support to the false beliefs of the people who seek to undermine faith in the system.” This implies that recusal could be seen as lending credence to baseless claims of election fraud or manipulation.

          – No allegations of misconduct: Unlike some other cases (such as Brian Kemp in Georgia in 2018), there were no specific allegations of voter suppression or other misconduct against Hobbs that would necessitate her recusal.

          – Precedent and legality: There was no legal requirement for Hobbs to recuse herself, and it’s not uncommon for Secretaries of State to oversee elections in which they are candidates.

          – However, to be fair, there were also significant calls for Hobbs to recuse herself, including from former Arizona Secretaries of State from both parties, who emphasized the importance of avoiding even the appearance of a conflict of interest in such a high-stakes election.


          I couldn’t find any specific information about issues arising from Arizona printing ballots on-site in the 2020 election. However, there is relevant information about printer issues that occurred in the 2022 election in Maricopa County, Arizona:

          — Printer issues in 2022:
          – Some older printers in Maricopa County had difficulty maintaining the heat required to consistently print ballots dark enough to be read by on-site tabulators during the November 8, 2022 General Election.

          — Investigation findings:
          – Former Arizona Supreme Court Chief Justice Ruth McGregor conducted an independent investigation into these printer issues.
          – The primary cause was determined to be “equipment failure” by some of the County’s Oki B432 printers.

          — Factors contributing to the problem:
          – The printers had more difficulty with longer ballots (20 inches vs. 19 inches) printed on heavier paper (100 lb. vs 80 lb.).
          – This occurred despite the same printers performing well in the August Primary Election and pre-November stress tests.

          — Impact on voting:
          – Ballots that could not be tabulated on-site were taken back to the Elections Department, where they were successfully tabulated and counted.
          – All legal ballots were counted and included in the official results, but the printer issues caused frustration for many Election Day voters.

          — County response:
          – Maricopa County officials acknowledged the issues and vowed to make changes to better serve voters, including replacing some equipment.


          There is no clear evidence that the printer failures in Arizona were primarily in conservative areas. Here are the key points:

          – Widespread issue: The printer problems affected about 60 polling places across Maricopa County, which is about 25% of voting centers in the county.

          – Both political areas affected: The problem “slowed down voting in both traditionally Democratic and Republican areas”.

          – County-wide impact: The issue seems to have been spread across Maricopa County, which includes both urban and suburban areas with varying political leanings.

          – Investigation findings: The subsequent investigation by former Arizona Supreme Court Chief Justice Ruth McGregor focused on the technical aspects of the printer failures and did not mention any political distribution of the problems.


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