Board of Regents to take public testimony on Pat Pitney as new permanent president of University of Alaska


The University of Alaska Board of Regents will hear public testimony on Feb. 14 and then, meeting as the Governance Committee on Feb. 18, discuss the proposal to make Pat Pitney the permanent University of Alaska president.

Pitney has been serving as interim president since Aug. 1, 2020, after former President Jim Johnsen stepped down.

The public testimony portion of the Feb. 14 meeting will be from 4-5 pm. To testify, call 1-866-831-8713 between those hours, Alaska time.

Each caller will have two minutes to offer thoughts, feedback or updates on topics or issues related to the University of Alaska system. Public testimony is held in advance of the board’s Feb. 17-18 committee meetings and full board meeting on Feb. 24-25. 

The special Governance Committee meeting will be convened by Regent Chairwoman Sheri Buretta and Committee Chairwoman Mary K. Hughes to gather input from faculty, staff, and student governance leaders regarding a motion to appoint Interim President Pat Pitney as the permanent president. That meeting, Feb. 18, will be from 3:30-5:30 pm and will be live streamed at

Written testimony is accepted at any time and is shared with the board and the president. Write to [email protected]. Agendas will be publicly available at: 


  1. I would give her a yes vote, so long as she doesn’t campaign for her former boss, Bill Walker. Otherwise, no. I think Ms. Pitney would aim higher than that as a UA President.

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