Black Lives Matter nominated for Nobel Peace Prize


Black Lives Matter has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.

“I find that one of the key challenges we have seen in America, but also in Europe and Asia, is the kind of increasing conflict based on inequality. Black Lives Matter has become a very important worldwide movement to fight racial injustice. They have had a tremendous achievement in raising global awareness and consciousness about racial injustice,” wrote Norwegian Member of Parliament Petter Eide, who nominated the group behind massive riots in America in 2020.

In September, another Norwegian politician nominated former President Donald Trump for the 2021 prize, noting Trump’s role in brokering a peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. Trump was nominated in 2018 for his work toward reconciliation between North and South Korea.

The bar for nominations is low. Any head of state or prior recipient of the prize can make a nomination. The deadline for nominations for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize is Feb. 1.