Bizarre: Eagle River House District 23 race pits Assemblywoman Allard against self-described mentally ill man who lives among homeless, has long criminal record


They’re both registered Republicans, and they both are running to represent a deeply Republican area of the state, District 23 – Chugiak and Eagle River.

But one of the candidates is a member of the Anchorage Assembly, a military veteran, and a first-generation American of Chilean descent.

The other candidate has documented his decades-long struggles with mental illness, identifies with the struggles of the homeless in Anchorage, and has a long criminal record with the Alaska Court System.

Jamie Allard, who is on the Assembly, is the likely candidate to win the seat. She is well-respected in the conservative electorate and has a wide circle of people who have endorsed her, including Mayor Dave Bronson, Kenai Republican Women, Valley Republican Women, Alaska Republican Party, and Anchorage Republican Women’s Club, and District 23 Eagle River Republican Committee. She may be the only House candidate statewide that has been endorsed by all of those entities.

Roger Branson’s criminal recored cites numerous instances of violence, including domestic violence, in his Alaska Court System history:

Branson is open about his mental health challenges and has a web page dedicated to his mental journey, in which he revealed that a few years ago the people of Chugiak were worried that he could become a mass murderer.

“Eight years ago a series of events began unfolding which led to the good people of a couple churches near Chugiak to believe I was capable of becoming a mass murderer with (apparently) their selves as my imminent target,” he wrote on his web site.

Others have concerns about safety around Branson. At a recent Anchorage Chamber of Commerce forum, one of the organizers had to tell Branson to pipe down after a member of the audience from Chugiak-Eagle River had asked Branson questions regarding his lack of alignment with Republican principals. Branson visibly lost his temper, demanded that woman give him her name, which she would not do. A chamber of commerce representative told him to settle down, but he then demanded that the woman leave the room. The chamber — or someone in the building — brought in a security officer because of Branson’s behavior.

It’s unclear if ConocoPhillips will provide similar security during this Thursday’s candidate forum for its employees. Branson and Allard are both invited to give presentations to employees who live in District 23.

This summer, Branson set up his own camp at the homeless camp at Centennial Campground, where he said he provided services to homeless people at the camp. Sources say he had difficulty following the campground rules and that he was very selective about who he helped.

A few years ago Branson was removed from the board of the Chugiak Eagle River Senior Center and trespassed from the property. Branson, although registered as a Republican, always supports the most liberal candidates, and signed the recall petition against Gov. Mike Dunleavy in 2019.

The election is Nov. 8, with early voting starting two weeks prior to Election Day.


    • Lucy, I’m surprised that this gentleman is running as a Republican since his experience better suits the Democrat Party, but then if Lisa identifies as an R can why not this fellow?

    • That would be a yuge (get it? lolol) step in the right (get it? lolol) direction to getting Anchorage working in the proper direction.

      • Maybe being cryptic in your posts works for you, but really…you do know that Jamie is running for the STATE HOUSE not her Eagle River seat on the assembly, right? If Mr. Branson runs for assembly he would fit right in, but I bet even the other assembly members would not tolerate him long. His chances of getting elected in Eagle River seems at best unlikely.

  1. Spoke to Camper worker yesterday at Centennial , they said that parks and recs ( forrest section ) allowed Roger to tend the shower room for the month of July and possible part of August. He was angry that this was allowed with some mentally challenged youth there. Called him R —– R—-. One boy said to me. ” I will never ever take a shower there “.

    • He will get the same votes that gave Anchorage it’s Assembly, and probably the Red/Blue Voters that gave us Mary Peltola. Jamie might have a real Challenger to run against. He is the Perfect Poster Boy for Left. Remember Theresa Obermeir.

  2. Democrats like to throw sh*t at the wall to see what sticks. They’re doing it at PA too in the US Senate race. Here, it is thrown only to let the media run with the byline that Eagle River voters do not like the homeless. Not to worry, though. Democrats, being the rank scallywags that they are, don’t want the homeless in their backyards either. eg…….Martha’s Vineyard.

    • At this point, the Democrat’s playbook is wide open for all to study. Their comments here at MRAK help fire-up the Red Wave! Thank you, Suzanne, for letting the idiots post here too.

  3. Sounds like the perfect Democrat. Is he gay, trans, or a third unknown alternative? It all that’s missing.

  4. Maybe he figures that the majority of the other assembly seats are held by the mentally challenged. Figures he’s definitely has a chance

  5. It’s our country. We can send more mentally ill people to do our business if that is what people want. What is sad, is that he will probably get a lot of votes. Does he have a lot of signs up? Maybe he should change his first name and ride the Kelly train like that traitor running in Chugiak.

  6. Phantom meetings…murdeous plot to bloody a us senator canidate’s reputation…and a deranged candidate. Spooky things happen
    in october. While November approaches-the thankful month, thankful spooky october is past. Hahaha.

  7. This guy is the perfect Democrat…mentally ill, becomes violent, likes homelessness, not much regard for the law, and probably heavily medicated. All that’s missing is a blue or green streak in his hair and glasses.

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