Bill Walker names a campaign manager and guess what? He was the deputy director of 2021 redistricting board


With a significant pile of cash in his campaign account, Bill Walker has announced his campaign team. T.J. Presley left his job as the deputy director of the Alaska Redistricting Board, the group overseeing the new political boundaries in Alaska.

Presley will be campaign manager. Austin Mahan will handle compliance with campaign laws as the Walker campaign treasurer. Moira Gallagher is finance director. Austin Baird is a senior advisor focused on external communications, outreach, and public engagement. Paxson Woelber will be the graphic and web designer, and Carolyn Hall will manage campaign operations.

Mahan runs a compliance business and does campaign compliance for Anchorage Assemblyman Chris Constant, who just announced his campaign for U.S. House.

Gallagher ran Anchorage Economic Development Corporation’s grassroots effort for its “Live. Work. Play.” initiative to make Anchorage the No. 1 city in America in which to live, work, and play. She was deputy treasurer for Anchorage Assemblyman Constant’s effort to add a second Assembly district to downtown Anchorage.

Baird was in the news business before becoming press secretary for former Gov. Walker, who left office in disgrace. He then became the communications director for the Democrat-led House majority in the Legislature.

Woelber is part owner of the Alaska Landmine blog, and has worked on numerous campaigns. He designed the iconic look for the Mike Dunleavy political action committee in 2020. Woelber is writing and photographing for the blog.

Hall is co-founder of Jensen Hall Creative, an Anchorage-based media production company that partners with liberal causes. She was the communications director for Anchorage Mayor Ethan Berkowitz, and was communications manager for Walker during his one term in office. She also led the Municipality of Anchorage’s Vote by Mail public relations campaign.


  1. Question :
    Does Bill Walker plan on working side-by-side with any more pedophiles if he becomes governor again?
    It’s a straight-up question, Uncle Bill.

    • That doesn’t count because that fellow successfully claimed to be part of a very protected minority. There have even been buildings built with taxpayer money named for convicted pedophiles! Minorities selected by government for special advantages, often including special protections from indictment and prosecution, are protected. Just as Walker, an attorney, albeit a crooked one.

    • Uncle Bill and Brandon do have something in common. Both guys have lived or worked next to pedophiles of their own choosing.

  2. and will they all be attending the Pat Doughery hate party this week end..??…a pretty good list of hard left folks..!!!

    • Well said, Masked Avenger! I remember politics from my youth, but this is really beginning to take the cake. And now I know why the landmine blog is so friendly to that bounder, Walker! Keep digging, Susan!

  3. I am not pleased with Mike Dunleavy and many of his decisions (starting from his time at Northwest Arctic School District and into the time he spent in the legislature and now as governor), but his competition in the governor’s race is so much worse!.

    So, very reluctantly … he’s got my vote. Bill Walker and the team he would assemble already give me night terrors.

    • Before deciding wait to hear from Charlie Pierce for Governor. He is a great choice without the shortcomings of either Walker or Dunleavy.

  4. Of course he was…. We are seeing Good vs Evil play out. May we see the defeat of the the lying cheating Democrats soon!! Patriots it is time to VOTE OUT all Democrats and RINOs and take back our Country.

  5. And Walker says he is not a Democrat, I sure hope Alaskan voters see through it, but look at Giessel — she will do anything to get into office, makes me sick to my stomach.

  6. Bill Walker has to be one of the most transparently corrupt, duplicitous, egotistical, power hungry politicians to ever slither into the Governors mansion.

    Thank God he is also a total Buffoon.

    Even with the scam that is ranked choice and the hobbyist candidates on the right, this is still Dunleavy’s to lose, and the only way he does that, is if he didn’t do enough to insure the election would be fair, and if so, that’s on him and Meyer.

    • Old Billie still holds Byron Mallott in high esteem.
      That fact alone should make you run for the hills. Parents with underaged children, especially young girls, stay far away from this creepy old man. He will not protect them if elected.

  7. Get ready for the ranked choice vote. That we supposedly voted for. He will get the union vote again. I think this State and City are going to get fubared again. Constant for garbage collector.

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