Bilious in Bethel: Mayor in Western Alaska dropping F-bombs all over Twitter


Bethel Mayor Mark Springer has been getting nasty on his perceived opponents: Springer has been dropping F-bombs all over Twitter. And not just recently — he has been doing this since long before he was elected mayor.

The Facebook group, Reclaim Midtown, a politically conservative Anchorage account, collected a set of them and posted them with a question about whether the City of Bethel has a social media policy that applies to its mayor. But the group said they stopped counting at 47 instances of Springer using the F word in some context on Twitter.

View the set here.

The city does have a social media policy as it pertains to the official Facebook Page of the City of Bethel, at least. Whether there is another policy that would apply to employees of the city is another matter. Springer is using his own Twitter account, while identifying himself as the mayor of Bethel. And mayors have the ability to say what they want, if the Left approves.

Springer is a former Bethel City Council member and former member of the Alaska Marijuana Control Board.


  1. Okay class, today we have a field trip to our mayor’s office. As we discussed, the mayor is what some would say is unhinged, or even a loose unit – except that he isn’t a Republican so he isn’t eligible be held to normal people standards.

  2. Mark Springer attended UAF back in the early 1980’s. I remember him vividly because he had long red hair, he showed up to class always looking unkept and unbathed, he liked to argue with the professors, and he was from Tok. Not sure if it was Tok, Alaska or whether he was always toking, because he always seemed high on something. I think it was Tok, Alaska. His foul language and limited use of the English vocabulary does surprise me a bit because I remember him as being fairly articulate and well read back in those days. This just demonstrates what 40 years of pot smoking does to a man. And if he has a legal gal in his office named Libby, that would be a substantial chink in his armor.

    • I remember Mark as well. Agree with him or not, he’s a true Alaskan and free expression wielding patriot.

  3. Mark Springer attended UAF back in the early 1980’s. I remember him vividly because he had long red hair, he showed up to class always looking unkept and unbathed, he liked to argue with the professors, and he was from Toke. Not sure if it was Tok, Alaska or whether it was because he was always toking. He always appeared high on something. I think it was Tok, Alaska. His foul language and limited use of the English vocabulary does surprise me a bit because I remember him as being fairly articulate and well read back in those days. This just demonstrates what 40 years of steady pot smoking does to a man. And if he has a legal gal in his office named Libby, that would be a substantial chink in his armor.

  4. Freedom of peach, eh? Sticks n stones and all at… Maxim of law: A belligerent man has his rights.

    However, business etiquette is good.

  5. Using profanities to express one’s thoughts reveals to me a lot about a person; none of it righteous, hopeful, or uplifting. It mostly reveals mental sloth. Not something I want in a mayor.

    • Bethel deserves Libby and Springer. Both a couple of foul-mouthed degenerates who show contempt. Keep them there and send regular shipments of marijuana and psychotropic drugs ( to protect Bethel residents).

  6. Well! …..he is a sinner like the rest of us. Jesus hasn’t yet found him to pull him out of the darkness that surrounds him. All the inceasing debauchuery is just a sign the end time is much nearer to us than for those in 1947.

    • Bethel is incorporated as a second-class city. That means he was elected by the city council. I don’t have voter turnout statistics handy, but likely they were elected by those with their hands in the jar and few others.

  7. The people of Bethel have spoken. They elected Mr Springer and who really cares what some malcontents from Los Anchorage think anyway.

  8. This very well explains for me how it came to pass that the kid in Bethel years ago was compelled to bring a shotgun to school for mayhem. Adults like this are responsible for kids like that. Very simple.

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