On the Friday before Christmas, the Biden Administration withdrew its Title IX changes that his administration had adapted to force schools to allow boy athletes to compete in girls’ competitive athletics. School districts that refused would lose federal funding for all programs.
Across the nation, parents have been in revolt over the change made to Title IX by the Biden Administration in 2023. Title IX was originally passed in 1972 to ensure that girls had a level playing field in athletics, supported by funding, equipment, and coaching. Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska was one of the bill’s biggest champtions.
But recently, with gender confusion occurring at younger and younger ages, the increasing trend of boys deciding that they are girls and competing against girls has become a national conversation, and was likely a factor in the 2024 election cycle.
“The U.S. Department of Education (Department) is withdrawing the notice of proposed rulemaking entitled “Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance: Sex-Related Eligibility Criteria for Male and Female Athletic Teams” published in the Federal Register on April 13, 2023. The proposed rule would have amended the regulations implementing Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX),” the file says.
Rep. Jamie Allard of Eagle River has been at the forefront of the fight for girls in Alaska.
“I’ve been listening to Eagle River residents and Alaskans across the state. A vast majority of Alaskans want our girls to have a fair playing field. Now that the Biden Administration has come along recognizing this, perhaps our ‘girls in sports’ bill can get passed this session,” she said.
Alliance Defending Freedom has also been active on the national level, fighting for girls.
:Women and girls deserve to compete on a level playing field, and the U.S. Department of Education has taken a step in the right direction by withdrawing this proposed change, said Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel and Vice President of Legal Strategy Jonathan Scruggs. “As the withdrawal admitted, many Americans voiced their opposition to the rule change and there are many pending lawsuits related to protecting women’s sports—including a comment submitted by Alliance Defending Freedom and multiple lawsuits brought by ADF to protect women’s sports. The decision to withdraw the proposed sports rule merely reflects the views of the vast majority of Americans who believe that women’s sports should remain reserved for female athletes.”
The fight to protect women’s sports from gender ideology is far from over., Scruggs said.
The Biden administration has attempted to insert gender ideology into Title IX by its general Title IX rule adopted earlier this year, the Biden administration has repeatedly told courts that Title IX alone requires schools to admit men into women’s sports, and activist groups across the country have filed numerous lawsuits to force females to compete against males, he explained.
Why Biden stealthily withdrew his trans regulations is not clear, but he may fear losing at the Supreme Court.
“That is why Alliance Defending Freedom will continue to fight to preserve women’s sports for women and why the U.S. Supreme Court should grant review in two pending cases, B.P.J. v. West Virginia State Board of Education and Hecox v. Little, where lower courts required women to compete against males. So, while today represents a victory, there is still much work left to do to ensure women have fair play and equal opportunity in athletics,” Scruggs said.
How Dare he threaten the American tax payer. Speaking of a Nazi. We are just about rid of one. Going against the wishes of a majority of American tax payers is not very smart.
The contract between us, and that which we live by, is our Constitution, executed on September 17, 1787 in Philidelphia. That contract was not written to protect the rights of the majority of American taxpayers. Rather, it was written to protect the individual rights of each sovereign American citizen.
In the bush, girls and boys sometimes play on the same teams, or they wouldn’t have the numbers to have a team.
It is a world of difference between allowing kids to play together and mandating that women get their asses beat by men. Women have been seriously injured to the point of losing their ability to play by men who claim to be women and then nearly kill their competitors. I think you will find villages don’t allow that to occur, but go ahead and conflate the two. It’s what liberals do.
Nope. Just stating a fact.
Greg you are not allowed in the women’s locker or restrooms.
Nor should I be. Do you have a rare point to make?
Point was made just reminding you aren’t allowed there.
That’s just stupid.
Denali.. Lol
Last time I checked, no one “mandated” any female to get her “a– beaten” by any man. The females are choosing to engage in that nonsense. I will grant the females are being given a difficult choice (economics) but it is nevertheless their choice. It’s reasonable to say the female athletes (and their parents) are contributing to the problem more than anyone.
Stage 1: it’s not happening
Stage 2: why do you care? It’s barely happening. What’s the big deal?
Stage 3: it is happening, and it’s good.
Stage: Any objections are hateful, transphobic, racist bigotry.
Greg is currently using stage two of the manipulation process.
Stage 5
Boys and girls can play together in some sports like b ball, and wrestling.
Stage 6: Americans who have had it with your nonsense elect Trump.
Greg is at stage 0
He can’t envision normal people. And he has TDS real bad.
Oh do tell us wise old troll, what is the most popular sport in the village?
B ball. Hands down.
Here’s a gold plaque for you. Village B Ball in schools are boys and girl teams. There is no coed teams competing.
Lol. You said bush. They are in the bush. If a boys team can’t field enough boys, girls can play. In b ball, volleyball, and girl on boy wresting in the same weight class. Jeez.
Greg they sure don’t shower together at school. Where are the women’s libbers weighing in on this issue. ? Fact is if this keeps up there will be no women’s sports. The idea of a guy in girls clothes punching a woman in the face makes me sick.
Think about the real problem: the questionable reasoning of a woman choosing to step into a ring with a man. Greed? Hubris? Vanity? Narcissism? These weaknesses don’t describe a victim.
Why should they
That’s stupid talk.
Contending your opponent’s argument is stupid is a classic logical fallacy, argumentum ad hominem (attack the man), used by poor losers in debates. Thank you for waving your flag of surrender.
In the bush, girls are allowed to join a boys team but boys are never allowed to join a girls team.
Greg, if there are insufficient girls to field a team then the school doesn’t field a girls team. Same for boys teams. These realities come with living in small communities. It’s been the way of the world since man first crawled out of the cave.
Good. About time. Just because mentally ill adults and children pretend to be members of the opposite sex, does not mean that the rest of us have to go along with their fantasy. Just because you call yourself a girl, and dress like a girl, and wear makeup like a girl, and wear your hair like a girl, doesn’t mean you are one. It’s like looking at an old Pizza Hut building that’s now a sushi restaurant. One look and everyone still knows what it was, no matter how big and brazen the sushi sign is. This may not stop this insanity, but at least it is a big step to keep this lunacy out of girls’ sports, girls’ locker rooms and girls’ bathrooms.
It’s telling that you don’t hear about girls who decide to be boys playing on boys team or using the boys locker room. I wonder why that is? Could it be they can’t make the team because they are biologically unable to compete as a male?
We would never have had all this rancor if we actually obeyed the Constitution. Federal funding = federal dependency & control. THAT is the bait that has led us into the trap. Education Dept is on life support, but how many other cabinet positions and agencies exist outside of constitutional authority?
I used to think that federal funding of pornographic and blasphemous art ought to be stopped in committee.
No, no, no and furthermore NO. ALL federal funding for the arts is unconstitutional, even beautiful and sacred art. Just like subsidies for farmers, foreign aid, welfare, etc, ad infinitum. And so with education and other “entitlements”.
The only thing we are entitled to is life & liberty, and it came from God, not the Constitution. Only Ron Paul had that figured out. Trump will only curtail these abuses, and keep in place those that he likes. Sure, I voted for him. But “We the people” need to press him — and restrain him — in restoring freedom.
This will involve prayer, repentance & fasting. This is the domain of religion, not politics. See Pastor Edens in Homer.
Currently, the Anchorage School Board has never voted on Title IX impacted parental notification. In 2020, the Administration adopted an “administrative guideline” limiting parental notification regarding gender, names, and pronouns chosen by secondary (middle and high school) students. The guidelines state: “Generally, notification of a student’s parent about his or her gender identity, expression or transition is unnecessary . . .” Only the School Board can adopt “policy” but until the Board adopts a policy to override the current guidelines, the administrative guidelines are in effect.
The Administration and Board have refused to consider my August 2023 policy proposal to require parental notification unless there is a clear danger to the student of such. The only reason given was wanting to wait until the new “Title IX guidelines” by the Biden Administration were provided. In May 2024 those guidelines were published calling for non-notification of parents. Subsequently the implementation of those Biden guidelines was blocked in Alaska by Federal District court decisions.
Following the Presidential Election, I renewed my request for consideration of my policy proposal supporting parental notification. I welcome public support for my proposed board policy.
Dave Donley speaking as an individual and not for the Anchorage School District or the Anchorage School Board.