Biden awards Liz Cheney top civilian medal


President Joe Biden on Thursday is awarding former Rep. Liz Cheney and Rep. Bennie Thompson, both who led the House special committee investigating Jan. 6, 2021’s events at the U.S. Capitol, the nation’s second-highest civilian medal, the Presidential Citizens Medal.

Cheney, a “never-Trumper,” endorsed Democrat Vice President Kamala Harris for president. A left-leaning Republican, she was booted out of office by Wyoming voters in 2022.

Cheney and Thompson, as well as 18 LGBTQ activists and friends of the president, will be honored in a ceremony.


  1. FJB is just confirming his legacy as the worst leader that we have ever had.
    His name will be remembered as what not to be.
    Jill should be so proud of him and his puppets.

  2. She sacrificed her political career for her commitment to the rule of law and the preservation of democracy. Well deserved, madam.

    • How committed are you to the “rule of law”?

      Reading your commentary over the past several years it seems your “commitment” often correlates with your politics. Read very transitory and arbitrary.

      You would be among the least of posters I read for any objectivity.

    • She is getting her reward for participating in the obstruction of a freely elected president and his administration, as well as her participation in the continual malignment for that same president for the las 4 years. She deserves a prison cell.

    • If what you say is correct, she would not have coached witnesses. She would not have destroyed evidence that was subpoenaed. And she would have actually lived up to terms of the subpoena. But, she gave the “rule of law” a firm middle finger instead.
      She sacrificed her political career for nothing.
      The woman deserves a serious investigation into her actions, not an award. Anyone who thinks she did the right thing is blinded by their hatred of Trump. Nothing more.

    • Rule of Law….huh? Now that’s funny considering she allegedly broke the rule of law while serving on the J6 committee farce. She deserved what she got…booted from the House of Reps and Joey’s participation trophy will not wash away her fall from grace.

    • Every tiny amount of opprobrium sent her way is well-deserved her name should be only spoken with the same disdain she holds for the public,if it ever must be spoken

    • Do now your supporting a republican war hawk who is a traitor along with her greesy dad. Sort of like letting mass murders off death row and yet happily killing babied in the 3 trimester isn’t it whidby. Your mental depravity has no bounds.

    • Congratulations.
      You have won the top dog award for triggering the most replies for stupid statements.
      We will see if your record stands for the rest of 2025.
      Endless humor contest.

    • We do not have a democracy. We have a republic. Locking people up for walking through a building that belongs to all of us is not exactly legal. Likewise, if she were working for justice, she might have charged the Capitol Police with murder, x3. Facts are stubborn things, and they don’t bend to your whim. I don’t know where you read your news, but you might consider a trip outside that bubble you are in, or else maybe just laying down by your dish.

      • Well hello again, Tamra. It’s always so nice to hear from you.

        Now I can endure the opprobrium being dished out by all of the nice folks here. That doesn’t bother me a bit as I’m used to it, and I also have a thick skin.

        What does bother me, however, is seeing someone like you repeat things you know to be lies (to wit: the “just tourists walking through the Capitol building” thing), thereby illustrating the degree to which you have surrendered your own integrity and your perceptions of reality. Trump, being the Alpha male, forces subordinates (i.e. you) to agree that the person in charge gets to determine what reality actually is.

        Can’t you see how completely you have capitulated, and been taken captive by your right-wing media? It’s definitely 1984 in the party of MAGA.

        • Dog:
          Please at least make a small attempt tp view the world through a lens that is not tainted with hatred of conservatives, especially of President Trump. Frankly, it is getting old. I can pretty much sum up all of your comments in two sentences.
          “Conservatives are bad.”
          “Leftists are good.”
          The minute you realize the events of Jan 6th were not an insurrection, but instead of large group of people getting carried away, possibly by some provocateurs in the crowd. (Ray Epps? Mr. Epps, I am looking your way.) (Weird who he never saw the inside of a jail despite the fact he was on camera calling for the trespass.) Just because a bunch of never Trumpers claim it was an insurrection does not make it one. I can claim any number of things, and that does not make them any more valid.

    • Yes one of the most ignorant posts ever read on Must Read Alaska I will help you set the record for most reply’s to a stupid post. Liz Cheney should go to prison instead.

      • Dog doesn’t know the Rule of Law. He is driven by insane ideology, as many radical Democrats are now driven. They lost! They’re dreams of a Marxist society in America are flushed away by common sense. Goodbye Dog and all the lemmings who hate America. It’s a long fall over the cliff. But we will be glad to help you over.

  3. This is different. Awarding citizens for going after 50% (at least) of their fellow Americans politically. And she didn’t even get re elected in her home state.

    • Ms.Henry: On what charge would you imprison Ms. Chaney?
      Citizens in America are entitled to constitutional due process or are you advocating for ignoring this basic right.
      Chaney advocated against President Trump. Is that a crime?

      • 1. Witness tampering.
        2. Obstruction of Justice and destruction of government property. Exactly why is it being justified for destroying 1 terabyte of J6 files?

      • Joe, Mrs. Cheney was not there to advocate for anything or anyone, but to fact find. Your inadvertent admission of her personal bias against Trump should have disqualified her to sit on that commission to begin with. It is very obvious that she manipulated the process to achieve a predestined end result that had nothing to do with the facts or justice and law & order. She should be treated like any other person and stand trial for tampering with a witness and destruction of records.

          • Chrissy.
            I am not sure I understand where your question comes from. What exactly did A Taxpayer say that was not “very bright?”
            Granted, the “It is very obvious that she manipulated the process…” is at this point an opinion, not a statement of fact, but the rest is pretty accurate.

            • See BM:
              What does a Taxpayer have to do with not being very bright? I’m referring to Joe Geldhof’s comment. Any attorney who has studied the 1/6 Committee hearings understand that Lynne Cheney was used as a Republican pig by Democrats to throw poo around. Cheney is completely unhinged and hugely rejected by residents of Wyoming. Under a different set of circumstances, the Democrats would have been castigating Lynne for being Dick’s daughter. But as a useful idiot for the 1/6 Committee, Democrats cheered her on. Same principle applies for Lisa Murkowski, another unhinged old woman who can’t flex her lawyer creds around, because she doesn’t have any to flex. Two very dumb women who Democrats paraded before the media in hopes of dividing the Republican Party. So, there is no Rule of Law to discuss. And anyone who opines in the opposite, is also dumb ……even self-aggrandized lawyers.

            • Thank you CBMTTek.
              It appears that ChrissyB has not figured out how the “Reply” buttons works on this site, as his/her “Dumb question JOE” indicates that his/her uncouth comment was directed towards him.

              • Occasionally the comment system on MRAK places comments in the wrong place. It has happened to me more than once. I suspect it is the moderation that causes it, but I do not have any solution aside from accepting that errors will happen.

              • Yeah, Joe Geldhof was the intended recipient of being “dumb.” I think everyone here at MRAK could figure that out.

      • It is a felony to destroy anything that could be evidence in a federal investigation punishable for up to 10 years in prison.

        • It doesn’t matter about misinterpretation by commenters here at MRAK. We are a thoughtful, forgiving group of readers. And we can all agree that Liz Cheney is a big POS. Same applies to Lisa Murkowski.

  4. Don’t think the prison officials will let Liz wear that medal in prison after conviction for destruction of evidence and tampering with witnesses.

  5. It is offensive to many to see the trappings and prerogatives of the Presidency turned into personal and political tools. Was Joseph Robinette Biden elected so he could had out taxpayer funded stuff to his cronies? Clearly no. Biden confirms how small he is.

    • Sure did, he was commissioned a Brigadier General in the British Army, they paid him about 6000 pounds and he was received by King George III.

  6. She got an achievement award from Grandpa Bloodstains. Good for her.

    More broken, useful idiots need to be recognized for their stupidity. Give one to Hunter, too.

  7. What she can really use is a pardon. Lying to congress and obstruction of justice are waiting to say hi.

  8. At this point we all know what Biden is. A demented old man. Liz Cheney can her stupid little “trophy” with her.

  9. The left fully embraced the Cheney’s when Kamala Harris not only accepted their endorsement but featured Liz Cheney in her campaign.

  10. The only they should be awarded is an Orange Jumpsuit. The weaponization of the federal government under Biden makes Al Capone look like a Choir Boy.

  11. How lovely. A complete brain-dead, mumbling idiot presenting an award to a completely traitorous, zero-brained, whiner and b*tch. Hard to ascertain which is the bigger loser and moron. But this is what Democrats do best ……..
    compliment each other for being fools.

  12. Hmm…Does she have a sister named Lisa?
    Could she be the 3rd “Salmon Sister”?
    Or is TDS that contagious?
    Possibly a trait amongst RINO’s.

  13. Another award cheapened by ‘woke’ criteria. The Academy Awards are awarded to the recipient adhered to the woke narrative especially well. The J6 Committee was established by Pelosi in violation of House Rules. She was the one who picked Cheney and her lackey to ‘represent’ republicans interests. It was all show to frame Trump as an ‘insurrectionists’. Their problem is in their zeal they violated constitutional rights and judicial procedures. Cheney may pay the price with the criminal referral from the House
    Committee that is underway.

  14. Remember when Trump gave the Presidential Commendation Medal to Dr Fiend…I mean Fauci????
    That was much worse, just sayin ?

  15. What comes around goes around she is already getting what’s coming to her. She can’t even go shopping without security detail with her. Wyoming folks are real proud of her. Ha ha

    • That you find it amusing that she has to have a security detail says more about you than her. It’s because of people like you that she needs the protection, not because of anything she’s done.

      • Cman
        Yes that’s funny she has people who do not like her views so she needs protection for involvement with a bad election.
        She wanted to be involved so she is getting what she deserves.

          • C
            This country is at a turning point we can accept your way or the way this country has been be for your crowd decided to weaponize the government against its taxpayers.
            We have elected to say no to your BS and yes all the illegal stunts pulled by the politicians require a hard stance of no we won’t comply. Your girl put herself in the light by the illegal moves she did to help coverup your leftist ideas.
            She had a choice like you but chose wrong so go cry in your corner.

      • Perhaps if she did not go into the J6 committee with a strong bias against President Trump, and if she did not tamper with/manipulate witnesses, and if she did not destroy records that were subpoenaed by Congress, maybe, just maybe, she would not have angered half the nation.

      • Ever hear of projection? She knows what she did. She is proud of what she did. And she knows what she would have done to anyone who did the same thing to her. That’s why she needs protection.

        Happily, she gets to spend the rest of her life living in fear that she will get treated by her political enemies just like she treated them. The worst the right can do to her is ignore her, though pointing and laughing would be a nice alternative. Have fun, Liz. Have fun with you silly little award. Cheers –

      • I always find it interesting when people behave badly and act poorly and then blame the people, who object to such behavior. Death threats are unacceptable, but having to face angry and disappointed constituents, Liz Cheney brought on herself.

  16. She’s a traitor like Lisa Murkowski. They’re setting us up to be taken out by Russia/China or the sun!

    Lisa Murkowski Blocked Effort to Protect US Power Grid [the bill had already passed in the House] — Within 12 months of an EMP attack or massive solar flare, 90% of Americans would perish!


    • Lol…well if Alaska gets taken over by Russia…
      I know someone who will walk up to Russia…
      Hello…hold hand out for the deed to Alaska…
      Look for the First People…hand them the deed…
      Give the First People their property back…
      Hire a Forensic accountants for the oil money…
      Boot Russia back home and warn the world…
      Says the Reason why Russia exhumed graves in Russia and Jerusalem…raised eyebrows…
      First People- better logic than what I have seen…

      • Which First People are you talking about? Current group of tribes who were last across the land bridge? Or the other First People who showed up in North America before them? How can you tell? How can you decide, unless of course, this is simply another cash grab via government fiat? Cheers –

        • Probably Alaska First People. They are on top of the world. Thank God for small favors.
          They are very smart and very survival types.
          That will serve humanity well when they need to re-learn how to survive the wars.

      • What a convoluted comment Anon!
        Russia holds the deed to Alaska? Huh?
        I have great respect for our fellow Americans, who have a long list of ancestors in this state, but I wonder how well these same individuals would fare, when all of a sudden all the electronic devices, planes, boats, cars, radios, computers, phones etc. were no longer available to survive and make life easier, more comfortable and survivable.

  17. You know there’s a lot of Real Great Americans who have actually accomplished something for our country that deserve those medals. Instead Dudley gives them to a freak show. It gets better by the minute. What other wonderful things does he have in store over the next 430 hours of his career.??

  18. “I betrayed my party, made a mockery of congressional investigations, tampered with a witness, hid evidence, destroyed evidence, coached a witness to lie, had my backside handed to me and lost my congressional seat by 40 points – and all I got was this medal from a man who will be remembered for being the worst American President in modern history.” Second best civilian medal for a third-rate person.

  19. PedoJoe will not have a clue as to why he is putting this medal around Liz Cheney’s neck at the official ceremony. But he may going for a sniff of the hair (and perhaps touch/grab her breast if he can).

    • If Liz was younger and naive Joe would definitely have a sparkle in his eye and be on his A game with her.

  20. Dick Cheney with a bad wig. Liz led the charge to imprison dozens of innocent Americans for Jan. 6th, repeated the LIE that “police officers were killed” ( no police officers were killed, the only people killed were unarmed demonstrators) and coached a federal witness to lie before congress (Cassidy Hutchinson) . Liz should be arrested and taken from her home in a late-night raid and held “awaiting trial” for at least the four years that Trump is in office, longer if any justice is actually served.

  21. As Dr Jill accepted a $20,000 diamond from the India PM, Cheney was overheard as saying “And all I got was this cheesy participation medal!”

  22. Its a show medal, like those everyy tinpot third World dictator wears on their “just for show” military uniform usually after adding the rank of Colonel to their bogusCV

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