Betting markets say Murkowski will vote ‘yea’ to confirm Ketanji Brown Jackson to Supreme Court


PredictIt, the online prediction tool that allows people to essentially bet on real political outcomes, has a new game up: Will Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska vote to confirm Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court?

With over 64,151 shares traded, the players are saying yes, Murkowski will be a “Yea” on Brown Jackson.

Murkowski opposed the Trump nominees to the Supreme Court and was a holdout vote who was lobbied heavily by Planned Parenthood and other left-wing organizations, who attempted to sway her.

She ultimately voted “present” on Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination, after opposing him initially. She also opposed advancing the nomination of Justice Amy Coney Barrett, but in the end voted “Yea” to confirm her. Both were considered conservative jurists.

Murkowski is one of the senators who led the talks that ended with the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, or VAWA, earlier this year, and is a champion for protecting women and children from being victimized. How she will respond to Brown Jackson’s protection of predators is anyone’s guess in this year, in which she is also up for reelection.

PredictIt is owned and operated by Victoria University of Wellington of New Zealand with support from Aristotle, Inc. The market was launched on Nov. 3, 2014 and its office is now headquartered in Washington, D.C.


  1. Of course she will. Not because she’s fit for the job, but simply because she’s a woman and she’s black.
    Affirmative action: ruining America since 1969

  2. She already told me “yes.” She said she wants the court packed with more lefty judges too. Lisa always dreamed about being a famous criminal defense lawyer and getting child pornographers and terrorists off easy with little or no jail time. Instead, she had to settle for getting placed in the US Senate by her daddy. It’s been an easy life.

  3. How are the people ‘feeling’? Their feelings are from mixed to gravely concerned about biden and the far left democrats. I take a leap to bet she’d vote nay with a very eloquently well thought out refusal that’ll be perfectly sensitive sounding to the layman especially toward women and children who are still reeling the consequences from sexual abuse by perputrators and pedofiles. In a state like alaska, we would not like seeing sexual offenders given a slap on the hand.

  4. Agree Linda,
    Lisa is a poor excuse for a senator, a worse excuse for a pretend alaskan, and completely anti American, with every vote she proces it. Shes in the pocket of the commie democrats.
    She hates us.
    She undermines us all with her lefty voting.

  5. This is way to serious for ‘betting’ odds. How could Murkowski support a nominee that is so Woke she feels ‘sorry’ for child pornography offenders and reflected that attitude in her sentencing? Remember, these are just the ones that were caught. Millions more are out there and will find lenient justice no deterrent to destroying innocent young lives if someone like this is allowed to sit on the highest court. We have sunk so low………

  6. Lisa knows her political career is coming to an end. She won as a right in. Her political bookend will paint her career with a shade of Woke with her yea vote for the worst SC Nominee in history. Never knew the 907 would see this.

  7. All I can say is that Senator Murkowski has not represented my views of the “best interests” of Alaska for years and has me questioning any further support of other politicians who DO support her-I consider her revengeful views of Trump to be nothing less than traitorous to Alaskan interests

  8. Murkowski’s indifference to unborn children exceeds her fondness for born children. So yes, of course she will confirm this pro-abortion nominee.

  9. Obviously, Princess Lisa will vote for this shameful excuse for a Supreme Court judge — because it’s exactly the wrong decision, and making wrong decisions is what Princess Lisa is ALL about.

  10. Do it Lisa!

    One more nail won’t hurt Alaska’s chances of sending you home to whatever liberal state will harbor you.

  11. Yesterday, when asked if she can define the word “woman”, Ms Brown Jackson said “No”.

    This is who the Democrats (and probably Lisa too) want to put on the highest court in the land.
    You literally cannot make this stuff up, it would seem too bizarre that an “accomplished jurist” does not know what a woman is…….but here we are.

  12. Does it surprise anyone that Murkowski will vote yes on a soft-on-child-porn-sentencing judge? The symbology of the first African-American female justice means more than victimized children. Me wonders whether or not she would be such a staunch advocate of a conservative black woman justice such as Condoleeza Rice? Remember kids: whenever she uses the term “good public policy” she means that she’s going against conservatives, people of faith and even common sense. Thanks to Ranked Choice Voting, we’re stuck with her for life.

  13. Can you define what a woman is Ms Brown?
    No, no, don’t think I can, I’m not a biologist.

    Are you a woman Ms Brown?
    Yes, yes I am.

    How are you different from a man Ms Brown?

    How on earth can ANYONE vote for a moron who can’t/won’t answer a 5th grade question. #amanisbornwithapeepee #therenottoohardscotuswannabe #byebyelisa

  14. Supreme Court Nominee Jackson Brown Can’t Define ‘Woman’ Because ‘I’m Not a Biologist’ In her Supreme Court confirmation hearing Tuesday, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson declared that she could not define the word “woman” even though her fellow leftists repeatedly gushed over the fact that she is the first black woman nominee. Asked by Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) to provide the definition of the word “woman,” Jackson replied “No. I can’t.” “You can’t?” Blackburn responded in surprise. “Not in this context,” Jackson returned. I’m not a biologist.” Earlier, Judge Jackson had no problem talking about the historical significance of her nomination as a “woman,” and never questioned the use of the word. Leftists now refuse even to define what a woman is. So much for them being the champions of women’s rights. The left destroyed women’s lives for half a century under the pretense of “liberating” them from domestic slavery: promoting a sexual libertinism that did nothing but devalue them; pushing them to murder their unborn; pushing them to prioritize high-powered careers over family; triggering an explosion of pornography that victimizes women but claims to empower them; and now literally erasing them out of existence by refusing to define “woman.”

    The left is throwing women entirely under the bus to push the next level of gender ideology.

  15. Given the performance of the last few days of confirmation hearings, ie – non-responses and diversions, it would be a horrific mistake for Daddy’s Little Princess to vote for the confirmation of Jackson, It’s quite clear that Jackson is nothing short of a far left Judicial Activist.

    • Despite all that Lisa will do as her donors – not her constituents – demand. We can hope that when that well-buttered slice of bread falls it will land in the kitty-box with the buttered side down.

  16. Murkowski has a burning desire that critical race theory be promoted, advanced and taught in all schools, both public and private, all the way down to the primary grades. That’s why she supports Jackson Brown.

  17. Child pornography (two words which do not belong together) is primarily provided to the world from european countries. Therefore Interpol police interdiction is required to stop it. They seldom if ever interdict historically. Pornography should be banned because it is the starting point and progressively gets worse. How is this “european” product marketed? Evidently on the internet. If one does not have adequate firewalls this garbage comes along to entrap the unwary. Pushing inadvertantly (scribner’s error) the wrong button can get a heterosexual male in the pedophile corner.
    How can you tell a heterosexual from a pedophile? There is a medical diagnostic device which attaches to the genital. It invariably cannot be faked. If the male is attracted to full bosoms and curves of the adullt female the medical observer can report findings to the judge. If the undeveloped bodies have the effect on a male he is a pedophile. All pedophiles do not act on impulses. They are not all volitionally impaired. If a heterosexual male clicks on a page with hidden filthy images sent to his ip randomly for marketing or entrapping purposes or to injure him legally purposefully is he and his household not the victim?
    In Seattle approximately twenty years ago an aggressive ag sent just such child pornography material to an elder woman neighbor he hated. He knew he had parked it on her computer at Christmas season. He arranged to have legal action taken against her. Fortunately expert forensic expertise was available to the court in Seattle (such expertise is seldom available) and was traced accordingly. The offending court officer had his wrists slapped a bit. The lady was not legally harmed but severely emotionally harmed. Judges may be aware of not singular instances of this unscrupulous “marketing” “behavior”as was reported by the Seattle Times decades ago. Ergo the political ability to elicit as desired overreactions from the public on this prurient topic whenever politically expedient.
    What grandmother would want her grandson to unexpectedly receive such european material. The US agencies obtained such material while prior administrations were in the WH to entrap those without firewalls making them to appear as pedophiles. There is testimony the material was reviewed in the WH itself, shockingly enough, to be sure it was prurient enough. Perhaps that will be admitted someday. This subject is extremely dirty in every way.

  18. My memory was flawed. This was a case of the deputy ag impersonating his neighbor lady and marketing ads purporting to be her in lurid solicitations. Another jurisdiction reported an IT department defending a technical employee being prosecuted for child porn when his computer was proven to be off. People should not be entrapped by their governments. Not service we want. If the judge thinks many of these cases are not cases that should be brought maybe it’s time to say so.

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