Libby Bakalar, the city attorney for Bethel, appeared to have posted on social media a graphic of Sen. Lora Reinbold’s head on a vibrator. That post is now no longer visible, but remnants of it remain in screenshots shared on the Internet.
She was commenting on Reinbold’s method for breaking up chest congestion associated with Covid-19.

Bakalar, whose trademark on social media is audaciousness, also posted a warning that she will sue anyone who harasses her by writing to her or calling her regarding her social media posts.
She is a former assistant attorney general who was released by the Dunleavy Administration who is suing the Administration because of wrongful termination. She is represented by the ACLU.

Willy Keppel, a Quinhagaklresident who often comments on political issues, took issue with the post. He asked the City Council of Bethel if it would also be acceptable to put Rep. Tiffany Zulkosky’s head on a vibrator, or it that was just ok for Republican lawmakers.
“This is an officer of the Court and like it or note, what Bethel does, affects the whole Delta,” he said, calling for her immediate dismissal.

As for Reinbold, she has aid on social media she is now better after fighting Covid-19.
Unprofessional. Not funny. And yet totally not shocking and completely in line with how the left behaves..
Just because she has a license she feels untouchable. Lawyers should be held to a higher standard not this petty crap with the threat I will sue. Freedom of speech baby.
Progressives never fail to continually demonstrate their class! Why does anyone support these lowlife ignorant uncivil creatures? I will never understand, but apparently there are sufficient low information citizens to keep these imbeciles in positions of power.
For civilization to survive, citizens must act civil.
The witchcraft is depending on only one thing, the vaccine, to get us out of the pandemic. Israel has the highest vaccination rate in the world while they’ve been experiencing one of the highest infection rates of any nation —some weeks they had over 10,000 cases in a country of only 9 million.
And FYI for any of you not brainwashed by CNN: For preventing and treating COVID please Google FLCCC. America’s Frontline Doctors are also fantastic.
Too, anybody, pharmacists included, denying these medicines and treatments and ESPECIALLY those giving the so-called vaccine to little children should be indicted for murder.
Percusion and vibration have been used for decades, and I’m sure much longer, to break up chest congestion.
With all the serious problems Yupik people are facing, the regional hub City of Bethel, shows that twisted, hyperpartisanship is the priority.
Fascist impulses, utter corruption and complete lack of empathy for fellow Natives epitomize the new Native ruling class.
Dividing Americans by race, ethnicity and culture is key for incompetent and dysfunctional people to consolidate power. Which explains introducing the down states – outside Native concept of “sovereign tribes”, enacted with the use of white, woke attorneys.
Well stated!
Mike, good move!
The level of intellectual discourse in Alaska politics is up to its usual standards.
Classic case of dish it out but can’t take it.
Another liberal princess speaks out with nothing good to say!
What a low class piece of work.
This does not sound like a nice person. Respect is not part of her persona – the bush will cast her out shortly. Meanwhile, she has the same free speech rights as the Babylon Bee – who is very careful how the impugn anyone personally. Beware Libby, there is a line thou shalt not cross, even with sarcasm.
As I’ve always said, don’t escalate, medicate! Wonder if this post will be met with a lawsuit from the mentally unstable?!? LOL
Gonna be another long winter!
Willy doesn’t seem to know the difference between a vibrator and a dildo. Martha Stewart could fill him in.
Billy, I have no doubt that you can elaborate on that difference, based on your extensive personal experiences with both devices. Please do tell!
There is a difference but you don’t seem to know what that is. Is that because you’ve not used either one??
As for my personal experiences, that you wouldn’t have a clue about, use your imagination after learning what each one is. Ignorance is a poor excuse for your grade-school comment.
Why wait for Martha Billy of the Backloop. You seem to have knowledge of such. Buzzz
You don’t have knowledge of such??
She is the textbook definition of privileged entitled white trash, please take note ACLU.
Good news is Senator Lora seems to be living rent-free inside Libby Bakalar’s head … or wherever Ms. Bakalar chooses to apply her appliance.
One supposes if Senator Lora were a Lernaean Hydra, things might have turned out differently, yes?
She’s scared of confrontation or she wouldn’t try scaring people off with threats first. Some people would find that to be a dare. I find this insight to be interesting and entertaining.
Her name says it all! Definitely A MESS she is ???
God bless you senator Reinbold
Your agitating the enemy and their depraved minds are being displayed.
Their self destructive behaviors are in full bloom
Stand strong,resolved, and resolute.
Sounds like the Dunleavy administration made the right call in letting this one go. And no one should be paying her way to continue this teenage behavior. if I were the Bethel city administration, I’d closely look at her unprofessional behavior and consider terminating her from her position.
After looking at her posts on FB, she is a certified nutjob and she has 12k followers, now that is downright scary.
Interestingly Libby demands the right to free speech, just not for those, who are not enamored with her sick and disgusting view of the world. She must have an inordinate amount of time on her hands, to read all the Lora Reinbold’s posts and make snarky remarks. I wonder if she posted those during work hours?
This an example that legal words are fighting words. This is why an organization always needs the professional practice of public relations between the fighting words of the legal “practitioner” and the public.
Libby is a
Leftist commie – go look at her posts.
Libby is a pos bully.
Libby should be fired from her position.
Dunleavy did the right thing in canning her a**.
I bet Libby is a vaxxer who wears a mask when she is driving in her car alone – virtue signaling…
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