Beta male voters browbeaten by Peltola

Peltola ad targeting beta males.

Rep. Mary Peltola has some relationship advice for the beta white males of the state — the same beta males who are being encouraged to vote for Kamala Harris for president: “Don’t put your relationships on the line this November. Exercise your right to vote, and make your voice heard. It’s on us to shape the future, so let’s do it,” Peltola says in her latest plea.

In other words, vote the way your honey wants you to vote or she is going to kick you out of the apartment.

It’s a form of psychological manipulation for the simp vote: A woman is pictured breaking up with a subordinate man simply because he didn’t vote. It’s the same young male target market that is the focus of the Harris campaign’s “White Men for Harris” program.


  1. “Kick you out of the apartment “
    Do you know why……. Because you can’t AFFORD a HOUSE! (to be kicked out of)
    ….. it’s because of your past votes that made home ownership unattainable for so many in the first place.

  2. Hopefully wives, girlfriends, partners etc are smart enough to vote against Peltola and Harris. Neither are good for our State or Country. My Husband will be voting like me and both of us against these two so called women.

  3. This is too stupid. Beta males, tell them what they want to hear, and then vote however you effing want. I recommend Trump/Vance and Begich. And then satisfy “your honey” by telling them what they want to hear. F* Peltola and her entire tyrant girlfriend army

  4. Wow! Fella – you better get a backbone that’s what I would say.
    Well, I cast my vote early for Nick Begich and President Trump and conservatives down the ballot; including, No on 1 & Yes on 2. What a great turnout!!

  5. With three marriages, other “close” relationships, and how ever many more to go, Mary Peltola is the last person to give any relationship advice.

  6. Seriously, Mary!? Your election campaign train seems to have gone off the rails. Once this election has mercifully ended, may I suggest that you should find a relationship with a good man, someone who will love you in spite of who you are – fatuous and vainglorious. And best of luck, Mary, in the private sector.

  7. Yep my loving, nurturing, beautiful wife told me to vote Trump/Vance, Begich, No on 1 Yes on 2 so thanks for the advice MP, I did what she told me 😀😃

  8. News flash for all these wussy dudes: Your lady is going to kick you to the curb eventually anyway because although she wants to virtue-signal she’s got a progressive man her biopsychology is in high gear screaming for a REAL man. It’s the ultimate cognitive to biological dissonance. In fact, she’s probably already getting herself some manly on the side.

  9. As a subspecies of the American male, the Alaskan castrati don’t seem like much of a voting bloc or anything else worth a second look.
    Cause for optimism, isn’t it, that Peoples Federal Representative Peltola is this desperate for votes?

  10. Marxists are happy to turn children against their parents, wives against their husbands, anything and everything must be sacrificed to the cause.

  11. Amazing how fast the democrats pivoted from “joy” to shame.

    It’s a waste of time. Pretty sure Mary has the beta male vote locked down

  12. This low testosterone demographic referenced as beta male is a key voting bloc for the evil party. Wasn’t always this way however. Just 50 years ago young American Men had fully twice the testosterone as those democrat targeted pathetic wimps of today.
    This might explain the Democrats irrational hatred for RFK Jr, since his MAHA platform addresses the root causes of the low “T” problem.
    Meanwhile, it’s notable how many women are frustrated by these men who are lacking the quality they desire.

  13. Peltola campaign has been extremely nasty, perhaps one of the ugliest ever run in this state. And the support of “Putting Alaskans First” lets you see how nasty the NEA dollars can be.

  14. This is a naive analysis.

    If you’ve been listening to Peltola’s ads, the implication is obvious: vote for the woman who’ll protect my “right” to perpetual whoredom through contraception and abortion access, or I’ll kick you to the curb.

    If you want to keep your whore, vote for Peltola.

    It’s insulting to men and women both.

  15. Who in their right mind thinks such an ad actually works?

    In what world would any man tolerate being treated like a disobedient child by the woman he is with….. because he did not vote???
    Interestingly not only does this ad discriminate against men, but it further makes clear that any vote other than one for Mary, will still get him canned. That negates the entire preposterous premise of “I dump you because you shirked your civic duty”.
    One should not be surprised that such convoluted thinking can only come from a group of special interest elites out of touch with regular citizens.

  16. Men who vote for Pelota and support rank choice voting are the same type of men that let their wife’s boyfriend move in with them.

    What are you going to delete off this one moderator? Starting to feel like a Facebook censor got hired over here.


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