Congressman Nick Begich III voted on Tuesday in favor of the Laken Riley Act.
The bill gives Immigration and Customs Enforcement and state governments resources to fight against illegal aliens criminals. An identical bill overwhelmingly passed the House last year with bipartisan support, but stalled in the Senate. It was introduced last week on the first day of the congressional session by Rep. Mike Collins of Georgia.
The legislation is named for Laken Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student murdered by an illegal immigrant on the University of Georgia’s campus one year ago on Feb. 22, 2024.

The Laken Riley Act does two things:
- It would amend federal law to require Immigration and Customs Enforcement to issue detainers and take custody of illegal aliens who commit theft-related crimes, such as shoplifting, as defined by state and local law.
- It would allow state attorneys general to sue the Secretary of Homeland Security for injunctive relief if immigration actions such as parole, violation of detention requirements, or other policy failures harm that state or its citizens.
The bill directly addresses one of the federal policy failures related to Laken Riley’s murder. Killer Jose Ibarra, is an illegal alien who had been previously cited for shoplifting by the Athens, Ga. Police Department. If local law enforcement had called ICE, and ICE issued a detainer and picked him up, Laken would be alive.
Ibarra was found guilty in November 2024 and has been sentenced to life without parole.
“Today, I proudly voted in favor of the Laken Riley Act, legislation that unwinds years of failed immigration policies,” Begich said. “Laken and many others have paid the ultimate price for these failures. Our vote today gives law enforcement the tools needed to apprehend and detain illegal immigrants who have proven to be a danger to our communities. Further, the bill provides the states with standing, allowing them to sue the federal government for failing to enforce our nation’s immigration laws. This is the beginning of a Congress committed to putting the people of America first.”
First turn at bat and this guy hits a solid base hit. My wait-and-see opinion of the Nickster is starting to change. Not that Everything-she-touches-turns-to-crap-Mary was hard to beat in the correct legislative voted department.
Go Nick, you’ve hit the ground running. I’ve heard more from you in the last 3 days than Sullivan in the last 2 years. Keep going!
Another unfunded mandate to local police departments.
Not another one.
This law should never had even been proposed.
If someone is in the country illegally, and they break the law (the are already breaking the law, but let’s not conflate illegal alien status with violent criminal action, OK), the local police are ALREADY obligated to work with ICE to deport the criminal.
All this law does is make the requirement even more requirementy.
CB, I was thinking the same thing. Why does an illegal alien need to “commit a theft-related crime” before ICE can detain them? They should be arrested and deported when they apply for a driver license, or enroll their children in school. Any employer hiring an illegal alien should face federal felony charges with guaranteed jail time. Enough treating criminals with kid gloves.
You’re right on why more laws and time spent on an already illegal event?
Typical politicians quick write another rule or another law and that way we’ll look good.
No worries, I am sure this action will drive the illegal criminals to the Democrat sanctuary cities to avoid being deported.
At least conservatives will have a heads up to avoid armpits where illegals congregate.
Oh Frank!
Breath of fresh air!!!
Let me be the first to say it.
This law should never have even been proposed.
There, I said it. And, here is why.
Police at ALL levels should work in cooperation with the Federal immigration authorities to ensure criminals, especially the violent criminals this law addresses, are deported. If it were not for anti-American leftists, sanctuary cities would never exist. Laws would be enforced, at all levels of government.
But, instead, leftist bleeding hearts decided emotions and feelz were more important that enforcing the law and public safety. So, Congress had to act to protect the citizens against these policies.
Unfortunately, the idiots running sanctuary cities and states will again ignore the rule of law, and allow violent illegal aliens to roam free, terrorizing the law abiding.
I am sure Mary would have voted present or a no show at all.
Good Riddance!
Anyone entering the country without permission is a criminal and should be deported when caught and banned from ever entering the country again.
Undocumented immigrants are arrested at less than half the rate of native-born U.S. citizens for violent and drug crimes and a quarter the rate of native-born citizens for property crimes. Since we’ve been talking fact checking today, look this statistic up. I take no issue with the legislation but it isn’t a rampant problem seeking a solution.
“Undocumented immigrants”? You mean Illegal Aliens? They have already committed a serious crime in crossing our border illegally. They aren’t supposed to be here. At the very least, they should be sent out of the country. If you want to argue for easier immigration, then go ahead and argue for that. Don’t encourage foreigners to break our laws.
M John, Indeed, an undocumented immigrant is a foreigner who is in the legal process of applying for immigrant status and is patiently awaiting for proper documentation to transpire. Once that process is completed, and they have been sworn in as a naturalized citizen, then they can be considered a documented immigrant. Anyone entering our country without prior approval or visa is a criminal illegal alien.
Whatever you want to call them I don’t care. Of course they’re committing a crime by entering our country illegally, but what I was talking about was violent and drug related crimes as well as property crimes. It is directly related to the legislation in the article. No need to be so sensitive about words. I only thought woke liberals were supposed to be like that.
These people have already broken the law by entering or remaining in the country without proper authorization. And, they chose to commit violent criminal acts.
But, your comment implies the issue is really a non-issue? Really? What your comment really says is you are OK with “sanctuary cities/states” ignoring the violent criminal acts of illegal aliens because… well… because I cannot actually figure out why you think that is OK.
hmmm 335 million vs 11 million = 1/30th the population committing 1/2 the rate of serious crimes?
How about we just let them undocumented aliens live with you ?
You’re just right mindset to take care of your illegal aliens. Put them up at your house spend your money to take care of them.
“I take no issue with the legislation but it isn’t a rampant problem seeking a solution.”
That, I have a problem with.
It does not matter whether this is a rampant problem or not. It is a problem.
And, the problem is not the commission of the crime. The problem is the cities and states that will knowingly ignore violent crimes committed by illegal aliens because they are too busy being woke. As I noted above, this law should not have to exist. In a sane world, anyone committing violent crime, regardless of legal resident/citizen status, should be charged, prosecuted, and punished. But… that is not what is happening.
Instead, we have woke DAs, woke Judges, and woke legislatures who are so benevolent and kind that they will allow the law abiding to be victimized by law breakers.
And, you comment about it not being a rampant problem actually contributes to the problem. It is that attitude that gets woke DAs and Judges elected.
Go ahead and reach out to the young ladies family that was senselessly murdered all for his personal pleasure and tell them its a non issue and they dont deserve legislation in her name.
Your President who invited this filth into our country didnt even care enough to remember her name.
He has blood all over his hands and will answer to that soon enough.
The entire DOJ and especially the prosecutors office that left this scum out on the street to commit more crime deserve to be punished for their careless actions and attitude all supported by your award winning George Soros foundation who Joe is so proud of.
What a breath of fresh sea breeze, Nick is! Elections have consequences and now that ‘Nice’ Mary is back in Bethel, we have an Alaska First and not a democrat party first representative in Washington
Good job Nick. Keep it up we got a mess from hell to straighten out.
Yep, this is a new problem that surfaced under Biden’s watch for which the Trump cavalry were created.
Begich for President 2028!
(Campaign is just 2 years away –
Or does Trump just anoint someone?)
JD will do just fine.
What a difference between Peltola and Begich. Now we need to get rid of Rino Murkowski.
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