U.S. Attorney General William Barr in Alaska this week


U.S. Attorney General William P. Barr is in Alaska this week to speak to leaders around the state regarding public safety and justice issues.

He arrived late this afternoon at Joint Base Elmendorf Richardson.

Barr will begin his speaking tour in Anchorage at the Alaska Native Justice Roundtable at Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium on Wednesday at 1:45 pm.

Barr is also expected to visit the Alaska State Crime Lab on Thursday.

Must Read Alaska has learned that Barr is expected to appear on the Fairbanks show “Problem Corner” show hosted by Dave Pruhs on KFAR 660 between 11-12 am on Friday. But his schedule has been a closely guarded secret.

Last month, Sen. Lisa Murkowski invited Barr to visit Alaska to witness the state of tribal justice on the Last Frontier. In response, Barr said he had already planned a trip to look into the problem of violence against Native women, a topic that Murkowski and Sen. Dan Sullivan have been highlighting lately.

The visit is being coordinated with Murkowski’s and Sullivan’s offices and Barr is expected to spend most of Wednesday with Sen. Sullivan. Must Read Alaska has not confirmed that Gov. Michael Dunleavy or Alaska Attorney General Kevin Clarkson will be meeting with Barr.

Dunleavy is speaking at the Alaska Oil and Gas Association annual meeting in Anchorage on Thursday, the same day Barr will also be in Anchorage.


  1. He’s actually already in Alaska, hiding out from Nancy Pelosi and her stack of subpoenas. Barr needs a break from the rigors of putting up with the insane Democrats and Alaska is a good place to hide out. Maybe he’ll show up at Coots or in a Two Street bar at the Banks.

    • Nancy Pelosi hasn’t issued any subpoenas. The president is, unfortunately, a draft dodger, a tax cheat, a degenerate and has clearly obstructed justice and is in league with the former head of the KGB and his Kremlin allies to put Russsian interests ahead of our own.

      • Pancho, you must be talking about Bill and Hillary Clinton…YOUR heroes. And yes, you are correct on all counts. The Clinton’s are GUILTY.

          • Trump’s idiots trump Clinton’s/Obama’s idiots, and the FACTS bear it out. Whine away, loser. You get more Trump for your loss. All the way through 2024. What then? Maybe Pence? Consider moving south of the Border and come back as an illegal. You’ll be better off.

          • The true idiots are the democrats… 9 month abortions, putting males in our girls/women bathrooms, legalizing drugs when we are in crisis, putting illegals over citizens when we can’t even take care if our homeless or veterans!?!

          • Bill Barr is a hero for helping stop the Leftists in the Deep State…….those unelected bureaucrats who are trying to ruin our country.
            Thankfully, feckless Leftists like Robert Mueller, who couldn’t investigate a huge pimple on a bald rear-end, will be gone forever. And Mueller got paid millions for a nothing, two-year cluster-phuque.
            This was a very sad chapter in American politics, created by unhappy, miserable Democrats and Leftists.
            Thank you, Mr. Barr, for ending it.

        • How delusional you are.
          Your liar In Theif IQ45 is conspiring with a KGB a hostile country leader who helped him become a occupant of the white.House. Kim is love letter BBF. This Authoritarian IQ 45 is pathelic. MORON.

          • ANNA: you are one of the unhappiest persons who read MRAK, but so glad you are with us, as an exemplary model of the many insane and polarizing Left-wingers. I could easily say phuqueU, but I would rather say that ‘I wish you good luck in getting treatment for your mental health disorder.’ Good luck, Anna.

          • Hello Anna. Did you know that “theif” is really spelled, “thief,” as in I before E, proceeding an “eff.” Of course when one is so miserable in themself, they can’t always see straight. How do you think I got my job with an IQ of minus 15? But let me guess, YOUR IQ is about 150? Makes you smart and MISERABLE.

  2. The criminal AG is hiding out in Alaska to avoid facing questions after Mueller spoken publicly.

    Its a shame such a broken dishonorable man has come to the Great State of Alaska instead of owning up to the lies he has publicly made. Shameful.

    • He could do both… Own up and come to Alaska. He needs to repair the reputation he has sacrificed in his defense of the indefensible.

    • LOL. What exactly did Bill Barr do to make him a criminal? Was it that he told the truth about the Democrats in the House? That he denied Robert Mueller from spreading more lies and deceipt about the Russia investigation? Or, was it that he told the truth about the improperly procured FISA warrants that were based on a pack of lies from the Steele dossier? You Democrats need to get your collective conscience in better order. Now if you want to speak the TRUTH for a change, please inquire about the illegal operations by AG Eric Holder from gun running in Mexico, and his many accounts of covering up for an illegitimate president named Barak Hussein Obama.

    • AK4LYFE: oh, you mean YOUR criminal US Attorney Generals, Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch. Of course, both appointees by the illegitimate President Barak Hussein Obama, who did an excellent job of screwing up this country. Holder, the Mexican gunrunner who turned the US DOJ into a hate-crime seeking agency and covered for Obama’s messes. And Loretta Lynch, as dumb as they come, holding peace offerings for Bill and Hillary Clinton so they wouldn’t go to prison during Hillary’s failed campaign.
      Thank the Lord for an honest Attorney General, William Barr. Smarter and more honest than Holder and Lynch….who are a couple of feckless Affirmative Action AG’s working for a feckless Affirmative Action President Obama.

  3. I doubt Barr is ‘hiding out’ folks. I would be pretty certain this is a well-timed visit to address issues not being made public at this time. Why not look at those indictments on the books for the state of Alaska.

  4. Right on, Toby. Like, how to bust up Teacher’s Unions in Alaska by controlling the purse strings. The TEACHER’S MOB can’t operate without money. Dunleavy knows this. So, the dumbbells in the Legislature think they can rely on the state constitution to flex their muscle over the governor. The governor can take the MOB’S money, which is really stolen money from the state’s treasuries, by denying forward funding. Our governor is brilliant and bold. Our legislators are about 5 months slower than the governor, and they still don’t get his game plan. They THINK it’s only a power struggle with the governor. That’s why all 60 idiots are still in session and the governor is out enjoying summer in Alaska with Bill Barr. Dunleavy: send all 60 a free bottle of Vitamin D capsules and an invitation to grow a brain.

  5. AG Barr should come to Prudhoe Bay!!! I would LOVE to meet him, shake his hand and tell him thank you!

  6. This is a clever ruse by Barr, pretending to come to Alaska to better understand Native issues regarding sexual misconduct and violence. The REAL reason for Barr coming to Alaska: He wants to personally serve an arrest warrant on BYRON MALLOTT. Stay tuned!

    Psst. Mr. Barr, check out the little dive bar at the end of Douglas Island. Sexual molesters like to hide in darkened areas. Or, get ahold of Bill Walker and ask for a search of his e-mails and text messages. Brothers usually stay in electronic contact, or at least their spouses know their contact info.

  7. May all Alaskans who honor truth and justice thank our new AG for stepping up to the plate and defending our liberties and our rule of law. May we never forget that All Americans are considered innocent unless proven guilty and the liberal press needs to take a big step back and stop convicting others before the fact. Thank you Suzanne for reminding us what integrity on reporting looks like. We are grateful for you both!

  8. If he wanted to get to the bottom of many reports of sexual assault he could ask his boss about the circumstances of his first wife accusing him of rape and domestic violence in their divorce proceedings, and the more than a dozen other women who have alleged that he committed sexual “misconduct” and harassment against them.

    • Frank you don’t care about the abuse of anyone. You wake up angry and spew your bile. This is just another of your typical comments.

  9. Right. Barr was at the same party with Brett Kavenaugh in the 1980’s stirring up sh*t with Brett in preparation for the 2019 #MeToo movement. Those missoginistic rascals. Why do women love these bad boys so much?

  10. How are sexual assaults and domestic violence under the authority of the US Justice Dept? This is a State issue, not a federal one. A big old waste of time for nothing but emotional feel-goodisms and possibly a huge Federal over-reach. It’s up to Alaska to get its house in order; DC is an even bigger mess anyhow.

  11. You all don’t even know what trurh is if you did you,would want the President Trump to release his taxes. and fess up. We have a president not a King or dictator.. you say the Clinton’s are guilty…guilty of what??? Leaving t our country in a surplus that President Bush demolished and left the country in the Red with the Bank’s, Auto industry going Bankrupt and stock market tanking! Clintion had sex in the oval office and got impeached! our current President Trump has told around 10,000 false statements since being in office and he continues to be non transparent! Mueller didn’t say they didn’t find anything … according to the constitution he left it up to congress!
    Hillary was investigated several times
    and congress or senate couldn’t find anything on her to stick. This whole thing with Republicans is one sided it’s do what I say… but don’t do as I do… just read the Mueller report to refresh your memories. Our country is going to hell in a hand basket! Wake up and smell the coffee Trump finally got his Roy Coon, it’s time to get rid of Barr and Trump…. let’s do a real impeachment like water gate!

    • Janet….no worries. Barr is going after Hillary Clinton next. Then, you can brag more about her……from Pluto.

  12. I do believe Hillary Clinton is on Barr’s radar for a big time investigation. Leave it to the Democrats to throw-up the dirtiest bunch of scum in American politics. And all they can say is “TRUMP,” the most popular, talked-about man on the planet. Thank you, idiot Democrats.

  13. Sexual assault on natives?…you can start with arresting byron mallott. But no, the natives will protect their own.

  14. Carver …… the Democrats protect their own. Even the slimy ones like the Clintons, Obama, Pelosi, Feinstein, Naddler, Weiner, Mueller, Byron Mallott, Bill Walker.
    A true rogue’s gallery of smut bags, liars, thieves, rapist….etc. etc. The Democrat Party is full of them. Oh, forgot to mention the mainstream media…

    • Good one, M.L. But you forgot to mention “child molesters.” Anthony Weiner, Byron Mallott, Bill Clinton. Why is it that these kind of dark operators are always hiding out in the Democratic Party? And their Democrat wives protect them?

      • No one knows for sure what “kemosabe” was supposed to mean, but the consensus amongst experts was, “idiot.”

        “Child molester” on the other hand, has a very specific meaning. Anthony Weiner, despite his cluelessness and aside from marital relations, was never found to have done anything sexual to anyone, of any age, with whom he met in person.

        Byron Mallott was said to have made “inappropriate overtures,” which were never publicly specified, to a “woman.” He admitted as much and resigned. Nowhere was it ever suggested that this was done to a minor. Of course, you may know better, perhaps getting your info from your usual “reliable sources” such as through the fillings in your teeth.

        Bill Clinton, as inappropriate as he was, was never accused of having sex with or even making moves on a minor.

        Perhaps that’s another message you’ve received through those fillings. If that’s the case, there are medications that can help you.

        Now, Roy Moore, that’s an entirely different story, and you know, he was endorsed by his kindred spirit, Drumpf, the “P-grabbing” heir to the Yukon bordello fortune, who was known to have walked through the dressing rooms of the contestants in his “Miss Teen America” pageants.

  15. No one knows for sure what “kemosabe” was supposed to mean, but the consensus amongst experts was, “idiot.”

    “Child molester” on the other hand, has a very specific meaning. Anthony Weiner, despite his cluelessness and aside from marital relations, was never found to have done anything sexual to anyone, of any age, with whom he met in person.

    Byron Mallott was said to have made “inappropriate overtures,” which were never publicly specified, to a “woman.” He admitted as much and resigned. Nowhere was it ever suggested that this was done to a minor. Of course, you may know better, perhaps getting your info from your usual “reliable sources” such as through the fillings in your teeth.

    Bill Clinton, as inappropriate as he was, was never accused of having sex with or even making moves on a minor.

    Perhaps that’s another message you’ve received through those fillings. If that’s the case, there are medications that can help you.

    Now, Roy Moore, that’s an entirely different story, and you know, he was endorsed by his kindred spirit, Drumpf, the “P-grabbing” heir to the Yukon bordello fortune, who was known to have walked through the dressing rooms of the contestants in his “Miss Teen America” pageants.

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