Assembly overrides mayor’s first veto


As expected, the Anchorage Assembly on Tuesday voted to override Mayor Dave Bronson’s first veto of his term in office. The veto and subsequent override came as Bronson reached the end of his first 60 days in office as the city’s chief executive.

The Assembly’s liberal majority had voted to establish a homelessness board made up of homeless people or those who had been homeless. The mayor reasoned that boards require staff, and staff is expensive; there are already many groups doing work to alleviate homelessness in Anchorage. He didn’t see how another board would help.

The Assembly set up a special meeting in order to override the veto, which they did 9-1, with Chugiak/Eagle River Assemblywoman Jamie Allard casting the vote against the override. Crystal Kennedy, the other conservative on the Assembly, was not at the meeting.

The mayor has the authority to appoint members to the advisory board. It’s also clear that he has the ability to simply ignore the appointments to the board. It might take some time to find qualified people, according to one source close to the matter.


  1. Do you know anyone, let’s say an invalid trying to find a home: no work, no children, difficulty breathing, exhausts easily, cannot do stairs, no grip strength, drops things and breaks them/phone, friends tend to be similar, need to get to medical appointments, exhausts easily, has dental problems, can’t eat, thirty pounds underweight, family is older and with limited funds. To seek help you go on these appointments for years all over town. Nothing. Another muni agency will only confuse things and make another compulsory fruitless destination. Exhausting. Mayor gets it.

  2. There is nothing “liberal” whatsoever about those nine Marxists on the municipal ass-embly.
    They are rigidly dogmatic, and radical authoritarians and fascists, pure and simple.

  3. Today’s the majority turn to Veto. Tomorrow it is the districts turn to veto them out of office

    Enduring trials and tribulation, patiently following the process, it builds our Patience, and building our faith that right around the corner is the break-through, when Anchorage has an Assembly that respects the history, culture, and the Municipal process set since 1971-1975 by its former residents.

    ***Never pray for Patience else you’ll end up recieving a bunch of trials to test your patience hahaha

  4. I wonder what the average effective age of maturity is with the Anchorage assembly? There is definitely a deficit.

  5. Deny them any space at any Municipality building. That is one thing the Assembly does not have control over. There is no need for another advisory board to do absolutely nothing. We already have enough non-profits willing and able to help. The homeless need to want the help before they will move forward.

  6. What a USELESS waste of funds! You can’t keep throwing money at a problem that all the other monies thrown at can’t fix! I wonder what would happen if that legislature did that with their own finances? They’d be broke and homeless in no time if they threw money at useless causes and didn’t pay their own bills. Does the muni print their own money or something?

  7. Bronson has multiple vehicles to respond to this. One would be not to hire anyone. Another would be to scrape 5 derelicts off the street and set up monthly meetings in the Assembly Chambers at Loussac, scheduled an hour or so before Assembly meetings. The Assembly ought to have to deal with what they are demanding. Cheers –

    • Another would be to defund the CSP, make hooch free downtown and have Alaska Waste scrape the stiffies off the sidewalk in 90 days.
      The easiest way would be to simply ignore further childish nonsense spawned from the Assembly. The only authority the Assembly has over your progress is the authority you grant them.

    • Amen to that plan.
      The problem with this assembly, and most leftists in general is they have no problem spending other people’s money, time, or resources. They rarely have to deal with the consequences of their actions.
      If they are so supportive of the homeless, they should be the first people to see the impacts of their decisions. Put the board into the Assembly spaces, and right before their meetings is perfect.
      I have let my representatives on the Assembly know that if I start seeing homeless in my neighborhood, I am going to give them a bottle of cheap booze, a couple of sandwiches, and drop them off in front of their house. I do not see a problem with the Assembly members enjoying the benefits of their votes before everyone else.

  8. Do I understand this correctly? They actually said it might be difficult to find a qualified bum, er… candidate? That is the issue, the “homeless” have chosen to forgo society, that is why their chief means of revenue is public begging. I do understand that there are mentally ill in the mix as well. The most disabled of the mentally ill in the entire state. They NEED conservators, they are not capable of being a conservator. Which really makes one wonder about the competency of 9 Anchorage assembly members.

  9. Anchorage, a town that only grew by 600 people in 20 years. That folks is all you need to know about that wonderful burgh.

  10. Once again, the Assembly places the wants of the homeless before the needs of the taxpayers.
    Need I remind everyone that the City was stuck with a $37M unexpected hit to their mandatory spending when the State pulled their bond debt service aid. Yet, here they are, spending money they do not have.

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