Assembly filing for Eagle River temporary seat closes Tuesday at 5 pm, interviews on Thursday


The Anchorage Assembly will meet Thursday to interview and vote on applicants who have filed with the Municipal Clerk’s office for the temporary District 2, Seat C, which is being vacated by Rep. Jamie Allard, whose last day on the Assembly will be Jan. 17. The Thursday meeting to interview the candidates is planned for 2-3 pm on the ground floor of the Loussac Library, with the vote taken in a special meeting to be called immediately after the interviews.

The interviews and vote should be live on the Assembly’s YouTube page.

Filing for the seat, which will be interim until April 25, closes at 5 pm on Tuesday.

Several people have filed already, including three Republicans, two no-party candidates, and one Democrat”

  • Scott Myers: Myers is a Republican, and a realtor from Eagle River who is also interested in the two-year seat.
  • Ken McCarty: McCarty is a Republican, and a retired legislator, who ran for Senate against Sen.-elect Kelly Merrick and lost in 2022.
  • Jason Thomas: Thomas is an undeclared candidate (no party), and is a lawyer who filed a challenge to Republican Rep. David Eastman’s ability to serve in office, thus an indication that he is a hardline liberal.
  • ​​Arthur Isham: Isham, a registered nonpartisan, is the owner and principal of Aerospace Logistics Services. He was Democratic Party nominee Joe Hackenmueller’s campaign treasurer for his legislative run.
  • Jim Arlington: Arlington, a registered Democrat and Democratic Party State Central Committee officer, is employed by Afognak Leasing.
  • David Syzdek: Syzdek, a registered Republican, is a software developer. He knows code.

There may be others who file for the seat by the 5 pm deadline on Wednesday. Check back with Must Read Alaska for updates.


  1. I imagine that the Leftists on the Assembly are intensely recruiting candidates (that might live in Eagle River) at Mad Myrna’s right now. They certainly. do not want to add to those that might oppose the Left.

    Doesn’t the homeless industry have a favorite candidate?

  2. Waiting for a dark horse candidate that checks all the boxes and caresses all of the orifices in a way the assembly likes.

  3. Every time I see this image I am reminded how vapid, small minded, and weak our enemies really are. History will laugh at them, as we should. They deserve all the mockery.

  4. In North Korea it’s punishable by death to laugh.

    Lets see how the assembly treats laughter and oh my!! ….. NOT QUESTIONS!

  5. “no party” oh sure….if history is any indication, we out here in ER/Chugiak will again be saddled with some liberal hack, just like the fill-in for Amy Demboski. I bet the Assembly already made up their mind and this is just Kabuki Theater!

    • Taxpayer, that is exactly what EVERYTHING that happens in the assembly chambers amounts to: Kabuki Theater. Nothing is really debated or resolved there — every decision of any importance has long ago been decided before it is ‘officially’ brought before the assembly. In essence, the Anchorage Assembly functions as a rubber stamp of the Marxist Nine majority, and any deliberations in it are as meaningless as those in Communist China’s “People’s Congress”, where every matter of substance has been decided long before. And this has been true for many years here, long before the Marxist Nine gained their majority after the corrupted fraud of mail-in voting was instituted (although mail-in voting has certainly solidified their power).

  6. I’m surprised that Susan linked to a 10 year old resume and instead of the one posted on the elections website. Sure I know code, as I would hope every software developer does. However there is more to software development than knowing the syntax of a particular language. A successful software developer must be able to work with a group of individuals with mixed backgrounds, personalities, egos, and understandings of a problem to help implement a solution which is acceptable to everyone. In this respect, working on a development project doesn’t seem that different than creating solutions in local government. For those interested the resume I submitted to the department of elections is linked here:

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