Assembly concedes and pays former municipal manager a $250,000 settlement for termination


The Anchorage Assembly voted 8-4 to pay former Municipal City Manager Amy Demboski a settlement of $250,000, payment for the disparaging of her professionalism when she was fired by former Mayor Dave Bronson.

Assembly leftist majority members issued statements that indicated they were not happy they were voting in favor of the settlement, which they had recently voted against. They had reconsidered after going into executive session, where they learned information that was enough to change some of their minds.

“There is no winning here,” said Assembly Chairman Christopher Constant. “We settle, we lose. We lose in court, we lose. We fight to the victory in the court, we lose because the ground we fought upon is tainted. Our best choice is to end the game.”

“I regret not debating this on Friday because conversation is important,” said Assembly Vice Chairwoman Meg Zaletel, after the executive session. “The only way for you to know the thoughts in our head is for us to say them. I believe that if two parties are done fighting, we should let them be done fighting.”

Assemblyman Felix Rivera voted no. He was unhappy with the settlement.

“I said I wouldn’t change my mind no matter what I learned in executive session and I stand by that,” said Assembly Member Felix Rivera in opposition to approval. “I worry about the message this settlement sends to our employees and our constituents. This item is the fiscally responsible thing to do—I don’t disagree with that at all, but I’m not just looking at the numbers here. Two wrongs don’t make a right. We move forward by changing our systems and by making the Municipality a great place to work. Voting yes on this would mean abandoning the values I hold dear.”

“I feel like this is worthy of some debate,” said Assembly Member Karen Bronga as she made the motion to reconsider on the floor. “After my vote, I felt like I had rushed my choice based on previous opinions. More information came to light that made me think we should reconsider the item.”

Some of the allegations were already known when Demboski threatened legal action against the city in January of 2023. But her lawyer Scott Kendall, who was a political foe of the mayor and supporter of opponent and now-Mayor Suzanne LaFrance, added accusations of gender discrimination, retaliation, violations of whistleblower protections, and an inappropriate workplace relationship among members of his staff. Also, the lawsuit claimed, defamation.

The Anchorage Assembly had been asked to settle the lawsuit with Demboski for $550,000, but the liberal majority, knowing this would become key to a campaign against the mayor, decided to refuse paying the agreed-to amount and make it a campaign issue to force.


  1. Felix Rivera has values? When you say you won’t change your mind no matter what your values are the opposite of what good government requires.This assembly has no problem not being transparent on so many other issues it’s interesting for Meg to cite that as a concern and for Constant to talk about tainted ground is unbelievable since we’ve been shown over and over that this group does not typically act with integrity or good faith.

  2. Of course you’re voting on the information produced by “her” attorney. Did you ever get input from the past mayor? Easy to hold a small group hostage that created most of the issues of the past administration. That pay out was the responsibility of the City Council at that time which was made up of all who presently voted for the settlement. You are right, there is no win, win in this scenario, but everyone’s butt is covered who created the adverse situation in the first place. I think that each person that was on the City Council at the time should have to contribute to their decision and pay out of their own pockets.

  3. Looks like the assembly can’t find the right thing to do.
    This assembly is going to cost every person more money as they have no idea on how to not spend our money.


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