The year 2020 seems poised to join 1857 as a watershed year in American History.
From the Founding, America’s irrepressible conflict had been repressed by a series of actions that ranged from historic formal compromises to stop-gap measures, such as the attempt to pass the Wilmot Proviso that declared that any territory acquired as the result of the Mexican War would be a free state, or proposals to extend the Missouri Compromise line to the Pacific.
Those measures never passed. Stephen Douglas introduced the notion of popular sovereignty, a major subject of the Lincoln-Douglas debates, under which each new state would make the decision whether to be slave or free, which became the proximate cause of “Bloody Kansas” and pushed John Brown to the forefront of abolitionism. The tenuous balance was beginning to tip.

The Supreme Court had managed to avoid hearing slavery cases, usually on grounds of lack of standing or jurisdiction, until one arose in 1857 that was captioned Dred Scott v. Sanford.
Scott was a black slave who had lived in various slave and free states. The Dred Scott Decision, as it is commonly known, confronted a horrible choice. The central premise was that Scott’s having lived in free states had made him a free man.
The South would never accept that 3 million slaves worth about $4 billion in the dollars of the time became free by simply crossing a state line. The North, or at least the pro-abolition Northeast, would never accept that they didn’t become free this way.
Chief Justice Roger Taney wrote the elements of the decision that a plurality of a badly divided court accepted 7-2. Taney was a veteran politician from Maryland, then a slaveholding state. He had served in the US Senate and had been Attorney General of the US before being appointed Chief Justice by President Andrew Jackson in 1835.
The meaningful holdings for the plurality were that slaves had no rights of citizenship and could never acquire rights of citizenship. It went on to hold that the Congress had no power to prohibit slavery in the federal territories, which at the time included most of the Intermountain West. That portion of the decision effectively repealed the Missouri Compromise.
There may be a legal historian or law professor out there that can speak authoritatively on why the Court took up the case and gave up on 70 years of avoidance and compromise on the slavery question.
I’m not a credentialed expert but I know the period pretty well. By 1857 the Congress was practically frozen into inaction by sectional differences. Southerners had come to hate The North, and especially the haughty Northeasterners. The Northerners, especially the abolitionists and radical Republicans, considered Southerners some sort of subhuman subspecies.
Harriet Beecher Snow’s abolitionist propaganda piece, “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” published in 1852, hardened both Northern and Southern attitudes. Frederick Law Olmstead’s reports from his travels in The South in the 1850, written for the New York Daily Times, the predecessor of the New York Times, added fuel, especially because of his arrogant and condescending descriptions and criticisms of Southerners from all strata of society.
When Abraham Lincoln after becoming President met Stowe, his first words were, “So you’re the little lady that brought on this great war.”
Justice Taney had earned great respect during his long tenure, at least from everyone who wasn’t a radical abolitionist. He likely could have persuaded the Court to avoid the case. The best surmise I have is that Taney thought a decision could end the controversy over slavery. It seems that even in 1857, Washington, DC was a bubble.
You can have good arguments over the legal validity of Dred Scott, but it was a spectacularly wrong decision politically. It not only made war inevitable but made it imminent. Taney never saw the ultimate result of his handiwork as he died, still on the bench, in 1864.
The Republicans and their radical abolitionist allies were in the ascendancy. After the Fremont campaign in 1856, the Republicans didn’t have the Presidency, but they had measurable power, and the Whigs and Democrats were in disarray. The abolitionists had money and power. There is plenty of evidence that much of John Brown and other anti-slavery guerilla groups’ activities were promoted and financed by prominent Republican and abolitionist figures. After Harper’s Ferry, the war drums were beating the Long Roll, that continuous roll beat on the drum that signaled men to fall in under arms.
In 2020, the US Supreme Court surveys a legal and political landscape much like that of 1857. The Country is as deeply divided as it was in 1857, but it doesn’t have a regional definition; rather a lifestyle definition.
In 1857, the odds were pretty good in both The North and The South that your family, friends, and neighbors shared your social and political beliefs, at least to a large degree.
Today, families can’t safely have Thanksgiving dinner together because Leftists are giving children instruction about how to confront their troglodyte parents and aunts and uncles about how unenlightened and inferior they are.
We haven’t come to the point where a Republican Congressman confronts a Democrat Senator at his desk in the Senate Chambers and uses his cane to beat him to within an inch of his life – yet. South Carolina Representative Preston Brooks resigned his seat after that, went home, ran for the open seat, was overwhelmingly elected, and was showered with new canes by South Carolinians.
My neighborhood, built in the 70s as upscale housing by the standards of the day for oil industry executives and the like is now mostly retirees and public employees, and the Section 8 housing isn’t far away. I only have one family member that lives within 3,000 miles. I hardly know anybody that goes to church regularly.
In 1857, other than a few bigger cities, most Americans lived on family farms or in clan communities established by a family or a church group and lived as extended families.
The Left’s big advantage is that they all live crammed together in their urban dumps, except the rich ones and the public employees, who live in close-in suburbs. As long as they stay there they’re safe. There is a reason BLM and Antifa don’t come out of their blue cities to riot and loot; they’d get killed.
It is inevitable that the United States Supreme Court will confront the presidential election of 2020, and they have the choice to take up the Trump campaign’s claims or let lower court decisions stand. The Left and the media have been pounding their chests about Trump’s state court losses, but it is hard to win with hometown referees. For anyone who has been paying attention over the last four years, the Democrats are very good at judge shopping and there has been a consistent pattern; they bring a case before a Democrat appointed judge or a court dominated by liberal judges and predictably win. Then the lower court decision gets reversed by the Circuit or the Supremes.
It is the same here. I always advised my principals in Republican Administrations that they would lose at the trial court level in any controversy involving a Democrat constituency. In 20 years of dealing with lawsuits with unions we only won once at the trial court level, but if the unions couldn’t buy a Democrat to drop our appeal, I don’t think we ever lost at the Alaska Supreme Court during my tenure with the State of Alaska.
Chief Justice John Roberts pleasantly surprised me with his assignments of justices to the circuits. Clarence Thomas has the Georgia controversy, Alito the Pennsylvania controversy, and Brett Kavenaugh and Amy Coney Barrett have Michigan and Wisconsin. You can’t escape the leftist fascism in the Ninth Soviet Circuit, so Elena Kagen has that one.
President Trump only has to get three state Legislatures to refuse to certify their election results or get the Supreme Court to conclude that because of constitutional violations and irregularities the results cannot be certified in three states, then neither candidate can get an Electoral College majority. That puts the case before the House of Representatives, where each state gets one vote and the Republicans have a majority of the states.
The Supreme Court can refuse to consider a Trump appeal, and if so, Dementia Joe becomes president. That will produce 74 million very angry people, but unlike Democrats, Republicans don’t loot and burn things, although they will kill you if you attack them.
The Court can also take the case and find no merit in the president’s claims. I don’t know how that plays other than producing 74 million very angry Trump supporters.
The wrinkle here is Chief Justice Roberts’ recent tendency to be a born-again liberal and vote with the Left on the court. He has effectively made Clarence Thomas the Chief Justice, if Roberts votes with the minority. If the Chief Justice isn’t in the majority, the most senior Justice, which is Thomas, gets to either write the opinion or assign the writing and he has five votes, even if Roberts sides with the Georgetown cocktail party set.
Or, if the Supreme Court concludes that neither candidate has a majority and throws it to the House of Representatives, what do the Democrats do? The Democrats’ instinctual response will be to send out their storm troopers, BLM, ANTIFA, other ne’er-do-wells, criminals, and stupid college students to riot, loot, and burn.
But then they have to consider that they’ve already rioted, looted, and burned in every Blue hole where it is safe for them to do so. They either have to burn their own cities yet again or send their pasty-faced, basement living, soy boys out into the Red areas to die.
Even if you’re a totally amoral, rock-ribbed communist apparatchik, that isn’t an easy decision. It only took “Four Dead In Ohio” to end all violent anti-war, anti-draft protest in the Vietnam Era, and it all but ended all protest. Once the kiddies learned that you could die doing it, protesting wasn’t so much fun. The “Occupy” organizers lamented that they never got their “Kent State Moment,” but they also never ventured beyond the Blue holes to try to get it.
The best play the Democrats have is to do everything in their power to string this out so that the Supreme Court has to take the unprecedented act of either restraining the inauguration or issuing a conclusion that a majority can’t be certified, scheduling further pleadings, sending the case down to the circuits, and letting Nancy Pelosi become acting president on Jan. 20 and until the matter is decided.
I can live with Botox Nancy as president for awhile as I wait for President Trump to be re-elected. Meanwhile, invest in precious metals: brass and lead.
Art Chance is a retired Director of Labor Relations for the State of Alaska, formerly of Juneau and now living in Anchorage. He is the author of the book, “Red on Blue, Establishing a Republican Governance,” available at Amazon.
Fascinating summary of your view of the current situation. I hope you didn’t lose to many readers with the extended history lesson on our civil war–tho interesting, it was more detail than we needed before getting to the critical issue of our current situation. I hope this stimulates more informed opinions and thoughts.
Your thoughts on rioting and looting (aka demonstrating) in red cities are right on for anchorage. I know of groups who were ready to go down and defend the downtoown. Tho I, for one, was only going to go with a baseball bat for my main armament!
I really don’t care if I lose readers with history and details; if they’re so dull or have such a limited attention span, I don’t care what they think. There are way too many pig ignorant people in this Country and Alaska has more than a fair share of them.
The problem with great sections of the country is they don’t know history and won’t take the time to learn from it. Not only should we know the history of our country but also China’s communist take over and the 50 million people who died as a result and Russia’s revolution which was equally as destructive. If we don’t study history it’s all too easy to go down the same path.
I thank god for my 1970’s and 80’s small town midwest education.
Training a baseball bat into a fire fight would be foolish.
Thanks for the history lesson, but you are leaving out one of the major causes of the civil war which was the south’s unwillingness to pay taxes to the north and their idea that we should not pay homage to a central government ie Washington D.C.
The majority of slaves who were sentenced to serve death sentences in the fields of the south were bought and sold in the north…right in the same block of D.C. that housed the new government buildings…it is ridiculous to think that slavery was the war’s main driver since the majority of slave ships were ALL owned by the north.
Northern tycoons made a fortune off of the slave trade in America.
As for SCOTUS hearing the Trump appeal, I do not see that happening in my opinion.
There is no taste for drawing out the process on Wall Street and hedge fund managers (including Warren Buffet) have dumped all their old energy stocks for the new path of renewables.
Think what you may, but the country has just undergone a new “colour” revolution.
Main st was sacrificed to the new god of e-commerce.
Banks are being replaced by the new “finntech” platforms online.
Gas motors are being replaced by electric motors that run on batteries.
Just like the mules found themselves out of work in the coal mines, the old school energy gang will quickly be out of a job…unless they switch over to mining Lithium since Hydrogen Fuel cells are already powering the new mico grids around the globe.
My future looks GREEN with opportunity and not dark & bleak with more WAR:)
Elon Musk just stated that we do not have the electrical production capacity to power all these cars, and electricity primarily comes from fossil fuels for now.
Where did you go to school? The South’s issue with taxation was that federal tariffs and duties were being collected in The South and spent in The North. The North was using the revenue raised in the Customs Houses in The South to build canals and railroads in The North to divert shipping from the Y traffic of the Missouri and Ohio Rivers into the Mississippi and to the primary entrepot, New Orleans. There is a reason the first Union campaign of the War was to remove Confederate presence on the rivers and conquer New Orleans.
You need to work on recovering from your government school indoctrination.
You forgot to mention that blacks sold blacks into slavery. They went out and grabbed them up, and sold them in Africa.
When Oprah learned this, she wept. All the white hate she wanted to believe in was false. Guess she had to invent something else to hate white people about.
You may want to look at Biden’s proposed Administration picks . He is filling most of his top slots with neocons, neoliberals & chicken hawks! My guess is that the USA will be at war somewhere within the next year if Biden withstands Trump’s legal challenges.
I have faith your prediction is correct. President Trump is the first President since Eisenhower to withdraw the US from military conflicts, and not start new NATO Blue Helmet police actions. As Eisenhower said, Americans should fear the Military-Industrial Complex and their desire for the US to go to war. Eisenhower had unfortunately struck Congress from the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex statement. Since Eisenhower, the Military-Industrial Complex has strengthened ties to all States by giving each State, including Alaska a piece of the Pie and they control Congress today. But Industrial capacity requires a reliable supply of natural resources from a stable mining industry. What Biden doesn’t seem to realize is the supply of natural resources is controlled by Foreign interests that have great influence over the US capability to wage war. In fact, I have faith the US can not become “green” nor wage wars to protect US international commitments unless the Biden drastically reinvigorates our domestic mining industry.
Thanks for your typical Leftist pie-in-the sky rant.You never fail to disappoint.
Excellent article voicing many of my same concerns and fears. Like 1857 this is a most uncertain time, but unlike 1857, this time is also complicated by apparent infiltration of foreign adversaries interfering in our domestic business with hope of benefitting from it. I fear for my children of draft eligible age as this becomes the opportune time for international mischief. I agree about stocking up with just a note: this is not the time to buy guns, they are tracked. When buying other stockpiles, this is the time to use cash to avoid big tech monitoring of transactions (especially ammo-our local shop only accepts cash). Costco is great, but every item purchased is also tracked and when the government decides to ‘equalize’ distribution of toilet paper, guess where they go. The tall grass gets cut first; be the moss.
Your kids won’t be drafted. Too many volunteers.
History, insight and perspective Well done….Thank you Art.
Buy metals and make sure your 2nd amendment
is oiled and in working order…..
Bravo, marvelous Art!! Once again your insight and understanding of all things political and historical in America for the past century and a half sets the standard for a realistic assessment of the current US situation. I am in full agreement with 95% of this article and consider myself, a US history buff, to be much better informed thru your writing than any other source. However, I do wish you had incorporated retired Gen Thomas McInerys recent message ( see Joe Miller’s site “ Preserving Liberty”) in which he simply states that Trump should not yield the presidency by Dec. 14 (electoral report due) or Jan 30? Because it will take time for Rudy Guliani to plead his case through the various courts and because those dates were set centuries ago before voting manipulation by electronic means was conceived.
In earlier times Presidents weren’t inaugurated until March because of the transportation issues of the times. What we find now is we really have no time to sort out a contested election between election day and Inauguration Day.
I don’t think Trump should concede until he runs out of courts, but I do think he should relinquish the White House on Jan. 20th. I don’t want to hear the communists screaming about a coup, especially since they’ve had a coup attempt going since 2016.
I’m pretty sure the military would be on Trump’s side.
Since Bill Clinton the military cannot be relied on. It started under Bush the elder and PC went into overdrive during Clinton with no attempt to reverse it by Bush the younger, then hopeless under Obama. Unfortunately too much tenure in the ranks did not allow Trump to purge much. If you are LGBTQ liberal you get promoted. If conservative or Christian you get relegated to cannon fodder. The worst thing that I personally observed was incompetent liberal PC officers promoted to field rank openly wearing their politics on their sleeves (why they were promoted) but who in private would guffaw with racist sexist jokes that would terminate the career of any of the rest of us.
The men yes, the officers, I don’t know; Comrade Obama spent eight years getting rid of warriors and replacing them with politically correct “diversity” hires.
I know it may not fit with the understanding many people have, but in an 1858 debate with Stephen Douglas, at Ottawa, Lincoln said, “Anything that argues me into his idea of perfect social and political equality with the negro is but a specious and fantastic arrangement of words, by which a man can prove a horse-chestnut to be a chestnut horse.” Slavery then was something like abortion today as an issue that divides the nation as neither side can give an inch nor can any court solve the riddle by deciding a direction. The election of Biden/Harris becomes less likely to be much of an issue each day that no specific instance of voting fraud is revealed. So Biden is all but certain to be sworn into office. We Alaskans did our part to re-elect Trump, and we will suffer with the outcome for at least a decade and likely a generation, especially economically and with respect to the Bill of Rights. The Vietnam War divided Americans by age class – those who experienced WWII and those who did not. Then an iconic television news reader convinced the older group that the younger group was right, the government – our government – was not telling the truth. That immediately led to the most ignominious end to any 20th century war, with our friends trying to hang on to helicopter skids as Americans fled the field. Today no one believes anything the government says and we may never see an iconic news reader again.
You must not be following the efforts of Sydney Powell and the Kraken Brigade. The volume of evidence pertaining to election fraud is not just overwhelming. The mainstream media just refuses to cover it. The Global-Left takeover of America is going to stall out. If Trump is not installed as President on January 20th, it will mean the triumph of the Globalists and the end of America as we know it. Those are stakes somewhat higher than even the American Civil War. There should be a terrible price for the Treason that has been thrust upon America. The bloodless Coup has all but failed. America will be restored, or a new era of human slavery and misery will emerge with poverty and oppression.
I am a boomer, but did not experience the second world war. I was in favor of Nam. Fighting communist is always a win win.
Art, I completely agree with everything you said. Brass is all but nonexistent down here in Florida. It’s almost people are preparing for a fight. In Florida, as you probably know, you go 20 mi in from either the west or the East coast and you are back in solid red color old timey Florida. The panhandle is part of the center section as well. In this center swipe of the heartland of Florida, you can drive anywhere out in the country, past the horse farms and cattle ranches and see rebel flags flying. There’s one place outside of Webster Florida where the homeowners out in the country have what looks to be a 30-foot by 50 ft rebel flag hanging between two trees. People aren’t taking their Trump campaign signs down from their front yards. You are correct in saying this thing isn’t over yet and I don’t know of any leftist ballsy enough to come down into here and try to take down these flags or erase our nation’s history the way many politicians have done in state capitals. There was massive voter fraud not by Russia or China or anybody like that, but from the leftist supporters. I’m talking about the people that signed 50 signatures on mail in ballots coming from one residence or a vacant lot ones where the signatures don’t match that is the fraud . The leftists want you to think that it’s been certified as acceptable because we haven’t found Russia’s fingerprints on anything but in reality it’s our own people who have cheated just like they did for Kennedy and Johnson.
Ok Art. Turn off the Newsmax, remove the tinfoil from your head, crawl out of your conspiracy bubble and consider joining the real world. In it you’ll find that AG Barr has just declared no widespread voter fraud has been found, Republican officials from AZ to GA to WI to PA have conceded that the election was fair (I’ll bet you think Brian Kemp is just a Democratic plant, right?). It must be nice to have your big fat public employee pension and have the time to jump down one Sidney Powell rabbit hole after the next. We in the real world have actual work to do, and my lunch break is over. Ps. If you want a real conspiracy, look into the relationship between Roger Taney and James Buchanan
Do you read the drivel you write? If you read, do you bother to stop and think about what it is you wrote?
I doubt it.
To borrow a popular phrase from the vernacular and adapted to the conversation at hand – “Everybody who disagrees with me is a _________________”. In your case, I’ll fill in the blank for you – a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist. You on the Left seem to have a problem with short-term memory. Just a few short years ago your mantra was “Russia! Russia! Russia!” and most of you refused to accept Mueller’s findings. Some of you are still wearing YOUR tinfoil hats, but you see them as the emperor sees his new clothes.
I can assure you my mantra was never Russia! Russia! Russia! Come to think of it, I’ve not yet developed a mantra. I’ll get on that this evening.
I don’t waste my time with arrogant, condescending lefties. Flash: Leftie and smart are not synonyms.
Not a lefty, Art. I’ve been splitting my ticket and voting for sensible candidates regardless of party as long as you’ve been sucking off the teat of the State of Alaska. You’re a classic mediocre intellect who is bitter about changing world you don’t understand nor care to understand. And why bother? You’ve managed to stumble your way through a nice middle class at the public’s expense thus far… Good on you, my boy!
Go look at all the labor relations agency and arbitration decisions that have my name on the appearance line, and then we can talk about my “mediocre intellect.” Flash: lefty and smart are not synonyms.
James just taking another cheap shot at Art because James shares the one common denominator with all other Leftist/Marxists:
James is a rank amateur in logic, reason, and writing talent.
Art’s ability is a few yards taller than James’, who’s IQ hovers somewhere between freezing and room temperature, depending on his medication and alcohol saturation.
Perfectly written and absolutely correct in the outline of what is and what is probable in the future, especially the “home protected by Mossberg”, or whatever your delivery system of attitude adjustment may be branded, statements.
I’m starting to worry about Art. His post apocalyptic view of the world, with its roving crowds of blue state warriors, its timorous Chief Justice, and its newly minted, ultra-conservative Supreme Court majority, vacillating in the wind, reminds me of a new world Mad Max nightmare.
Perhaps we are not that far gone.
I know of no one who is a card carrying Commie. This is an epithet used by those who are ultra-right-twisting-in-the-winders. There is no viable communist party in this country. Never has been.
On the other hand, I have a friend down the street who daily flourishes his Gadsden flag, laying claim to his precious metals of brass and lead, and his God given right to use them, apparently as he sees fit.
Have we come to this, where we equate smiting some random mask wearer with caning a fellow Senator to within an inch of his life? If so, buckle your seat belts. We’re going for a ride.
The difference today is the communists don’t know they’re communists; they just think they’re educated.
They’re all the same art as they were back in the 40s and 50s. They just changed their name to Democrats socialists leftists. Look what’s happened to Hollywood. Back then they had a big communist hunt going on and they were scrambling like cockroaches when you turn the light on. Now almost everybody in Hollywood is a communist and proud of it.
You don’t get out much do you? I know many folks who wish nobody owned guns. They want all the free entitlements. They are retired on fixed incomes so don’t pay taxes. Just a bunch of leftist commies who and insecure during the last few years of their life.
You just run in the wrong circles.
Who letting in all of the Marxists here at MRAK? Suzanne, please start checking ID’s.
It’s OK, Andy, and actually is to encouraged. The more they spout their hate-filled divisiveness and, anti-Americanism and general idiocy, the more they hang themselves intellectually and morally.
It would be sad if MRA turned into the same intolerant censored cesspool of an echo-chamber that the comments section of the Anchorage Daily News has become. For which I blame that arrogant and hypocritical editor Dave Hulen.
Hey sparky, tell me why posting under my first use email became instantly disappeared?
Agree. And same can be said about the the Fairbanks Newsminer and the Little Cole Dwarfs who run it like a UAF class for brainwashing new Lefties
Nice comparitive analysis, Art. The one big difference between the times is the handiwork of the media in 2020. The effective brainwashing allies for the Democrat Party have had months to pound their sophistry and inject their bias into the American public. The ,”drip-down” and “wear-out” factor does work. If Biden is sworn in on 1/20/21, I wouldn’t want to be a recognizable media figure for CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, etc, out walking around in the open. I fear there will armed retribution by organized militia groups, looking for examples to be made of our most recognizable purveyors of dishonesty.
Yeah, they may have a target painted on their back for what they did. Remember…..”against all enemies foreign and domestic.”
After the slaughter, who would be around to report the news?
There is no brass to invest in. No lead either.
The thought that Sleepy Joe might actually get in put an end to the reasonable availability of firearms and something to run through them. Shame, really. I see gun counters busy with customers that apparently haven’t quite figured out that there are no bullets available to sooth their new sense of waning liberty.
You could switch over to a shotgun. Lots of them and ammo available at Walmart here. Maybe the best combination for close contact. Definitely a defensive weapon though.
They’re pretty offensive when using slugs, though I don’t have any, a decision I’m reconsidering. I’ve always viewed shotguns as a strictly defensive weapon also, and I have several of them from a single-shot .410, my former halibut relaxer, to a Saiga 12 ga. street sweeper. My “go to” HD is a Mossberg 500 12 ga. I live in a quarter acre lot subdivision so over-penetration is a real consideration. I have a good supply of #8 birdshot which is a very effective self-defense round at true self-defense ranges but won’t kill your family, your dog, or your neighbors because of over-penetration like 00 Buck, Buck and Ball, or slugs can.
You are correct art. I used to use rifle to slugs in a Remington 870 with improved cylinder choke deer hunting in the thick woods of Missouri as a boy. you couldn’t see any further than 20 or 30 yards away in any direction. Now they have these things called sabot which are kind of like a rifled slug except more accurate because they’re pointy lke a bullet.
I had an 870 for my bear gun on the boat when I lived in Juneau, but bluing and wood furniture don’t work well on a saltwater boat. I sold it and bought a Mossy in their marine finish and it was much happier on the boat. The 870 was more precisely fitted and generally nicer, but the Mossy goes bang reliably.
I had to go to three stores a couple of weeks ago to find any .40 S&W, and I bought the last two 20 rd. boxes they had of an off-brand. Fortunately, I worked at Cabela’s for a couple of years and used my employee discount well, though I should have invested in reloading equipment and supplies.
A month or so ago I was lucky enough to find some 9 mm ammunition online from Black hills ammo I believe. It was their honey badger round which looks like a buzzsaw on the bullet part and cuts a 2-in swath as it spirals through the target. Ballistics gel penetration is about the same as a hollow point but there’s no chance of the hollow point getting plugged up with material or metal or some other foreign object and failing to expand. I really like them myself as they’re made of copper.
Ammunition reserves are huge, but the inventories are kept via “hotlines” between We the People. You will not hear about this until its too late for you.
I know a Republican who has 50,000 rounds of .223 and 30,000 rounds of .40 cal. Good neighbor to have.
Interesting that the so-called “freedom” people are the ones who are talking about arming up and exerting their “we the people” prerogatives.
What about all the rest of us. The ones who believe that might not necessarily makes right.
Or has it come back to the basic, caveman transaction where the guy with the biggest, baddest club wins the day?
At least, back in the day, the true leader was at the front line, leading his troops into the fray, not huddling in the well protected house on Penn Avenue, whining about how put upon he is.
Greg, you’ll be running over to your neighbor Republican’s house begging her to protect you with her AR-15. Otherwise, you’ll be dead.
Good history, interesting how even now some folks wish to pretend that slavery and its expansion into the territories was not the primary cause of the Civil War. Yes. hijacking an election by the President and his allies would no doubt bring people into the street. This would be most unfortunate, People who want to believe in massive election fraud when there is no evidence of massive election fraud cannot be convinced otherwise are guilty of 3rd world thinking. The cult of personality surrounding Trump is strong but not strong enough to force Secretaries of State and State Governors to not certify election results that result in him leaving office. Fortunately I believe our institutions and traditions are still strong enough to see a wannabe autocrat like Trump off without a resort to violence. People willing to die for Donald Trump!, I guess nothing would surprise me anymore. I wonder what the reaction had been had Pres. Obama done the same thing as Trump, declared trump’s victory over Clinton the result of fraud, produced no evidence, attempted to get Democratic controlled state legislatures in key states to overturn the results, fired security officials who affirmed the election was secure and attacked members of his own party when they certified election results.
I’m surprised you haven’t drowned in all that KoolAid. You’re just spouting MSM propaganda.
Actually, Kevin has a point here. And I’m not talking about those on the heads of some people.
Ummm, slavery wasn’t the main cause of the war. I’m not sure what history class you took in college but I suggest you get your money back. On second thought, there’s no doubt that a professor may have taught you that slavery was the main cause they like to do that in hopes of swaying the ignorant into believing their propaganda.
Well, it was and it wasn’t. The southern states seceded when Lincoln was elected because they didn’t trust the northern states. Lincoln, in his early days as President, didn’t want to prohibit slavery in the south, he wanted to keep the states united. The seceshers didn’t believe him, and then Ol’ Beauregard opened up into Charleston Harbor, and, as they say, the rest is history.
So was it slavery, or was it to keep the United States united? I think the argument can be made to good effect that had there not been slavery, there would not have been The War Between the States.
Kevin, there is massive, MASSIVE evidence of systemic voting fraud in this last election. The problem is that so many who drink at the corporate media Koolaid well, like you, adamantly refuse to open your eyes to it.
The denial of reality by those on the (radical) left is simply astounding, and highly disturbing.
Show us the evidence.
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