Animated Murkowski says Musk will probably go after her 2028 with his Starlink money


In a half hour spent with the Capitol press corps this week, Sen. Lisa Murkowski brought up her own electability, which may be in question even for her, a senator who has served since being appointed by her father, Gov. Frank Murkowski, in 2002.

Murkowski brought up election politics in a government building — the Alaska Capitol — straying close to the line of improper use of a government facility for partisan elections.

In remarks that were more animated than her usual pace, Murkowski responded to a reporter’s question about how anyone should believe her when she says things will be OK. She said she has no choice but to try to work with President Donald Trump, and that she expects Elon Musk will try to take her out in the next election cycle.

Here are her remarks:

“I’m not going to compromise my own integrity by hiding from my words when I feel they need to be spoken. I’m going to take the criticism that comes,” Murkowski said.

“It may be, it may be that Elon Musk has decided he’s going to take the next billion dollars that he makes off of Starlink and put it directly against Lisa Murkowski. And you know what? That may happen,” she said, foreshadowing 2028’s election.

Murkowski has been a supporter of fiber optic broadband solutions for Alaska, and has not championed the small, low-orbit satellites that Starlink has provided for Alaskan customers, a solution that has been cheaper and much-preferred by many in the 49th state.

Although there is a viable alternative, Murkowski has pushed for hundreds of millions of dollars in grants for companies that are part of the Alaska Broadband Initiative, the fiber optic cable solution; these companies also donate to her campaigns for reelection. Starlink has been cut out of that grant process by the fiber optic cable companies winning the awards and the federal government that is picking winners and losers in broadband.


  1. Hopefully a majority of Alaskans are as sick of Lisa Murkowski as I am‼️
    She has become a detriment to Alaska and to America‼️

  2. Please Elon, PLEASE set aside a GigaBuck to go after her in 2028. Or maybe even start now, to start putting the brakes on the free romp that she has had for years now.

  3. I noticed she was silent when Soros, Zuckerman, Bloomberg, and the rest of the leftist cabal are spending millions against Republicans. Suddenly, it might impact her cushy little lifestyle and it is a problem?
    Actually, I hope she gains a bit of traction with this. Perhaps some law banning billionaires from financially participating in elections is what we really need. Oh… wait. That would harm about 80% of the Congresscritters. It will never pass.

  4. Daddy’s Little Princess … Consistently and always playing the “Victim Card” trying to divert attention from her failed and disastrous multiple terms of self-serving tenure. Here’s a few reminders:

    … The appointment by Daddy! Never really passing the ‘smell test’ but emblematic of true “nepotism” and truly proving that this could’ve been Frank’s worst decisions for AK.

    … Calling for Trump’s resignation after the J6 episode, when it appears that the entire event was staged and orchistrated from within a darker Deep State.

    … Voting against Brett Kavanaugh in 2018, siding with the accuser that’s never brought about ‘any’ proof and/or evidence against Brett.

    … Voting in favor of Ketanji Brown Jackson, whom couldn’t even define a woman, will most likely prove herself to be far left liberal socialist // communist judge, and will most likely advance the crazy un-American values and customs that we’ve seen from other weaponized judges.

    … Voting against the repeal of the Affordable Care Act in 2018, a key Republican priority at the time.

    … Her loss to Joe Miller in 2010 proves she’s losing touch with the Republican base, having to rely on the RCV scheme – scam to get re-elected. Clearly, Kelly Tshibaka was the better choice in 2022 but, with this RCV scheme – scam, a plague that has yet been shaken in AK907, it has been successful for Lisa but delivered disaster for Alaska and Alaskans.

    … While she seems to support Energy & Resource Industry within AK907, the net outcomes haven’t produced more oil in TAPS and/or an LNG Project yet. Additionally, other resource production projects have yet to come to fruition. So, she seems to be rather weak and ineffective on this front.

    … Murkowski’s early career included a notable professional stumble: she failed the bar exam four times before passing on her fifth attempt in 1987. While this predates her political career, clear evidence of initial incompetence, though she went on to practice law before entering politics. However, her effectiveness – importance as a lawyer is undefined, potentially a clue // red-flag eluding a low-quality performer.

    … Beyond her Trump opposition (ie: Trump Derangement Syndrome), most Alaska Republicans resent her for not fully embracing a hardline conservative agenda, viewing her as a “RINO” (Republican.In.Name.Only). Clearly disconnected from the Republican Party.

    … Daddy’s Little Princess’s failures and criticisms largely revolve around her unreasonable moderate – progressive stance, which has alienated her from Conservative Republicans, her controversial entry into the Senate, and public perceptions of “insufficient – inadequate – incompetent” advocacy for Alaska’s interests. Her resilience, winning elections despite primary losses and clear – strong party opposition, suggests these criticisms haven’t universally undermined her support, but they highlight the polarizing nature of her failed tenure as an Alaskan senator.

    Conclusion, she needs to be replaced ASAP!

  5. Lisa Murkowski. The most hated woman in Alaska. And she knows it. Rank Choice Voting was introduced for only ONE reason: allow the Democrats to have THEIR ….US Senator…….
    Lisa Murkowski.

  6. Why do I get the feeling,
    That Lisa is trying to get
    out in front of something!
    Maybe she’s the recipient
    of some of that NGO. $$

  7. “This is the worst I have ever seen”. Lisa had no problem dealing with Biden’s administration. Closing off all of Alaska, cancelling leases, shutting down mining, logging and oil exploration, that’s ok but let go of a few federal employees, the world is ending. The Federal Govt. has not re-sized their employees in so long. We all know there is too many employees and programs. If this is not done now, it will be much worse in the future. Don’t shoot the messenger, these politicians before Trump caused all these problems by way overspending.

  8. One can only hope. She’s made a career out of being a senator after failing in the private sector, but she really only represents herself, and most certainly. has been an enemy of pre-born Alaskans.

  9. Thank You Suzanne for bringing to our attention “The Rest of the Story. While other news media reporters lie in the shade like male Lions picking and choosing other people’s stories to pounce on, YOU like a Female Lioness are up before dawn, criss crossing the land LOOKING FOR FRESH RAW MEAT. Thank you for this story, it was delicious.

  10. Sorry Lisa, Starlink is hardly cash positive. He continues to reinvest in his satellite constellation. All the while the BEAD program is spending $42B to take away his customers. Why are you spending my money to compete with private industry?

  11. Lisa, you are completely and utterly out of touch with the Alaskans who voted for President Trump. Quit defending the utterly useless talking points and the 135 govt workers who lost their jobs just now. What about the hundreds and thousands that lost their jobs/livelihoods/businesses during Covid, and didn’t get them back. Where are your talking points for them? Voting for President Trump means Alaskans want to DRILL FOR OIL, SELL SOME TREES, MINE and make our state prosperous. We want PRIVATE SECTOR JOBS, MANUFACTURING, and NEW BUSINESS entrepreneurship. We do not want CHINA made products. We want to CHOOSE OUR HEALTHCARE OPTIONS. We do not want ANYONE HERE ILLEGALLY-NO GANGS, NO FENTANYL, NO HUMAN TRAFFICKING. We do not want NGO’s and career employed govt employees who cannot be fired DICTATING WHAT THEY THINK AMERICANS WANT. We want elected officials to LISTEN TO ALL ALASKANS not just your donating class. Lisa, have you been to your local AMAC meeting. Have you sat down with those who totally disagree with you voting as if your were a DEMOCRAT? I can answer that question with a big fat NO. I have never seen you in my circles. And if it weren’t for RCV you would not be a senator today. Time to retire.

    • Not quite so. We need a voice telling the world how awful Lisa has been and continues to be. Apparently there are still Alaskan voters who think she’s great. They are mistaken in that belief.

  12. The Senator is living in a dream world, as are many that she is trying to please. Except for a highly unusual situation, I NEVER had the kind of job security that most well-compensated Federal employees enjoy. The same is true for a great many Americans, who have to perform every day or hit the road. Now, for the first time ever in their careers, some bureaucrats have to worry about their jobs. Good. Too much has been taken for granted. Working for the citizens is a privilege, not an entitlement.

  13. She compromised her integrity when she decided to call herself a Republican rather than what she really is – a Socialist.

  14. The woman is unbelievable. Pres. Trump is the only one in the past how many years that is promoting exploration and production in this state and this “woman of integrity” has done absolutely everything to counter him, including voting for his impeachment! How is that representing our State?
    She should worry about all the good jobs lost here due to Obama and Biden’s attempts to turn Alaska into a park rather than the 100 some government jobs that are gone.
    She has managed to come down on the wrong side of everything that is a positive for our State.


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