Anchorage voting deadline approaches



It’s not scientific but it’s a curious data point:

According to an MRAK poll on Facebook, which was collecting information for 24 hours on Friday, 26 percent of respondents say they received ballots at their address that did not belong at their homes. The mail-in ballots were for people who don’t live at that address.

It’s the best gauge out there for the actual number of stray ballots floating around.


As of Friday, only 26,000 ballots had come into the municipality’s Election Division, or 12 percent of registered voters.

PRO-TIP:If you mail your ballot in a mailbox late on Monday, there’s a chance it might not get postmarked unless you get to the mailbox early. Even then, it might not make the pick up and get back through the Post Office in time. Monday and Tuesday, ask the postmaster to hand-cancel your envelope or use the drop boxes for your ballots:


  • Anchorage School District Education Center – 5530 East Northern Lights Boulevard
  • Bartlett High School – 1101 Golden Bear Drive
  • New! Begich Middle School – 7440 Creekside Center Drive
  • New! City Hall – 632 West 6th Avenue, Parking Lot
  • Clark Middle School – 150 Bragaw Street
  • Dimond High School – 2909 West 88th Avenue
  • Eagle River Town Center – 12001 Business Boulevard (in Eagle River)
  • New! Election Center – 619 East Ship Creek Avenue
  • Fairview Community Recreation Center – 1121 East 10th Avenue
  • Girdwood Community Center – 250 Egloff Drive (in Girdwood)
  • Loussac Library – 3600 Denali Street
  • Service High School – 5577 Abbott Road
  • South Anchorage High School – 13400 Elmore Road
  • Spenard Community Recreation Center – 2020 West 48th Avenue
  • UAA Alaska Airlines Center – 3550 Providence Drive
  • New! West Anchorage High School – 1700 Hillcrest Drive

More information:

Accessible Vote Center:

Voters may obtain the following services at an Accessible Vote Center: Turn in a voted ballot, replace a lost or damaged ballot, receive a ballot package if you did not receive one in the mail, vote a questioned ballot, receive voting assistance, and get help with other voter questions.

Hours and Locations:

ZJ Loussac Library
3600 Denali Street, First Floor, Assembly ChambersAll Municipal ballots will be available at this location.

Weekdays, March 25 – April 1, 10am – 6pm
Saturday, March 30, 10am – 6pm
Sunday, March 31, Noon – 5pm
Election Day, April 2, 7am – 8pm

Eagle River Town Center
12001 Business Boulevard, Community Room #17
(same building as the library)
Only Chugiak-Eagle River ballots will be available at this location.

Weekdays, March 25 – April 1, 8am – 5pm
Election Day, April 2, 7am – 8pm

O’Malley’s on the Green
3651 O’Malley RoadAll Municipal ballots will be available at this location.

Weekdays, March 25 – April 1, 10am – 6pm
Election Day, Tuesday, April 2, 7am – 8pm

City Hall
632 West 6th Avenue, Room #155All Municipal ballots will be available at this location.

Weekdays, March 25 – April 1, 8am – 5pm
Election Day, April 2, 7am – 8pm

MOA Election Center
619 East Ship Creek Avenue, Suite 100 at Door D
(on the east side of the building)
All Municipal ballots will be available at this location.

Weekdays, March 25 – April 1, 9am – 4pm
Election Day, April 2, 7am – 8pm

Muldoon Mall NEW! Pilot location
1251 Muldoon RoadAll Municipal ballots will be available at this location.

Weekdays, March 25 – April 1, 10am – 6pm
Election Day, Tuesday, April 2, 8am – 6pm



  1. Twenty-six percent is a large enough number to raise significant questions about the integrity of the election process. Anyone involved in a close race should consider taking the issue to court.

    The Left is stealing elections all over the country using mail-in-ballots, vote harvesting and similar techniques.

    The problem is that once we have gone down this corrupt trail, it will take a monumental effort to reverse it. Going forward it may feel more like living in Argentina or maybe Venezuela.

  2. If the 26% false-address rate and the 12% return rate are indications, one wonders whether Anchorage voters might be resigned to virtual disenfranchisement.
    Mail-in voting makes ballot harvesting and simple line-out ballot corrections possible any time. No bond, tax, or left-leaning candidate gets left behind, maybe leading to, “why bother?”
    What’s a line-out correction?
    Make a selection by mistake, just draw a line through it, vote for what you want, mail it in.
    It’s so convenient. Anyone, any time… vote-harvesters, vote-counters, union thugs, friends, family who read English better than you, people who pay you to vote correctly, people who threaten you for voting incorrectly, your nursing-home friends, guardians… can draw that line for you on your ballot and you don’t even have to know it happened.
    Why should “The mail-in ballots were for people who don’t live at that address.” matter?
    Think about this: “26 percent of respondents say they received ballots at their address that did not belong at their homes.” In other words, 26% of respondents have Facebook accounts –and– care enough about such things to reply.
    Seems reasonable to ask how much more of this could be going on unreported because not everybody has a Facebook account, not everybody cares about such things, and nobody except our Editor is asking…
    Who knows how many extra ballots were sent for who-knows-what-reason to who-knows-where… what could possibly go wrong?
    At best, it looks like Anchorage’s voter rolls should have been purged long ago, but were not.
    At worst, it looks like voter-roll issues and opportunities to corrupt ballots could be exploited to make double-damn sure no bond, tax, or left-leaning candidate gets left behind.
    Or not… then you remember the Great Alaska LeDoux Vote Experiment, how it worked so well…
    All the money and power at stake, maybe a local LeDoux redux, no?
    So, Gentle Readers, what’s the answer?

    • “virtual disenfranchisement”. I love it! Good one. Like Art Chance’s “poverty pimp”. Learning new, catchy phrases every day!
      I’m disenfranchised that is for sure because I am a social media dork. I don’t facebook, tweet, snapchat or whatever is popular. I do know how to acquire identification and go to a voting booth. Amazing!
      As I looked over my ballot, the contents of the envelope, the instructions, the inserted “notices”, the peel-off, feel good sticker “I voted Today!”, etc., all I could think of was “this is soooo wrong….what could possibly go wrong?” Then I wondered if one stamp was going to cut the mustard without postage due. But, I will do what I did last city election and drop it in one of the “secure” boxes where a stamp isn’t required. No guarantee it won’t get tampered with, mysteriously lost, found later in a trunk of an election workers car 2 months after the election with thousands of other ballots………
      I just LOVE the tidbit under the signature line on the outside of the envelope: “If you are unable to sign your name, you must mark the signature line and have another person over the age of 18 properly witness your mark”. Good Lord, what could possibly go wrong there? Do ballots in this “category” get pulled and audited?
      This mail-in election crap is bad for everyone. It isn’t a conservative/liberal/middle thing. It is just plain bad regardless of your political leanings. Way too much room for fraud.

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