Anchorage Students excused from classes over events in U.S. Capitol


Students in Anchorage may still be learning remotely from their homes in Anchorage, but that doesn’t mean they don’t get to take a day off of school to recover from yesterday’s dramatic events at the U.S. Capitol.

In Anchorage, some parents received a notice that absences today would be excused, with no questions asked:

“Parents if you choose to hold students out of class tomorrow they will be excused absent, no questions asked. Regular classes will be in session on schedule. We recognize that some families may respond to the significant events of today differently and so we will excuse absences.”

Some students will return to normal classes on Jan. 19 in Anchorage public schools, while others won’t be returning until March 15, according to the school district’s most recent plan. Students have been out of school since last March due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


  1. Are we triggered? I recall the announcement of President Kennedy’s tragic death at school. We said a prayer, returned to our studies and on Monday returned to school like usual. Kids need to see strength of character in their superiors to learn strength and morality. It is our duty to lead them to responsible adulthood, something becoming more rare each day.

  2. Children in Anchorage need to “recover from the events” that took place 4 time zones away? We’re creating an entire generation of pansies, incapable of dealing with literally anything that isn’t as appealing as an ice cream sandwich. So glad i decided not to quit smoking, there’s nothing here to stick around for.

    • Death will find us whether or nor you smoke. Might as well quit smoking so the nicotine can no longer hold you bondaged. How much money does a smoker spend support their shackle that this money cant support a church or a favorite political candidate running for life? Or donation money supporting MRAK?

  3. I am so glad We arent inside ASD no more so I dont need to recieve their phoney baloney kindness messages, they can care less what happens to the parents and students travelling thru its schools.

  4. Just when I thought I have seen the dumbest idea liberals could come up with we have ASD excusing students from schools for something they probably never watched or followed. If a student had been present at the Capitol or in the building maybe they would be traumatized but they are more likely traumatized far greater by playing violent video games, watching cable and streaming TV movies and watching what they find on the internet.

    More likely the leaders and teachers are traumatized by watching conservatives demonstrating with out doing any of the things BLM and Antifa do by burning looting and taking over police stations, businesses , killing innocent people in the streets. The only death here was by a police officer shooting an unarmed female demonstrator without justification. When will the liberals take to the streets to protest this police officer shooting? NEVER!!!

    • Leaders and teacher are not traumatized by the BLM and ANTIFA demostration along with the looting burning and murdering. They support these protest. The elected member of the house and senate are outrage of the siege of the Capital. Not one member of cogress was outrage when ANTIFA or BLM were looting burning rioting this summer

  5. Geez, it is going to be real hard to get them teachers back in the classroom after all that easy Covid money. Are they serious?

  6. Hopefully the state gets to keep a pro rata portion of the BSA otherwise going to Anchorage schools. Fair is fair.

  7. I guess the kids get to continue on in their “safe space”, minus an ASD unexcused absence. They’ve lost nearly year of socializing, gained a year of depression and weight gain, lost a year of education, gained a year of being robbed of liberties, but hey, let’s play “the leaders say you shall be more sad and distraught and so you magically are”. Just when you think it can’t get any weirder, it does.

  8. Are the Snowflake Students also going to be protected from the media calling for our President to be removed from office because he is to blame for yesterday’s “riots”?

  9. To my knowledge at this time no School Board member has been consulted or advised of this event. If true, unless it was authorized by the District Administration, I believe it should be a violation of ASD policy and I strongly condemn this. I will demand an investigation and appropriate action. If it is not a policy violation I will introduce new Board policy to make it so.
    Dave Donley Anchorage School Board Member speaking for only myself and not on behalf of the ASD or the Anchorage School Board

    • I would hope that some kind of “side boards” can be placed in to a policy. While the events of yesterday were ugly, they probably are not traumatic. They may present a serious teaching moment: Perhaps someone could pose the question – “Why are these people angry?” Just because an administrator at ASD is offended by something does not make that event grounds for canceling school. I am offended almost every time I see and hear Chuck Schumer speak. Who cares? If this decision was made by the Superintendent maybe it is time to review her contract. I want an adult to run the schools, not a twelve year-old.

    • Appreciate the thought, Dave…
      but you know good and well Anchorage’s education industry is a lost cause, a hideously expensive failure that well-meaning folks such as yourself can’t come close to fixing because the union-managemnt team don’t want it fixed!

      • I would encourage you to review the School Board meetings over the past three years when budgets were debated. At every opportunity I offered amendments to reduce spending on non-classroom related administration spending. Your point might be well taken however because all but one were voted down by the Board.
        I also voted again the new Common Core math curriculum pushed by the Administration and some Board Members. I believe it will continue the failure that has been math instruction for the past 12 years. Since Common Core math was first imposed by the District proficiency scores have gone from in the 60s to the 40s percentile and now ASD is continuing this failed experiment.
        Dave Donley Anchorage School Board Member speaking for only myself and not on behalf of the ASD or the Anchorage School Board

        • Hi Dave, Ben Hutt here. I happen to be a teacher in the district. I agree there should be some cost reduction at the admin level. I’m aware of the lower math scores. The marks in most educational subjects, math included for the state and much of the country have gone down since the 1960s. It was Kennedy who instituted Physical Education each day, and Thomas Jefferson who said give two hours a day to physical pursuits, for health is even more important than learning. We have become this nation of spectators that Kennedy warned of. We need vigorous participants. In the sixties we had the scores, the US was making progress. Now we seem to have lower scores, higher debt and millions of “educated” people who believe proven lies, or worse, don’t care about the truth in a quest of more power. I don’t have a perfect answer, but I feel like more P.E. would help our students’ bodies and minds to become more healthy. It and the fine arts have steadily been cut in the last 40 years.

          • You should try teaching an introductory logic course to contemporary university students, if your goal is to witness the failure of America’s education system. I ended a semester with approx. 20% of the class hopelessly incapable of exercising basic critical thinking skills–at the beginning of the term it was near 80%. What IS being taught in these K-12 schools, other than the rules of social conformity?

    • I dont know who is more laughable! Hahaha The school board whom are painfully more worse to spend an evening watching than the anchorage assembly or all the nutty school pronciples and educators the district hire. ASD is hiding nothing that even todays H.S. students know their school delivery is a joke. the graduates know when they leave H.S cant read, cant write, cant count money when they get their first job. ASD is Dead! You hear me, nothing good comes out of ASD its just as a luke warm dead church bearing no good fruit. ASD Superintendent Bishop is a flake since i became aware of her flaky ADN little house opinion story. I can’t stand ASD, its a flaky school district that churns out snowflakes melting under heat.

    • The Superintendent has now advised me that this wrongful message was issued by the leadership of only one school of ASD’s over 90 schools and was not authorized by ASD executive leadership. The Superintendent is preparing a report on this incident for the Board. I encourage all parents and citizens to report any inappropriate political bias making its way into our classrooms to the Superintendent and the School Board.
      Dave Donley Anchorage School Board Member speaking for only myself and not on behalf of the ASD or the Anchorage School Board

  10. Any excuse for mindless hysteria. The adults seem to not know how to cope, so they aren’t able to teach the children how to cope. What we’ll be left with is childish adults who are incapable of using common sense, and rationality. They will be adults who are curled up in the corner sucking their thumbs with a blanket over their heads for a “safe space”.

    • Spot on Greg. I really don’t know how Anchorage residents have not petitioned to disband the school system and start over. Highest per student costs in the nation with the worst test scores in the nation.

  11. I want my money back.
    Seriously. Everyone Anchorage tax payer should be demanding a full refund of their school taxes. 1/3rd of last term was virtual, and this term is not likely to actually happen. No, sorry, virtual learning is not even close to equivalent. We paid for a full term of classes, and got nothing.
    Now this?
    I am sure the kids are so traumatized by the events in DC that they all need a day off to relax and deal with their emotions. I am sure a bunch of Netflix, video games, and sleeping in will make everything right in their world once again.
    I want a refund. I am not a satisfied customer at all.

  12. Oh my. Such delicate little flowers to be traumatized by political skirmishes happening thousands of miles away.

  13. In my day (man have I been waiting use that one) we would have turned it into a civics discussion, not a timeout for crying

  14. I have no doubt that if you scour the ASD records you will find many people getting paid that are really doing not much of any work. The taxpayers should get much of their money back

  15. Low King Salmon run forecast for this year; don’t tell the kids in school for they will be traumatized, hunker down, don’t have coffee with your friends, get support, it must be racist!!
    Whom in the Anchorage school district is this?

  16. Actually, if I had kids in the ASD and received this message, I would immediately grant them the rest of the week away from “the screen”. Frankly I would be very concerned about the interpretation and teachings of people, who put out a message like that. In a better use of this time we would talk about the Constitution, personal responsibility, what it means to be a citizen, properly addressing one’s government etc….

  17. I listened to a class my daughter was logged into with the Juneau School District. She was being told how Trump and Republicans caused all this and remedies should follow. Basically, the class became hate indoctrination.

    • Been going on in some school districts for 40 years. When my sister’s daughter was in elementary school, she came home crying. My sister asked her why she was crying. She said, “Don’t vote for Reagan or Grandma will lose her house”. My sister wanted to know where she had heard this and she said, “Mr. xxxxx(her teacher) told her class to tell their parents not to vote for Reagan because he was bad and their grandparents would lose their houses and get kicked out”. Needless to say, my sister(a teacher) raised hell with the teacher and the school board. Mr. xxxxx tread lightly after that.

  18. My Brother and President Kennedy got killed when I was 13. My Brother on an evening after school; Kennedy, nine months later, during class. After our gym teacher informed us about the President’s death, we went back to what we had been doing, obviously discussing the incident, but continuing to “carry on” with our activities. My Brother’s death was more personal, however Our Parents realized staying home from school would just make it more difficult for the five of us to go later. Getting back on the horse when bucked off is better than postponing the inevitable…..

  19. What events? Oh you mean citizens demanding our country has fair elections? I don’t need your permission to excuse my children. Parents are the primary educators of their children, not some crazy school district. I homeschool and have for years and not through some organization. Sometimes I forget how crazy these knuckleheads are and how they think they have a say in anything.

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