A 21-year-old cannon crew member assigned to the 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Airborne) at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson is in jail on charges of Murder 1, Murder 2, and Tampering with Evidence, stemming from the alleged killing of his 21-year-old wife, Saria Hildabrand.
Saria was reported missing by family members on Aug. 7. The young woman, a team member at Bread and Brew, incoming student at University of Alaska Anchorage, and member of the Alaska National Guard, was last seen on Aug. 6 at approximately 10 am in the vicinity of Mockingbird Drive and Alpenhorn Ave. As the investigation unfolded, authorities became increasingly focused on her husband, Zarrius Hildabrand, as a person of interest.
Investigators found a blood-soaked mattress in the couple’s apartment, blood in other places in the apartment, and discovered that Zarrius’s credit card showed purchases of several items of interest, such as cleaning supplies, a mattress cover, and a large trash can on wheels. As the search widened, police found such a trash can in the back of a truck parked on Alpenhorn, with blood in it, and the trail led them to a storm drain, where they found Saria’s remains. She had been shot in the head.
That’s another separate ministry to focus on reaching young military couples, which shouldn’t be as difficult than one ministry focused to reaching for never married single mothers of Anchorage. I am sorry for the man and woman and all young couples going at the married thing alone and without knowing Christ and our Father in heaven who should be at the center of all.
By the way since we on topic of military families I found a great little book for Military wives or just women in general married to that career oriented man. “Faith Deployed, daily encouragement for military wives.” Jocelyn Green. Even Jocelyn put in her book there is a need of Christian military couples reaching out to share the gospel and becoming a friend to an ever increasing number of military couples especially the young couples who never heard the Gospel and never seen it lived out.
What an unhelpful and self-centered comment.
I infer from your comments that you think man has no inherent goodness. Perhaps you’ve noticed that greater than 99.999% of men do not kill their wife. A thousand years ago you may have been considered correct but in the parlance of our times; you’re confused.
A couple of well informed posters made statements in this thread that were subsequently removed due to their politically insensitive content however, those removed comments were more accurate than yours. Pretending to know a fictitious character comes across much like a little kid attempting to insert Spiderman into every conversation. This article is about two young people that each made dramatic errors and has nothing to do w/ religion. Further, religion is not a solution to any known problem nor has it ever been. Might there be a better place for your proselytizing?
Perhaps we need to simplify society. Perhaps make it more easier to understand, less complicated, less stress on all concerned. Let’s have few laws and rules. One of them could be: “Though shalt not murder”. What do you think T. Bark?
I think that it’s ludicrous to assume that Moses could have come off the mountain and read that commandment to the assembled group and have heard anything like “oh man, several of us were going to gut a few of the others tonight. This is a major setback!”
No one needs to be told that… or commanded that. Same with all the others w/ a couple notable exceptions:
– love me and fear me or die is conceptually flawed and,
– coveting is a thought crime. None of us should be tried and sentenced for an idea that flitted through our head but was never acted upon.
That’s what I think.
You are simping for a murderer because you are a low testosterone beta cuck. You have no purpose in life beyond drinking soy products and consuming Current Thing.
How is this an appropriate comment to publish? No wonder conservative politics doesn’t seem to go anywhere any longer when the only thing that matters is insulting someone. What a shame this is the state of our discourse. This is the kind of childish language we should expect from others.
I genuinely wonder what your Bible looks like. Are their pages missing? Did you rewrite whole sections? Does yours have The Book of Jen in the New Testament?
There is rarely a time when you launch into one of your missives you actually contribute to the topic at hand. But nearly every time you do this, it gives fodder to people who don’t believe.
I tend to assume you’re a troll. If by some odd chance you’re like one of the occasional street preachers on 5th, you do far more harm than good.
Stop pushing people away from God with nonsensical browbeatings and incomprehensible ramblings.
I agree with your comment The Masked Avenger.
“But nearly every time you do this, it gives fodder to people who don’t believe.” Count me among them.
TMA, I have often wondered if posters A. Galeutian, Jen, and Mrs. N are one and the same person. They all seem to post in the same odd, opaque and rambling manner that forces me to believe that their reality, or at least their minds and their mental processes, intersects my own only tangentially.
I have no comment in this string.
Totally agree. I am a devout Christian but find odd ramblings by Jen so offensive. Completely self absorbed. This murder was a horrific tragedy but she wants to use it as a tool for self promotion.
Not one offer of prayer by this “Christian” for those affected by this sad, senseless crime.
Sending prayers up for the families. May God comfort and heal.
Toll Paid.
Sell out establishment Republicans “Ra Ra” the military every day. The military is becoming full of pervert Democrat Satanist. What are y’all going to say when they turn on you while you were blessing them.??? Damn y’all are stupid.. they are so weak and stupid I’m not even scared of them
Executed by gunshot to the head?
If there were any self defense issues a normal person would have called 911.
I am sure a good defense attorney will look for PTSD issues.
Death penalty should be on the table unless lefties think a few years in the joint with probation will rehabilitate this individual and put him back in society.
I admit there are many reasons to use the PTS issues, but NOT ALL issues are not from PTSD issues. I DO agree many are, but many are alcoholism and drugs, that IS NOT from PTSD issues and going to the correct counselor is a main problem.. from an experienced vet/military ex.
Why do we not have the death penalty in Alaska?
Because our “model” constitution and much of our statutes in that era were written by the Demonrats that ran the show back then. Brace yourself: As this State swings back blue, we are in for more and worse of that.
It is wildly inhumane.
That’s the idea, Ms. Suttman. Not all solutions can be in the criminal’s best interest.
For the first time Maureen You are spot on!
What that POS did to his wife is nothing less than wildly inhumane and should be in the death row express lane.
Congratulations for waking up and realizing what it takes when a person executes his wife and then spends days lying and working 24/7 to hide the body and spent big money and hard work to bleach the blood out of the bedsheets. Sounds like he popped her in her sleep.
I never knew you had an ounce of common sense till now.
Hi Maureen
My view is that, once convicted of a capitol crime and sentenced by a jury, the defendant should be put down. I will agree that some issues need to be addressed. There needs to be a time limit for appeals as some bad guys on death row have been there for 20+ year. No reason for that. Also the act of putting the bad guys to death needs to be quick and painless. My own choices would be along the lines of hanging or firing squad. Lethal injection and the gas chamber seems cruel to me due to the time it takes to finish.
To me, it seems inhumane to allow a murderer or rapist to remain alive, even in prison. It’s also tough to consider what it does to the victims and their families when they understand that our taxes are used to keep them alive. And there is always the risk of them escaping from prison.
gotta disagree the state shouldn’t murder private citizens. I don’t think it’s inhume to murder a murderer but to bestow that kind of power on to an organization that is corrupt to the bone at best and pure evil at worst is very foolish. one reason for so many appeals is that government has murdered men that have been given the death penalty only later to have been proven completely innocent.
The state doesn’t murder people. When a person is sentenced to death, it is by a jury and accepted by a judge. The jury represents our society and the judge is there to insure the sentence is as per written law. Then the CRIMINAL is EXECUTED. No murder involved.
The death penalty is tremendously expensive, due to the cost (appeals, etc.) of each individual case. Further, given the chance, albeit remote, of an innocent person being convicted and killed, the death penalty may not be a good tool to achieve justice.
While it may not be the “best” tool as all tools have flaws but it is the most effective tool for preventing repeat offenders such as this POS with a mountain of evidence with days spent lying and cover up of the crime who does not deserve appeals with the overwhelming evidence and extent He went to to crudely hide her body in a storm drain.
Saria doesnt get an appeal of her death sentence either so neither should he in THIS case.
He most certainly doesnt deserve to live out the remainder of his life on our dime.
Make your argument directly to her Mother.
I am quite certain she will also disagree as well as have a meltdown for you even suggesting He spend his life soaking up our money and filing appeals through a court appointed attorney.
If you are worried about the “tremendous cost” of the death penalty that can be streamlined to less than 20 years. That cost is all attorney strategy.
It can and should be done in two years max in this case.
It is always helpful to put yourself in the victims shoes as well as their families shoes to have a complete and thorough “view” of each and every crime on an individual basis.
Did Charles Manson deserve life in prison mocking the judge in every single appearance?
It’s a better tool than the one we have been using.
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