The Anchorage School District went to remote learning on Thursday after freezing rain on pavement made roads dangerous for students, parents, and others.
But the school district sent an email about it to parents on Thursday, the text of which was unintelligible. Instead of being in English, it was in Lorem Ipsum, which is a type of filler text that made no sense at all:

Later, the district apologized, after parents were stunned by what was clearly unclear and reached out for explanation.
“Due to deteriorating road conditions, we are shifting from 2-hour delay start to a remote learning day. Also, all after school activities and community rentals are cancelled for today. Girdwood K-8 will have in-person learning and no bus transportation. Apologies for the previous update on email. There was a technical glitch. Again apologies for the confusion,” the district wrote on its Facebook page.
Lorem ipsum is dummy text used as a placeholder. It is derived from Latin, but not intended to be readable or convey anything relevant.
Does it amaze anyone else that years ago ASD rarely closed for winter conditions yet
these days the slightest snow or ice shuts th down? Why is this? Was it better with more contractors driving the buses instead of employees?
All I know is these closures are hurting our kids. Remote learning is not
Learning and everyone knows it. Time for parents to stand up and say “enough is enough!”
For starters it would be good to see a chart over last 50 yrs of snowfall, temperatures and snow days. For fun maybe academic achievement and per student cost.
I wonder if school closures due to weather is more about the availability of babysitters ie teachers than the actual road conditions. A lot of staff commute from the valley. If driving the Glenn is dangerous, then it makes sense to close schools. Think of the liability to ASD if school is in session with 1/3 less staff.
This is what is running our schools?
Yes and they are teaching the kids how to be just like them .
Looks like the staff failed English and communication classes.
Sad and mostly embarrassing.
Looks like someone’s computer system was hacked.
More sad evidence, as if taxpayers need more, that GOD* is beyond help.
*Government Operated Daycare
“… not intended to be readable or convey anything relevant.”
Sounds like the level of Anchorage Public School system education in general.
Classic. If we just give them more money everything will be better.
Actually no. They also want to be able to make more decisions about your kids and formalize and institutionalize the teaching of the Leftist ideology they so passionately embrace. So it is money and control.
What the —- are you talking about?
What can you expect from a DEI hire?
WOW! That is the most comprehensive and understandable thing I have seen from the ASD since the current Superintendent took over!
Luckily many alternative education vendors operated on this day. Yay for parents right to choose their childs education source.
And Alaskans make fun of Minnesota. That makes me laugh.
If they’re going to send out Jiberish, at least send some Lewis Carroll and add some education to the “snow days”!
“scrum the frumious bandersnatch”!
The message was very clear in my extended family.
“Do not enroll any student at ASD or they will become as senseless as the message”
Do not forget they just raised the BSA $$$$$ for public schools in the last session.
It is now more than double what it costs to attend private schools that have way above standard performance achievement scores.
Maybe in remote learning days teachers can enroll on driving classes specifically for inclement weather
I’m happy to see parents and concerned citizens actually get involved in school business. My son attended Colony Jr and High Schools and I thought by now the schools would be fixed. If it makes you feel better, the lower 48 suffers from issues too. Good luck and stay on them.
Sounds a bit like Kamala Harris….
Ever since Jharrett Bryantt took the job at the helm of the ASD, this has been like the voyage of the SS Minnow. Except there’s no professor, Mary Ann or Ginger – just a clown show with a pathetic laugh track. First budget, millions in deficit. Then there was the COVID disaster where ASD principals were forcing students to wear their masks while on Zoom calls in their own homes. In the kids’ OWN HOMES! Then there’s the undercurrent of school officials guiding hormonal, emotional students into the gender transition offramp from the highway of normalcy. Nothing surprises me with the bunch of lunatics – not even a simple message to parents. That’s why people are fleeing the ASD to bring their children to other educators who focus on academics and competency, and not garbage like is being taught in these schools while wrapped in a curriculum of failing test scores. Why Bryantt is still superintendent is beyond me. But then again, I look at the make-up of the school board and immediately understand why they educational Titanic that is the Anchorage School District is doomed. My only hope is that it is just the school board and superintendent that goes down with the ship and not those students with lives full of potential.
Snow days were necessary in the lower 48 when no snow removal equipment existed or when howling winds blew the snow into tall, hard packed obstructions but I hadn’t heard snow days were a thing when I was a kid in Anchorage. On years when there was no bus funding, it was normal to walk to school in bitter cold and driving snow. Later, buses were provided and running to a bus stop was required but again, no snow days! One bus driver used to run over big potholes to hear us scream as we flew in the air which was great fun. There was one incident when buses slid off the roads into ditches but it didn’t seem like a big deal when we were told to exit the bus and walk to school.
All of this, of course, was back when phonics was a priority in school. Confusing children about their gender and withholding information from their parents was not on the agenda. Public schools often engage in weird propaganda and now sending out jiberish is just the frosting on the cake. I’m glad I didn’t send my children to government schools and I would advise others to find alternative programs as well.
Is anyone still wondering why Alaska is second highest in per student spending, but also one place above last in academic achievement?
No it’s because the parents allow it to happen.
“Due to deteriorating management of the Alaska School District, parents are encouraged to seek out private education and home-schooling options.” Bad road conditions come in the winter. The ASD exhibition of incompetent exists all year long.
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