Anchorage School District has tentative agreement on union contract, with largest raises in a decade


The Anchorage School District and the Anchorage Education Association have agreed to a one-year contract, which must be approved by a vote of AEA members. The agreement covers the July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025, and addresses compensation and working conditions for approximately 3,000 educators.

  • The new agreement has salary increases, an increase in health contribution benefits to be paid by the district, and various other agreements that have been hammered out since the last contract was ratified.

“Today’s announcement of a tentative contract agreement between ASD and AEA is a historic moment. We are putting forward the largest single-year wage and health benefits increase provided to educators in more than a decade,” said Superintendent Dr. Jharrett Bryantt. “We have some of the hardest working and most dedicated teachers, counselors, nurses, and other educators at ASD, who work diligently to advance our mission and improve student outcomes. This tentative agreement represents our collective commitment and dedication to those on the frontlines who give students the skills they need to succeed in life.”

Anchorage schools have notoriously low testing scores. Just 43% of middle school students tested at or above the proficient level for reading, and 43% tested at or above that level for math. Some 44% of high school students tested at or above the proficient level for reading, and 32% tested at or above that level for math.

“Attracting and retaining qualified educators remains paramount to ASD, and we believe this contract can do just that. Given the structural deficit faced by ASD and other districts around Alaska, it’s in the best interest of both ASD and AEA to enter into a one-year agreement, in the hope that the Legislature and Governor will work together this coming legislative session to appropriately fund education,” the superintendent said.

Corey Aist, AEA president, said, “Every day, I wake up with a singular purpose: to discover solutions that enable ASD educators to continue their teaching journey here in Anchorage. Over the past three years, we’ve witnessed the departure of more than 1,150 educators to more enticing offers in other districts or entirely different career paths. This one-year agreement seamlessly extends our current contract, offering financial security and well-deserved raises to our dedicated educators.”

List continued, “This tentative agreement demonstrates AEA’s commitment to our educators, educator retention, and unwavering support for our students and their families. It’s high time our legislature and governor step up and play their part by increasing the Base Student Allocation (BSA), allowing us to offer more competitive contracts to help retain and attract exceptional teaching talent.”

Union members will now review the tentative agreement before taking a ratification vote in late November. The Anchorage School Board would then consider the ratified agreement for approval and adoption at its meeting on Dec. 5. A copy of the tentative agreement and additional letter of agreement may be found here and here.


  1. It’s called the wage-price inflationary spiral. Enjoy the ride because it ends in economic collapse and the complete destruction of the middle class.

  2. These types of new contracts is what’s going to put the final nail into the remaining 25% of the PFD, guaranteeing that there won’t be any personal dispersants in about 3-5 years. Then, the statewide income tax will be put into place after that. That’s what “fully funding” means. What will we get for this extra cost? Absolutely nothing. Just because you pay someone more doesn’t equal a better employee.

  3. Because they’ve done an excellent job of dumbing down your children into woke, mentally illiterate drones.

  4. I guess nobody in the contract negotiations ever heard of “Pay for Performance” like it is in the “real” world.

  5. I get a bag and a half of basic groceries for 70.00 now. ( providing I pony I’d 20 cents for the bags)
    I wonder how will be footing the bill of yet ANOTHER budget INCREASE

  6. Ive stopped commenting here because I foretold you big dividenders how this would come down. So suck it up you useful idiots.


    • And poor administrative and legislative leaders and poorer policies. Inflation is just a consequence and we suffer because of Those leaders.

  7. Don’t blame the teachers for the NEA downward directed curriculum. Blame ASD administration/school board for adopting it. Teachers are not getting rich, they make roughly 60k a year.

    • 60,000 is an enormous amount even under this inflation. To complain anything 55,000 to 60,000 for a single without dependents, or with one, or a combined income with a spouse, isn’t enough speaks of the complainer they have a spirit of discontentment and covetousness always wanting more than what’s not theirs. The spirit of discontentment across America is what is squeezing the middle class smaller and smaller to threatening those who have a higher income to where one day a household income of 100,000 will be considered middle class while 60,000 will be considered poverty level same as those household incomes of a single whose annual income is 25,000. So workers like your crowd need to stop complaining “I’m not making enough boo hoo hoo waaaah” while you and your crowd are still ahead.

    • G, if you really believe that teachers only make about $60K a year, then why does the ASD administration budget $110,000 per teacher. A starting teacher begins at $55,168 for this year and the proposed next year’s starting salary is $56,823. Now a teacher tops out at $97,238 this year and the proposed top salary is $100,155. Add about $30,000 for benefits and ASD teachers are doing much, much better than the majority of their students’ parents. Check out the old and new contract at the link posted in the article above and get the facts. You may be surprised.

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