Anchorage reapportionment map hearing added for March 15


The Anchorage Assembly has voted to move ahead with reapportionment Map 11v2, offered by Assemblyman John Weddleton. Assembly members have until March 7 to propose amendments to the map, which creates new boundaries for all 12 Anchorage Assembly seats.

Those amendments will be posted on the Reapportionment Committee’s website by March 14, and a public hearing on the map and amendments is scheduled for the Assembly meeting of March 15; the meeting begins at 6 pm. A final vote on the map is scheduled for a special Assembly meeting on March 23.

Reapportionment happens after the federal census is taken, whenever Anchorage’s population has shifted in such a way that the districts are no longer roughly equivalent in population. For the process, which is a political exercise bounded by some rules, the Assembly serves as the reapportionment committee.


  1. Miss Downing ma’am you are free speech brought to life your integrity to give the citizens the truth is impeccable. Must read Alaska Jesus himself smiles upon you. Integrity for the people ma’am thank you for your guts Suzanne.

  2. I see that this map still has Forrest Dunbar’s home changed from District 5 to District 1. I do not think this is a fair to give favoritism to an existing Assembly member who has termed out to run in a different district.

  3. Good thing that the trusted assembly members are in charge of claiming their own territory. Much like the Sooner land rush that stole the lands from the Native Americans. History does repeat itself. Only the stakes are changed. If this was on the up and up, why so many versions? And what’s with the funky lines to include certain assembly members? They must really think that we are all idiots. Just like how they have their own in charge of elections. Hitler was not even this organized.

  4. As long as they don’t mess with 36thSt to Northern Lights(Seward Hywy) into the Dist #1, I won’t complain..otherwise….???

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