Anchorage Police Chief McCoy resigns, has another offer that pays better


Anchorage Police Chief Ken McCoy announced his retirement on Tuesday. He will leave the department on Feb. 1, 2022.

In his note on the mobile app Everbridge, he thanked the men and women of the department for their professionalism and dedication to service.

“I could not have achieved success on my own, it’s always been a team effort and I’ve been blessed to work alongside some of the finest professionals in law enforcement. As I close this chapter, I’m overcome with pride for this department and what we’ve accomplished together,” he said in is statement.

Must Read Alaska sources say he has been offered a higher-paying job in the private sector in Alaska.

After graduating from Bartlett High School, McCoy attended the New Mexico Military Institute where he received his commission into the United States Army in 1990. After commissioning, he served 10 years with the Alaska Army National Guard. He received an honorable Discharge, at the rank of Captain, in February of 2000.

McCoy began his law enforcement career with the APD in 1994, where he rose steadily through the ranks, serving in command assignments in patrol, detectives, and internal affairs. He was promoted to acting chief in April 2021 after serving as deputy chief of operations for 4 years.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in Justice from the University of Alaska Anchorage and a criminal justice certificate from the University of Virginia. He is also a graduate of the FBI National Academy, session 265, and the FBI National Executive Institute, session 42.


    • There are actually a lot of municipal employees leaving over Bronson. You don’t have to agree with their reason to acknowledge that is why they are leaving. The fact that the deputy chief also just left his position and now the chief is leaving is pretty concerning, regardless of which side of the political spectrum you’re on. I would think. It creates upheaval, and will probably be a fight between the mayor’s office and assembly to appoint a replacement.

      • Oh, yeah, I’m sure. And most probably qualify for retirement, so there’s no great loss. “I don’t like the mayor, so I’m going to throw a fit, take my little red ball and retire.” Some sacrifice. Boo-hoo. And if they don’t retire, wait until they get into the private sector. After 30 years there, I can tell you that they don’t put up with this kind of BS.

        If the Chief is leaving for more money, then it’s not because of Bronson. And leaving so soon would indicate that he’s been looking for a long time. Probably since before he was appointed chief. And let’s be honest, there’s NOTHING that Bronson can do that the Assembly won’t automatically fight. Pavlov meet your dogs.

      • If Anchorage bureaucrats are leaving because Bronson is mayor, then I nominate him to be President of the United States of America.

  1. Let’s face it, in disciplines like law enforcement, and on the national level in defense, black people are in demand. It’s really true across government, and in higher education. If he was trans-gender and a lesbian it could be worth perhaps another $100,000 a year to him. That is the reality today. If you have a child or grandchild born in this era you need to consider the lead weight you put on that new life should you put white as the race on that birth certificate. If Mayor Bronson wants to reduce spending he had better look for a white police chief. Possibly a white drag queen police chief can be found to satisfy the diversity crowd without breaking the bank. So far as I have seen or heard McCoy did a good job, but has anyone noticed that at the defense level we have been losing wars for about 75 years now? Did China notice?

    • Most people seek out a new job prior to leaving an old one, and most people choose to use “seeking new opportunities” as their reason rather than stating any dissatisfaction with the old job so as not to burn bridges or demoralize staff they are leaving behind. I wouldn’t malign his character over it. 27 years of service is very admirable.

      • Well I say people should be more honest for their reasons. Sugar coating is how we have modern acceptance of poor behavior. If he was dissatisfied, he should state as much and give us the truth for why he is leaving. That way there is attention on the matter that needs addressed.
        He maligns his own character if he cannot tell the truth to the people, and shows a total lack of commitment. If he cannot handle the job, he should not have taken it.
        27 years you say? I don’t recall him being police chief for more than a year.

  2. Best wishes to you and your family. Thank you for your years of dedicated service to the people of Anchorage.

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