Anchorage makes finalist list for top air cargo hub in the world


Air Cargo News has whittled the list for the title of “Cargo Hub of the Year,” and Anchorage made the cut.

In addition to the Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport, Brussels Airport Company, Budapest Airport, and Changi Airport Group (Singapore) are finalists for the competition. The winners will be announced in London at Heathrow Airport on Sept. 16 at the industry’s annual convention.

The Ted Stevens International Airport emerged as the fourth-busiest cargo hub in the world, according to Airports Council International, which also cited Anchorage as the fastest-growing cargo hub last year, which saw an increase of 15 percent cargo traffic to 3.2 million metric tons.

The top 10 air cargo hubs in 2020 had an average increase of 3 percent to 30.5 million metric tons.

“The gain [at the top 10 hubs] can be attributed to the increase in demand for online consumer goods and pharmaceutical products and personal protective equipment,” ACI said in a statement in April.

Memphis International Airport has become the top cargo hub globally, replacing Hong Kong. Memphis is the home of FedEx, the world’s largest freighter fleet.


  1. TLP: Yellow

    Funny, how getting goods & services off that “merry-go-around” of transportation securities only goes up as the amount that travels through Alaska grows. Leadership, management and the PFD. No economic correlation. Nope. None. Cannot be. Absolutely not. Negative.
    Now watch infrastructure. ?? Particularly, A2A Rail and any administration.

  2. This is the only transportation that Dunleavy can’t touch with politics….He throws transportation out the window in Southeast and tries KUDOS for air transportation that has been an international hub always. Long before Dunleavy, Air transportation has been at an all time high for over thirty years. So, with the world moving cargo again, where is this to go? How about in all the words and KUDOS thank Federal Aviation Administration and the Air Traffic and Oceanic Divisions of a job more than well done. They are the ones to thank. How about Homeland Security? How about the workers? The problem Dunleavy has to solve is why do Countries like China, shipping goods across our air space are not paying their fees to travers the skies above the United States? How about the countries that leach the pockets of the government and states for freebee no fees and likewise economic treatment from their country is not possible, we are charged by them. And, what of the international air passengers that use to have tours in Alaska but are now diverted from spending any monies in the State of Alaska and the United States? Countries like Switzerland, Austria, British Airways, German airlines and others use to put in at the International Airport for tour business and now, nothing. What is Dunleavy missing? The airlines that fly-in are China and Korean. Where oh where is Russia? Where are the passengers from global travel at the “top of the world” tours? Where is Dunleavy in that thinking and why is Federal Aviation Administration put in a position by Congress and the three musketeers, Young, Sullivan and Murkie so quiet about the “no show and no tour airlines”? They use to be such a big users of the “over the Poles travel.” Now? Nothing….so when the governor wakes up from the doldrums and looks at reality, what then? How much does the US have to endure and pay fees for countries that leach and build wealth off this state and the rest of the United States by not paying their fly over fees in the United States Airspace. Was Dunleavy in Congress testifying for the State of Alaska at any time over the disadvantage of a “no fee charge” for the use of our airspace? I know he wasn’t. Look at the testimony of those that were there. Wake Up Dunleavy!!! You are still dreaming!!! The only thing you have on transportation is what you gave away and what isn’t happening. Dunleavy is into social work and highways to nowhere in the Matsu. The rest of the state and the residents of this state are not with you on those losses.

  3. Not everyone in Anchorage is pleased with the greatly increased air traffic coming and going from TSIA. Many of us retirees and others impacted by the greatly increased aircraft departure and arrival noise levels from TSIA are wondering where’s the benefit to me and my fellow residents of Alaska!! I’m sure somebody or entity is benefitting but it’s certainly not me!!

    • I’m guessing the airport was there when you bought your house. At least you get your Amazon packages delivered in a timely manner.

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