Anchorage climate plan filled with code words



The city apparently does not have enough on its plate. Now, it turns out, Anchorage has a new draft Climate Action Plan.

Mayor Ethan Berkowitz announced Anchorage has joined with something called the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy – a European group – to reduce greenhouse emissions in Anchorage by “80 percent from 2008 levels by 2050, with an interim goal of 40 percent by 2030.”

More important, we suppose, it “places equity and inclusion at the heart of our social, environmental, and economic policies and practices.” How in the world can you have a Climate Action Plan without equity and inclusion?

The city teamed up with the University of Alaska and myriad other entities and individuals to come up with the plan and, until March 31, is taking public comments.

The draft document is a “guiding document that provides a framework for policies that reduce emissions and a pathway to achieve long-term outcomes that reflect the values of Anchorage as an equitable and resilient community.”

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