Anchorage Assembly sets up to brawl over 83 nominations from Mayor Bronson to boards, commissions during special meeting


The Anchorage Assembly will hold a special work session on Nov. 4 from 1-3 pm to review Mayor Dave Bronson’s nominations to boards and commissions. Bronson has reappointed 10 people and nominated 73 new volunteers to various civic panels that advise the city.

The work session can be watched streamed live at this link.

The meeting will be conducted remotely with Microsoft Teams software. The phone number to call in is (907) 519-0237. Meeting Conference ID: ​723 849 169​​​​​ #​

In case of Microsoft Teams failure, the meeting will resume using the following conference bridge phone number: (907) 273-5190. Participant Code – 721227#​​

The nominations for board and commission appointments, as well as links to their resumes,​ can be found on the agendas for the Assembly Regular Meetings on Oct. 12 (Items 10.D.1-10.D.22 and 10.G.1-10.G.4) and October 27 (Items 10.G.2-10.G.3 and 11B. and 11.C.) The link is here.

While not part of this work session, a new batch of nominations will be included in the agenda for the Nov. 9 regular meeting, the Assembly said in a press release. Those will be reviewed by the Assembly at a later date.

The Assembly has turned down three of the mayor’s appointments to executive positions in his administration. They turned down Dave Morgan to run the Department of Health, Sami Graham to run Libraries, and James Winegarner as the director of the Real Estate Department.

The Assembly appears to be setting up for another brawl with the mayor over his appointments to the volunteers who offer their time and talent. Last week, the Assembly majority sent a series of questions to the mayor about his appointments, their qualifications, and specifically requested he make changes to his appointment schedule for the Elections Commission:

Questions sent to the Administration on October 26:

  1. What outreach and advertising was done to recruit the new appointees? Was the outreach done in a way that ensures broad community representation on the Boards and Commissions (several have specific requirements to meet geographic and demographic diversity)?
  2. There are 29 people whose terms expired in October 2021 who were not reappointed. How many of those submitted applications or indicated to their board/commission that they intended to serve out a new term? Can the Assembly have access to these applications? Were all existing members adequately informed that they would need to reapply for their positions (the past practice was to reappoint without a new application)?
  3. Several Boards and Commission have very specific requirements outlined in municipal code for who fills each seat, and sometimes technical requirements for appointees. Do the new appointments maintain these requirements?
  4. There were 23 people who expired prior to 2021, but according to OnBoard, that person was still serving (perhaps unaware that they had expired). Some of these were reappointed, but some were listed on the Administration’s appointment documents as Vacant and new appointees were put forward.
    1. Of those, how many were still actively participating in 2021?
    2. How many reapplied for their seats?
    3. How did the Administration determine which Members to reappoint and which ones to replace?
  5. The staggering is off for the Election Commission. Would the Administration be willing to readjust the new appointment for Seat 4 for one year to expire in 2022, to bring the Commission back into alignment with the code to have staggered terms?
  6. Jocasta Olp was appointed to the Health and Human Services Commission on 3/23/21 (see AM 183-2021), but does not appear in OnBoard. Can we assume that she is filling Seat #6?

The Assembly has also assembled a worksheet with all the names of those people who were not reappointed to seats.


  1. Kind of hard to imagine how this will go, but I can predict a technical failure that will make it a private meeting. The ruling class doesn’t desire an audience. And keep your opinion to yourself. It might be offensive.

  2. We all know how this is going to go with the assembly’s Marxist Nine: they will obstruct, harass, nitpick, denigrate, and otherwise vindictively attack each and every appointee of Mayor Bronson. Because they declared war on him from the day he was elected mayor and their “golden boy” Forrest Gump Dunbar lost, adn they will never, EVER forgive him for that.
    Wasn’t there a certain female presidential candidate a few years ago who chided another for potentially not abiding by or accepting the results of an election? Well, folks, this is EXACTLY what not accepting the results of an election looks like — a nine-person, open-ended temper tantrum.

  3. “in a way that ensures broad community representation “, from an assembly that is overwhelmingly 9 to 2, representing a small sliver of of the most radical, elitist, ignorant, corrupt and obnoxious individuals of the municipality.

  4. A group of true communists who hate Anchorage and its citizens. Kameron is the worst. He isn’t a Marxist, just an opportunist. He knows better. Very sad to see someone cave out of a lust for power. It’s not even that much power. Most of these people you wouldn’t even let walk your dog, let alone run your business. They are, sadly, so inherently pathetic that when you actually meet them you have to stifle an urge to recoil. It’s a perfect storm of corruption and ineptitude and its palpable. When you meet one you know instantly the true, profound, deepest meaning of the word “loser” that so many casually use and have no idea what it truly means until they themselves, meet one of these minor league swamp dwellers.

    • Why must the Marxist Nine inflame everything, why don’t you ask instead?
      It is clear and undeniable that they have declared war on Mayor Bronson, by ANY means available and necessary, from the day that he was elected and their chosen boy Forrest Gump Dunbar lost — a loss which they obviously will NEVER forgive, and never forget.

  5. People, we have too pay attention to the small details! I have know idea what I’m reading and attentions! but will teach myself! this is where the decisions are made. Small rerouting, of details,
    of a position~! that gives assembly! their little/big sword!

    • Okay??? I read your post 4 times and still don’t know what you are trying to convey. Can you please try again!

  6. Bronson did the unforgivable. He got elected over Dunbar.

    This whole thing is rich considering how often and openly the Politburo breaks the law.

  7. What is it about ‘Serve at the pleasure of…’ that these bitter clowntown obstructionists don’t understand?

  8. Why bother?
    Seriously, just say no and get it over with.
    Bronson could nominate ADQ and Forrest Dunbar to positions in his administration, and the Assembly would say no.

  9. They only want to listen to and entertain the lefties. I am sick of them. The conservatives have invested here as well.

  10. I read that acting Mayor Austin Quinn-Davis sabotaged the muni website on her way out the door. Does anyone here have more info on this? Did she get arrested for this? Was she fined? Why wasn’t this on the news? What did she do to the site? Guess I’m just stunned that anyone would do something so stupid. Wondering what her message is.

  11. Certain members of the Anchorage Assembly need to take a really close look at what happened yesterday TUE 11/2/21 in cities like Anchorage; voters across the country “woke up” and rejected assembly members like Christopher Constant, Kameron Perez-Verdia, Austin Quinn-Davidson, Felix Rivera, Meg Zaletel, Forrest Dunbar, – a sore loser, but really just a loser period, Pete Petersen, Suzanne LaFrance, and John Weddleton. – even if I sit on the fence long enough and vacillate an issue to death because I am worried that the radical left will cancel me.

    These do nothing members of the assembly will be saying the long goodbye to the Anchorage population that is sick to death of them and their antics, that prevent the city from moving forward from COVID lock downs and the financial disaster that they alone created. I can’t wait until we toss them out, and get a good balance of ideas, and drop the egos and BS that currently is being spewed from the losers currently screwing the good citizens of this town!

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