Anchorage Assembly public hearings for Tuesday including ban on facial recognition technology


The Anchorage Assembly will hold a public hearings on the following legislation at its regular meeting of April 11. The public hearing portion of the meeting begins at 6 p.m. and is held in the Assembly Chambers, Z.J. Loussac Library, 3600 Denali Street:   

Resolution No. AR 2023-74, a resolution approving Administrative Agreement (IAFF AA# 2023-01) between the Municipality of Anchorage and the International Association of Firefighters Local 1264 regarding tour trades, Human Resources Department.  ​ 

Ordinance No. AO 2023-33, an ordinance authorizing a Revocable Use Permit on a portion of Lot 7, Section 4, T12N, R4W, Seward Meridian between the Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility and Vertical Bridge S3 Assets, LLC, Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility.  

Ordinance No. AO 2023-35, an ordinance of the Anchorage Assembly amending Anchorage Municipal Code Chapter 3.102, Municipal Use of Surveillance Technologies, to ban the acquisition, use, or accessing of facial recognition technology with limited exceptions, and to reorganize the chapter, Assembly Members Sweet, Rivera and Volland.  

Resolution No. AR 2023-91, a resolution of the Municipality of Anchorage appropriating $2,020,000 from earnings within the MOA Trust Fund (730000) for expert financial management and support services provided in Calendar Year 2023, Finance Department.  

Resolution No. AR 2023-92, a resolution of the Municipality of Anchorage appropriating Opioid Settlement Proceeds in an amount Not To Exceed $898,366.77 in 2022, to the Opioid Settlement Fund (207000), and appropriating Opioid Settlement Fund (207000) Fund Balance of said amount in 2023, all to the Anchorage Health Department, Opioid Settlement Fund (207000), and for allowable Opioid Remediation Uses.    

Resolution No. AR 2023-95, a resolution of the Anchorage Municipal Assembly amending the 2023 General Government Operating Budget and appropriating Not To Exceed $1,070,000 for public safety and snow removal needs and adjusting property tax revenues, Assembly Members Quinn-Davidson and Zaletel.    

Ordinance No. AO 2023-36, an ordinance of the Anchorage Municipal Assembly amending Anchorage Municipal Code section 3.70.140, Unfair Labor Practices, to specify that a complaint is to be filed with the Municipal Clerk, Assembly Member Zaletel.  

Ordinance No. AO 2023-37, an ordinance of the Anchorage Assembly repealing and reenacting Anchorage Municipal Code section 1.15.060, Conflicts of Interest, Assembly Chair LaFrance, Assembly Vice-Chair Constant and Assembly Member Petersen.  

Ordinance No. AO 2023-38, an ordinance of the Anchorage Municipal Assembly amending Anchorage Municipal Code Chapters 3.20, 3.30, 3.35, and 14.60 to update the municipal health and safety program, establish the director of health and safety as the principal workplace safety officer for the municipality, and enforce through civil fines to ensure compliance with federal, state and municipal occupational health and safety regulations to protect the employees, assets and interests of the municipality, Assembly Chair LaFrance.

Ordinance No. AO 2023-39, an ordinance of the Anchorage Assembly amending Anchorage Municipal Code Chapter 12.05 to add a new section establishing parameters for content of municipal property tax bill mailings, Assembly Vice-Chair Constant and Assembly Member Zaletel.​  ​

How to Testify: The Assembly receives public comments during Audience Participation, as well as public testimony on all open public hearing items.

The public may participate in person, through written comments, or by phone. There is no sign-up for in-person testimony – the Chair will invite the public to speak on a first come basis during the Assembly Meeting. Please do not sign up to provide phone testimony if you plan to attend in person.

If you would like to provide written or phone testimony, you may do so by completing the Public Testimony Form.

If you would like to provide written comments or testimony over the phone, please complete the above form by 5:00 p.m. the day before the meeting. 

The documents for all these ordinances are available for examination at the Municipal Clerk’s Office, City Hall, 632 W. 6th Avenue, Room 250, Anchorage, Alaska and at To find the document, click on the agenda link for the meeting date on which the public hearing will be held. 


  1. We are by our government who is out to control us. We no longer have any privacy or control as the government can see and do what they want with the patriot act we could just disappear. The government needs to be rained in and they need to be spied on. They are the ones that are doing things wrong and against the law.

  2. We have lost our capitalistic, confederate republic form of government in Anchorage again. They are changing our form of government to mob rule instead. We need our representative form of government; it is veering toward tyranny. Tyranny is joyful for the ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? but nobody else. ? ⚓ grate again!

  3. As I understand it, this AO would protect privacy, if that is the case it should be fully supported by MRAK anonymous trolls

    • No they do not want facial recognition, because they don’t want their voter base ie MOA union public servants caught slacking on the job. What it boils down to. If the property tax payers knew how badly they were being fleeced, apd would have to block the assembly meetings.

  4. The assembly has made it very clear that they don’t care a bit about public opinion unless it supports their own agenda. They sit there playing video games until the clock runs out, then cast their pre-coordinated votes. Your time would be better spent looking for a home outside of the municipality.

  5. Why is the government promoting sin and sexual perversion? Is America an atheist communist country now?

    • George: As an atheist, I resent the suggestion that sin and sexual perversion are exclusive traits of atheists. If you are looking for evidence of sexual perversion (please feel free to offer your definition), look no further than the Catholic church.

  6. Why do adults, if they truly are, need flags to espouse a thesis which is contrary to conducting productive business for the citizens of Anchorage? If assembly members take the time to ‘twiddle away’ with a personal ‘coif’ then pay should, rightfully, be recovered from all assembly members. Perhaps continuity will provide justifiable results.

  7. Assembly freaks flying their freak flags shows you who they are loyal to, and its not WE THE PEOPLE.
    They have a queer agenda to take down faith, family, individualism and replace it with trans wokeness, aka fake unity that then force conformity of language and dress. They wanr our kids and they do it one assembly ordinance at a time.
    These flags show us who they are, have you noticed how these less than 1 percenters have a majority in representation? Call us names if we call them out.
    I am not a homophobe i am a woman who refuses to use your PREFERRED pronouns, matter if fact, opposite. Trans woman, you are a MAN. Trans man, you are a WOMAN. accelt science before passing your queer rules on us, you creeps. What did someone do to destroy your childhood so bad you want the worlds children to sudder MORE?
    Creeps, lose any flag that does not represent our city, state, or nation.
    Freaks, fly your freak flag and do your freaky business in oregon and get the hell outta my town.

  8. Are they banning AI facial recognition from everywhere in town or just at the gov level?
    Will stores still be able to use it to build cases against shoplifters?
    Or is this a ‘pro-shoplifter’ bill?

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