Anchorage Assembly denies mayor library advisory board picks again


All four of Mayor Dave Bronson’s nominees to the Anchorage Library Advisory Board were voted down on Tuesday night by the anti-Bronson Assembly, on a vote of 7-4.

Assemblywoman Anna Brawley led the discussion about the mayor’s choices, saying she could not support any of them because she feels they are part of a partisan plot to take away things like Drag Queen Story Hour and other controversial programs and materials at the library.

Brawley said they are part of what she called a battleground that centered on public libraries. She said believes the mayor is trying to ban books by remaking the library advisory board, which has already been stripped of its book-banning powers by the Assembly.

She recommended a no vote on all four because they would join what she sees as ” body to advance a partisan purpose.”

Listen to some of the discussion regarding the library board:

Aimee Sims, Stacey Lange, Windy Perkins, and Donna Moats had been nominated by the mayor, and the Assembly decided to postpone action from the meeting of July 25. Earlier this year, the Assembly rejected all three nominees to the Library Board.

Chief of Staff Mario Bird asked Brawley if the same rubric would be applied to nominees if they shared different views from the ones that were nominated. Assembly Chairman Chris Constant cautioned Bird that his question was not welcome.

The current Assembly has made history by repeatedly not approving the mayor’s appointments, something never before seen in Anchorage.

The nine-member board of the library advisory panel is a battleground for the Assembly, which is playing a waiting game, hoping that a new mayor will be elected in April. Meanwhile, it appears unwilling to approve any of Mayor Bronson’s nominees.

Three more members reach the end of their service in October, leaving just two members — Dennis Dupras and Doug Weimann. If no members are replaced, the expiring members may serve another 120 days, or resign.

  • Cristy A. Willer, Chair, Term expires October 14, 2023
  • OPEN, Vice Chair, Term expires October 14, 2022
  • OPEN, Secretary, Term expires October 14, 2022
  • Debra Bronson, Term expires October 14, 2023
  • Dennis Dupras, Term expires October 14, 2024
  • Alice Qannik Glenn, Term expires October 14, 2023
  • Doug Weimann, Term expires October 14, 2024
  • Teen Advisory Board Member: Vacant

The August meeting of the Library Advisory Board, which meets on the third Wednesday of every month, had to be canceled due to a lack of a quorum.


  1. Got a great idea. Close the library. We have no need for it. Broadband, 5g internet gives everyone access to everything. Host your perverse shows at your own home. Not on my dime.

    • Ever notice that all the Assembly members end their statements by shutting off the microphone and then immediately staring down at their computer screens?

      Are they checking social media for affirmation or just too embarrassed to make eye contact with anyone in the room after making such profoundly ignorant statements?

    • I vote that we put you in charge of the library, Trig. Exposing school children to deviant sexual subculture is not an event the MOA should be subsidizing.

      • Don’t have the prerequisites. But I would love to make it a real library, you know, with historical information that is hard to gleam from the internet. Boring stuff, to some.

  2. Partisan plot ? What do we call the current assembly whom has a partisan plot to continue to infiltrate our children’s minds with perversion ! There is no educational value in Drag Queen shows ! We all learn soon enough there are people who choose to choose people of the same sex as partners ! We learn of sexual deviants and their predatory ways at God’s speed !

  3. Seems to me that Ms. Brawley and her co-conspirators are the ones exhibiting unabashed partisanship. Their pettiness is making it impossible for our Municipal Government to function

    • Their goal is destruction and chaos.
      They hate us and our children.
      someone needs a serious time out (of government),!

      • It is not hatred of us, or our children. It is adoring, worshiping at the altar of the All-Powerful State, and conventional family units get in the way.
        When you love your spouse more than the collective, when you want your children to succeed above other children, when you put things other than the collective first, it gets under the skin of leftists. It gets in the way of their quest for power.

  4. Mind boggling that these people were elected. Albeit maybe they were not if some of the election theories are on target. Retaining gender dysphoric grooming of children via inappropriate adult entertainment is far more important than appointing good library leadership. Ok, did people actually vote for such a confused-agenda driven woman? Then add in any questions put forth to the assembly must be vetted by Chris Constant as being acceptable questions to his fragile ego. What a zoo. Anchorage is a mess, led by a collective middle school level maturity.

    • Not mind boggling at all. The district map was gerrymandered in order to ensure these people get elected. 100% mail in voting sealed the deal.

  5. Drag queen story hour is fantastic. Mostly if you’re grooming children. Sickos on the assembly.

  6. Do you suppose they would get on board if the Mayor showed up in heels and fishnets and shook his backside at the Assembly People? They appear to all in on perversion, so let’s give them some to enjoy, and then ask about “partisanship.” OTOH, I haven’t been to the library since I got to watch a couple of addicts having sex in one of the nice upholstered comfy chairs. I believe folks used to have to go the Lower 48 to find entertainment like that, and there it was, free for the watching.

  7. All those fine ill mannered, low information voters who voted for Assemblywoman Anna Brawley need to have at least two homeless people live on their doorstep and feed them for minimum of 45 days.
    Assemblywoman Anna Brawley is a poor example of a human being that supports that seedy side of the Anchorage under belly.
    I would propose that Anchorage Library Advisory Board be disbanded in total, and all the membership be thanked for a job well done.
    Furthermore, the Mayor should stop proposing any humans for any positions. Just let any position go idle and die.
    the mayor should do daily business with only the people who are left and replace no one who leaves for any reason. The mayor should take away or diminish any power he can remove or withhold from the loony Assembly reprobates.
    Change the entire agenda to something TOTALLY different.
    Slash and burn Baby….

  8. Does our current college English class teach ya’ll to insert “uh”or “um” before every sentence spoke?

    Seriously, it wasn’t just a few time, the whole time Brawley was speaking it was like that. This is a very poor representative of humanity. We deserve better than what we have in the Assembly today.

    If aliens come asking you to take them to your leader, just point at yourself as representative. You can do a much better job than (they) can.

  9. One would think the library job was the most important job the muni has. What a fight to get a person hired. The assembly is just a bunch of street thugs pushing their drug. We need to clean out this nest of hornets.

  10. Taking back territory won’t be easy for Anchorage Christians, Republicans, Conservatives, Moderates, and true independents and non partisans. Regardless the board if one doesn’t align with the current Assembly you still need to patronize the library stacks, cause common sense residents don’t check-out lgbt books, so eventually library will Weed it. Keep trying to get on the city boards and commissions and councils but also other service works (working with GenX) can be done while waiting. Remember boomers are burying their friends cause they aged and are dying, gen x are past 50 nearing their death, and millennials tend to be a-d-d not single focus and always moving about as well as millennial will be collectively 50 years from today.

  11. Took a long time for todays Democrats hold the power over Anchorage. Its human nature to not give an inch to who and what is perceived as a threat. If I was in their shoes, I’d do the same protecting my community and loyal to political party who holds the power, even being called a racist. The team that held the championship for 10 consecutive years, they should be practicing, working, serving one another daily to stay on top giving no mercy to their opponents-making them work for the win if they do.

  12. LOVE this paragraph. Thanks for including it, Suzanne. It speaks volumes of the fear Chris Constant has of Brawley being exposed as the very partisan person she is, and in turn exposing himself of being partisan along with the majority of the assembly.
    “Chief of Staff Mario Bird asked Brawley if the same rubric would be applied to nominees if they shared different views from the ones that were nominated. Assembly Chairman Chris Constant cautioned Bird that his question was not welcome.”

  13. As an impoverished member of society as a child I went to the library two times a week and read at least four books every week my entire childhood. I read the classics, books in series and everything my heart delighted. At no time did an adult male masquerading as woman approach me to initiate a conversation or read to me. If anyone would have done this the ladies in the Alaskan town and ministers would have called the police and the person would have been taken out in handcuffs. I noticed my mother was a beautiful lady. I noticed my dad was a muscled guy. I assumed correctly I would grow up one day and somehow I probably would be a mom too. This is what happened. It is wrong to take the identity of a young child and confuse them in a library of all places. What a shame children in Anchorage cannot have this opportunity to be scholasticly inclined in Anchorage libraries safely. The assembly persons are not private adult owners of the library real estate. They are ultra vires in this and can therefore no longer be paid with public money while acting outside their public emolument authority. It is not intended to be an adult private specialty reading room paid for by adults against this intromission.

    • Bravo mate.
      I admire everything you have to say. Seems like it comes from a real source of experience and wisdom.

      Keep at it!

  14. Suzanne,it made me sick to my stomach seeing the video with Anna Brawley speaking. I am still energized by attending Ben and Candace Carson’s presentation at Cornerstone Church. Let Anna and her cohorts have presentations of the Drag queens at the libraries or even assembly meetings and leave our precious children learn math, reading and writing. Their goal is to indoctrinate and sexualize children.
    These people gave Judy Eledge such a terrible time when she was at the Library. However, there were no Drag Queens. Do I have anything against gay or transgenders? Absolutely not However, let them live their lives and let us live ours. Get out to vote people for decent candidates.

  15. Anchorage used to be a beautiful place to live and work until the leftist mayors of the past and the assembly destroyed it. Sadly it is now more like Seattle. Spend-o-witz (you know who he is) was successful in creating what he wanted Anchorage to be, a sanctuary city of the north. If there is any hope for Anchorage the old ways must return and these leftist POS’s must be removed from office and run out of town. I suggest taking bus loads of homeless and dropping them on their front lawns and let these sanctimonious a-holes deal with them there. Good luck to you Anchorage, maybe next elections you will wake up before it is too late.

    • Were you here in the 80s? Anchorage was the most amazingly place on earth. I didn’t want to be anywhere else.

      Fast forward to the 2000s once Obama was elected, it was like watching a plane fly into a mountain at top speed.

      Hung in as long as I could, then bailed for safer, saner, cleaner (let those sink in) Juneau.

  16. The assembly does not have authority over the people. The reverse is true. Because we said so in the US Constitution.

  17. Public funded LLAB (Loussac Liberal Adult Bookstore) located on 36th and Denali is the only description that fits this very expensive property We get to pay for.
    Just give it to the alphabet queens and be done with it.
    NOBODY in their right minds would subject their children to the rubbish anf filth the Gestapo Assembly is catering to.
    Anything public funded in this city has gone to the trenches not worth a damn. ASD Sullivan Arena UAA and now Loussac bookstore as well as most city parks…. all armpits.
    The entire expensive trail system is not safe unless you are packing a sidearm for personal protection from the mentally deranged drug injected trolls hiding in the surrounding brush.

  18. Libraries build communities, LBTQ people are part of the community and library books should include stories about the community and how they interact.

    • Sure Frank, Drag queen story hour for children is the most important interaction of all. Thankfully democrats are the only ones foolish enough to think that and their kids will suffer the consequences as Chloe Cole did.

    • Sure Frank, Drag queen story hour for children is the most important interaction of all. Thankfully not everyone is foolish enough to think that and some kids will suffer the consequences as Chloe Cole did.

    • I agree, Frank. The self-proclaimed alphabet people are people. They don’t need special books or shows to show us how they interact with the community. We all act civil whatever ever alphabet you happen to identify with. That is how we interact. Very few of us want to give a platform to dudes doing sexualized womanface in front of kids. If a dude wants to sexually interact with a dude, no one is stopping him. But we don’t need books with pictures showing how it’s done in a public library. And THAT is what is boils down to, Frank. No one is stopping or hurting these folks. But lines are finally being drawn on WHERE it will happen and WHO will be paying them to act this way.

    • They enjoy absolute, unopposed power. Even our governor can’t override them. And they will be re-elected.

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