Americans for Prosperity-Action Alaska announces first set of endorsements. Who are they?

Top row from left: Jeremy Bynum, David Nelson, Leslie Hajdukovich. Bottom row from left: Stanley Wright, Jared Goecker. All are Republican candidates running for state House or Senate

From Ketchikan to Fairbanks, the first five candidates to receive the coveted endorsement and support of Americans for Prosperity Action Alaska were announced by State Director Bethany Marcum at a kickoff event in Anchorage on Thursday evening.

The candidates are all Republicans:

Jeremy Bynum of Ketchikan, running to replace retiring Rep. Daniel Ortiz for House District 1. An Air Force veteran, Bynum is a twice-elected member of the Ketchikan Gateway Borough Assembly, serving since 2020, and co-chairing the Assembly/School Board Liaison Committee. He serves on the University of Alaska Southeast Ketchikan Campus Advisory Council and is a member of Board of Directors for Southeast Alaska Power Agency.

David Nelson, running to unseat Democrat Rep. Cliff Groh for House District 18, Northeast Anchorage and JBER. After beating Rep. Gabrielle LeDoux, Nelson served one term in the House before the seat was taken by Groh in 2022. Nelson has served in the U.S. Army, as an Alaska Army National Guard First Lieutenant on JBER. He was awarded the Army Commendation Medal for exemplary service during the earliest days of the Alaska Army National Guard’s Covid-19 response. He is also past president of Midtown Rotary Club.

Rep. Stanley Wright, running for reelection to House District 22, East Anchorage. Wright is an U.S. Navy veteran who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. He was an aide in the Dunleavy Administration, where he served as legislative liaison and special assistant to the commissioner of the Department of Military and Veterans’ Affairs.

Leslie Wien Hajdukovich, running to unseat Democrat Sen. Scott Kawasaki in Senate Seat P, Fairbanks. She served for six years on the Fairbanks School Board, including as board president, as well as U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan’s Fairbanks regional director for almost 5 years. She is a fifth-generation Alaskan who has worked in the family businesses.

Jerod Goecker, running to unseat Republican Sen. Kelly Merrick in Senate Seat L, Eagle River. Goecker, a Republican, has lived in Eagle River since he was a young child. After returning from college in 2017, Goecker began working for the Dunleavy Administration, negotiating labor contracts at the Department of Labor.

The five endorsements are bound to come with significant financial and volunteer support for the campaigns. Americans for Prosperity Alaska Action’s State Director Bethany Marcum said there may be other endorsements later.


  1. Americans for Prosperity are the leaders of the trickle down economy. The rich get paid huge sums, pay little taxes and trickle all the money into their own pockets while blaming the workers for causing inflation. The only people prosperous are the wealthy who will outsource your job. Don’t vote for any of the 5 listed.

    • Your suggestion that rich people “blame workers for causing inflation” is specious. Even a school boy knows inflation is caused by the government (printing money). Its their nefarious trick that works as just another defacto tax which impacts wage-earners the most. This trick is a hallmark of Democrat party ideology; but its by no means theirs exclusively.

    • Projection much? You do know that the wealthy these days are all democrats, don’t you? Your money flow description almost perfectly describes what is going on in the green / renewables / decarbonization world. Interestingly enough, none of the Republicans listed play in that world. But your side does. Cheers –

    • Thanks to WC for reminding me….

      The most recent round of inflation was (and still is) entirely caused by Dementia Hitler shutting down oil and natural gas exploration on federal lands. It took a while for the industry to digest that festering carbuncle, but they have done a pretty good job. Unfortunately, the regime is busily trying to shut down oil and natural gas exploration on state and private lands which will jack up prices once again. Cheers –

  2. I can accept all of these endorsements, except one. I live and vote in east Anchorage and Stanley Wright has been very ineffective and only marginally communicative in his first term. We need somebody else!

  3. “Significant financial and volunteer support”. Will that even come close to dark money support, union money, and union “volunteers”?

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