Indeed, it was a very pleasant surprise to me and to other commonsense Americans to see how tremendously wide and strong the voter support for Donald Trump turned out and how weak the support was for the Biden/Harris Administration.
That renews my and other commonsense Americans’ hope for the possible future of the United States as a true democracy. Many more people saw through all the media, progressive “Democratic” Party, and the U.S. “intelligence” agencies propaganda than many of us expected possible, and they included a significant number of voters from the “Democratic” Party base itself (e.g., blacks and Hispanics, especially men, in addition to virtually the whole working class) who clearly were rejecting the far-left, neo-Marxist nonsense under name of liberty, equality and justice for all.
Although the rejection of the Democrats extended to Congress, too, it was much weaker there than in the presidential election. It looks like the commonsense Republicans might be able to control the White House and both chambers of congress for at least the next two years—those will be very important years and, hopefully, major years of reversing much of the damage already inflicted by the Biden/Harris administration and far-left Democrats.
Nevertheless, we can be very sure that there will be very strong and organized opposition to Donald Trump and the Republicans from not only the Democrats but also their allies in the neo-Marxist media and the administrative state. At least, now for a change, we have some reason to be hopeful instead of just politically depressed.
Clearly, during this 2024 turbulent election, Americans recognized and stood tall against neo-Marxist ideology — i.e., white privilege doctrine, Critical Race Theory, transgenderism, DEI and systemic racism demagoguery. Commonsense Americans stood strong in protecting Judeo-Christian moral values and principles — an ideological and theological foundation of our exceptional Republic.
I am writing this short piece from the Dominican Republic. And I can you tell that Dominicans, our Caribbean neighbors, overwhelmingly support Donald Trump’s victory. As for me, even Dominican salty food began to taste much sweeter.
Alexander B. Dolitsky was born and raised in Kiev in the former Soviet Union. He received an M.A. in history from Kiev Pedagogical Institute, Ukraine, in 1976; an M.A. in anthropology and archaeology from Brown University in 1983; and was enroled in the Ph.D. program in Anthropology at Bryn Mawr College from 1983 to 1985, where he was also a lecturer in the Russian Center. In the U.S.S.R., he was a social studies teacher for three years, and an archaeologist for five years for the Ukranian Academy of Sciences. In 1978, he settled in the United States. Dolitsky visited Alaska for the first time in 1981, while conducting field research for graduate school at Brown. He lived first in Sitka in 1985 and then settled in Juneau in 1986. From 1985 to 1987, he was a U.S. Forest Service archaeologist and social scientist. He was an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Russian Studies at the University of Alaska Southeast from 1985 to 1999; Social Studies Instructor at the Alyeska Central School, Alaska Department of Education from 1988 to 2006; and has been the Director of the Alaska-Siberia Research Center (see from 1990 to present. He has conducted about 30 field studies in various areas of the former Soviet Union (including Siberia), Central Asia, South America, Eastern Europe and the United States (including Alaska). Dolitsky has been a lecturer on the World Discoverer, Spirit of Oceanus, and Clipper Odyssey vessels in the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions. He was the Project Manager for the WWII Alaska-Siberia Lend Lease Memorial, which was erected in Fairbanks in 2006. He has published extensively in the fields of anthropology, history, archaeology, and ethnography. His more recent publications include Fairy Tales and Myths of the Bering Strait Chukchi, Ancient Tales of Kamchatka; Tales and Legends of the Yupik Eskimos of Siberia; Old Russia in Modern America: Russian Old Believers in Alaska; Allies in Wartime: The Alaska-Siberia Airway During WWII; Spirit of the Siberian Tiger: Folktales of the Russian Far East; Living Wisdom of the Far North: Tales and Legends from Chukotka and Alaska; Pipeline to Russia; The Alaska-Siberia Air Route in WWII; and Old Russia in Modern America: Living Traditions of the Russian Old Believers; Ancient Tales of Chukotka, and Ancient Tales of Kamchatka.

Not necessarily opposition, but surely keeping an eye on him. States rights trump Trump.
Trump is the one pushing governance back to the states.
Just because the enemy lost a battle doesn’t mean it’s going to end peaceably.
They’re called Americans, not the enemy. You need to know that is some states, Trump won carrying less than 50% of the vote. In most others, he won with or slightly more than 50%. Not an overwhelming majority in popularity. In a country our size, with him winning with what amounts to the population of Jacksonville, Florida, being the difference, that’s not a landslide. So, choose your words carefully.
The extreme resistance hasn’t stopped. Last night on NBC propaganda organ a talking head was using a patronizing tone to Trump’s desire for tariffs and bring job home from China by saying “this means prices for everyone will go up”, to regain the quality of American made goods and jobs. Maybe so, maybe not. Other major propaganda organs continue to refer to President Trump as “President Elect Donald Trump”, as if there is still a question. Democrats are socialists are communists and all are evil spiteful people sadly.
I refuse to call the Leftist opposition in this country the “Democratic Party”.
There is no Democratic Party, they are the Democrat Party, ie a party composed of Democrats, and there is absolutely nothing democratic about this bunch of anti-American fascists.
Tim, you are absolutely correct. I and my editor missed it. Unfortunately, I cannot correct it now.
Tim, please note that I put “Democratic” in quotation marks. Anyway, you got the point.
Wow Tim you really know how to make it sting. Ouchie!
God blessed our country, we need to pray Trump and his family survives through January and that he appoints only solid people outside government to form his team. The gates of hell and fury are opened against him.
“very strong and organized opposition to Donald Trump and the Republicans”
Keep in mind the Republican politicians despise us and will work with their Democrat partners and government bureaucrats to obstruct Trump as they did last time. Trump must not let Thune or Corbyn weasel their way into senate leadership.
The “intelligence agencies”, FBI and DOJ are particularly dangerous nests of venomous serpents, operated to protect the permanent government that serves our globalist corporate oligarchs.
Trump will need to release volumes of classified documents that were classified only to protect exposing treasonous behavior from us.
And Trump needs to immediately terminate most federal agencies in their entirety as soon as he takes office. End the tyranny of the unelected, constitutionally illegal administrative state. With the current make up of the Supreme Court, this is feasible.
For our youth and grandchildren eliminating the Department of Education is critical. This would allow at least those states who are rational to construct frameworks where real education can thrive. The cycle of generational ignorance must be replaced with future generations of intellectually functional leaders.
“The ‘intelligence agencies’, FBI and DOJ are particularly dangerous nests of venomous serpents, operated to protect the permanent government that serves our globalist corporate oligarchs.”
This is exactly correct.
Liberal Democrats will never accept blame for their loss. It will be victimhood and the blame game. They’re victims of a terrible country that only they can fix. Anyone who doesn’t subscribe to their ideology and join in their groupthink is the enemy. Although, I do like being called deplorable and garbage.
The author’s analysis is correct: From everything I have seen since Wednesday, the Left is conceding NOTHING and is in fact “doubling down” on advancement of the neo-Marxist agenda. They view the President-elect as a mere speedbump and have no interest in trying to understand or appreciate the views of conservatives or compromising on anything.
Unfortunately, it will remain our obligation to say “NO” to lies and nonsense if this election is to have meaning. Speak the truth; call out the lies. It is essential to determine if a few people have a genuine interest in discussion and problem-solving or are simply playing games.
The Left views the neo-Marxist project as permanent and inevitable, and, more insidiously, that the neo-Marxist view is inherently “correct” and not subject to compromise. These folks believe deep down that they are more enlightened and will prevail. They do not argue in good faith. Conservatives must not start agreeing with them.
Alexander, how do you explain this:
2016 Hillary Clinton got 70 million votes.
2024 Kamala Harris got 69 million votes
but, 2020 Joe Biden got 81 million votes.
11 million, and more votes for Biden?
(hint: it’s called election fraud).
Judie, you just explained it in your last sentence. And I agree!
Makes me wonder if Lisa-M has recovered, willing to get onboard the Trump Train … Or, will she continue onward with her mental derangement? Alaska // Alaskans have a lot to gain from a strong Trump Presidency.
Incredible. This Dolitsky guy supports Trump in spite of the fact that he’s soon to hand over 20% of his motherland to Putin. You can take the boy out of the Communist country, but you apparently can’t take the Communist out of the boy.
Another possibility is that maybe the war in Ukraine is not the simple “good-vs-evil” struggle presented by the American media and neoconservatives.
Perhaps things are not as they seem.
What’s incredible is the whitewashing, if not outright rewriting, of history that leftists so frequently attempt.
During the Obama/Biden Administration and it’s policy of appeasement and capitulation, Crimea was taken by Putin.
During the Obama/Harris/Biden Administration Putin knew he could try and take the rest of Ukraine.
During the first Trump Administration none of this nonsense happened.
Obama: “On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved – but it’s important for him to give me space.”
Medvedev replied: “Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you.”
Obama then elaborated: “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.”
Medvedev responded: “I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.”
Space is a big place. Lots of room.
Careful. His post reads like a resume.
Loser comment. Go back to your pot and booze, Whidbey. But, also enjoy these next four years of economic prosperity along with the rest of the country. There might even be some welfare $$ in it for mental bafoons like you. Then, maybe you can slip MRAK some of that free money that you so cling to.
“This Dolitsky guy” is a highly educated and intelligent Jewish emigrè from what was then the construct of the short lived “Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic” 1922-1991 in the communist Soviet Union.
Whatever Dolitsky’s current, private, personal political persuasion is today, it is not “communist”.
Among many varied topics, Dolitsky’s posts are valuable in they provide historic details of the relations between Alaska and the former Soviet Union, for which most of us have no clue.
Most all of whom we call “intellectuals” coming from University backgrounds in the last 30 years here in the US are ignorant, loud, stupid, “nyeculturnye” individuals spouting pseudo Marxist nonsense. Exhibit A is “Kamala Harris”.
The current independent construct of Ukraine 1991-2022, completely controlled by about 8 oligarchs, all of whom were very connected communists who consolidated state infrastructure and resources to become filthy rich was doomed to rapid failure.
We created a regime and massive army for it to do our state departments’ bidding in an attempt to overthrow the Russian nationalist government and take Russia’s resources, as we had planned for Ukraine’s, for our oligarch/globalist companies profits.
That war is lost, and the blood of hundreds of thousands of dead Ukrainians is on our hands.
The regions your referring to as “20%” are now integrated into the Russian Federation, by overwhelming popular vote of the local residents. It will likely be a lot more percentage by January as the Zelensky regime’s armies are crumbling and their people despise him.
Whidley Thedog, or I should call you a guy, or dog, or guydog!! Certainly, your understanding of international politics and history is next to zero (0). I was born and raised in Kiev, the former Soviet Union. Then, Ukraine was one of the 15th republics (equal to today’s U.S. states) of the Soviet Union. Ukraine is not my motherland or my mother. My country for the last 46 years has been the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. You got it!! Now, if you really want to learn about Russian history and my ideological and political standings, then read all my nearly 60 articles in MRAK’s archive that I published in the last 5 years. And please, don’t be a far-left neo-Marxist idiot. Indeed, when you are born as an idiot, you remain an idiot your entire life.
Wow. The dog hit a raw nerve. He probably just takes offense to some of the posters calling American children as Hitler youth. I think you can understand this.
Good retort, Alexander. These low-life liberals really don’t have anywhere to go, now that Trump won back America by a landslide.
I expect that the Trump administration realized the mistakes made last election by not purging agency individuals’ that did not act in the best interests of the country and continued to make it difficult to function. Due to that error, I expect to see all the difficulties of the past purged for the future.
To do so would memik the night of the long knives. That’s why Trump couldn’t do it the first time. That’s why he won’t do it this time. Watchdogs are watching.
The watch dogs guarding the permanent and perpetual administrative state, to insure the constitutional enshrined concept that all power belongs to we, the people.
Trump has 2 years, 4 at most, to dismantle the oligarch/corporate dictatorship which has usurped power over the past 70 years.
Mass declassifying incriminating documents and eliminating federal agencies in their entirety is critical. Not just appointing temporary managers, just trash can them.
If he tries it, he is in fact deranged. One thing that can take him down faster than a snipers bullet is the media. They will be on him like white on rice.
[The media.]
We all know he gets quivery worrying about them…
He does. He has already hired folks to shut down what he feels is bad press.
We need term limits for all government employees. 5 years max., all of them.
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