Robert F. Kennedy Jr. garnered lots of support from Alaskans who liked what they heard when he declared his independent bid for president. Volunteers collected over 5,900 signatures from Ketchikan to Utqiagvik to petition him onto Alaska’s presidential ballot.
His policies regarding health, medical freedom, and corporate capture (corporate political influence) were some of the reasons we wanted him as our leader. Those reasons still stand with his nomination for Secretary of Health and Human Services.
RFK Jr. suspended his campaign yet remained on the ballot. He told his supporters to vote for Trump as a vote for him. Despite that request, 5,670 Alaskan voters voted for him for president. That’s 2,630 more votes than the next third-party candidate, Libertarian Chase Oliver. In Alaska 1.7% of the votes went to Kennedy, a higher percentage than any other state except Montana.
Adding Kennedy’s 1.7% to the 54.5% of Alaskans voting for Trump gave MAGA 56.2% of Alaska’s vote versus 41.4 % for the Kamala Harris. A 15-point difference sends a resounding message to our senators that we want Kennedy to Make America Healthy Again (MAHA).
Our senators are supposed to represent us, the people of Alaska, not their own opinions. Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s failure to commit to representing us does not sit well with Alaska voters. She has met with RFK Jr. but has not committed to support him.
On the other hand, Sen. Dan Sullivan also met with RFK Jr. and posted this on his Facebook, “I had a very productive meeting yesterday with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. We spoke at length about tackling the roots of our country’s chronic disease epidemic and about Alaska’s unique health care challenges. I was particularly impressed with his knowledge of Alaska, the Indian Health Service, and the issues surrounding rural health care. I look forward to working with Bobby in his new role as Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. MAHA!!”
What is holding Senator Murkowski back from committing to the same? Dr. Robert Redfield, former CDC director, wrote in September’s 2024 Newsweek that Kennedy is the right choice.
Doesn’t Sen. Murkowski want to Make America Healthy Again and prioritize people over the for-profit medical-industrial complex?
Health is not a political issue. It is a human issue.
If Murkowski wants to put Alaskans before politics, and people before Big Pharma profits, this is her chance.
Kennedy does not hesitate to put “Country before Party” and “People over Politics.” He has maintained his stance on the chronic disease epidemic crippling our country while running as a Democrat, then an independent, and now being nominated by a Republican president.
When he suspended his campaign he said, “We need to love our children more than we hate each other.”
Later that day, he spoke of divine intervention: “Since 2005, I spent 30 minutes praying every day when I get out of bed. For 19 years, I asked God to put me in a position where I could end the chronic disease epidemic and bring health back to our children, and in August, God sent me Donald Trump.”
Kennedy has been chosen. His prayer and our nation’s healing are on the verge of realization. With respect for the divine and for the love of our children and future generations, Sen. Murkowski needs to vote to Make America Healthy Again with Kennedy in the lead.
Alaska’s militia of Kennedy supporters devoted many hours, often adverse weather conditions, to collect signatures and then campaign for RFK Jr. We are ready to activate and campaign against any Alaska senator who ignores Alaska voters and sabotages Kennedy’s calling to Make America Healthy Again as Secretary of Health and Human Services.
If not him, then who?
If not now, then when?
Make America Healthy Again now with RFK Jr.
Contact Senator Murkowski to voice your support for RFK Jr. and find 5 friends to do the same today! Sen. Murkowski’s office is 907-271-3735; 907-376-7665; 202-224-6665; fax 877-857-0322 or 202-224-5301.
Megs Testarmata, is a former scientist, commercial fisher, teacher, and engineer, who has lived and worked in Southeast Alaska, the Kenai Peninsula, Western Alaska, and the Aleutians during her 40+ years in Alaska. She was the lead volunteer for RFK Jr’s campaign in Alaska.
He did a nice job in Samoa
RFK Jr’s off the wall comments in the past will be heard by the Senate and will not come up with the #s to confirm.
Off the wall? Like his predecessor dressing up and pretending to be a woman? You mean like that?
She won’t. She hates humanity
I would, however, the “Princess” has pretty much put my inquiries on ice.
There is a rumble that it is not the Princess that will sink the nomination, though I suspect she would join in given the opportunity prior to an open floor vote. This woman had no problem voting for Biden’s choices for the various post, knowing then and now, that several she voted for were of questionable history. In closing, I would bet her vote will be another stick in Trump’s eye as only a revengeful woman is callously able to do.
Trump is riding rent free in the Princess’s wheel house, and the country suffers. Johnson-Ketchikan
When you look at Lisa Murkowski’s face, you have to ask yourself, “how many Covid boosters did this woman take?”
Lisa looks horrible. Truth be told, her vote to confirm RFK Jr. would be an admission of truth about the vaccine. And we know that Murkowski
Is not predisposed to tell the truth or admit her errors. Count her as a NO vote for RFK. Lisa is a psycho Democrat, only parading around as a Republican. Ask Frank and Nancy. They know the truth about their daughter.
The truth is not pretty. They’ve been covering for her as the prize sibling for nearly 70 years. But her bar exam failures are all her own.
Frank must look away and shake his head a lot. I often wonder how father and daughter can be so far removed from each other in terms of their values and in service, or in Lisa’s case disservice, to Alaska.
We are thoroughly ashamed of her, but just too damned embarrassed to admit it. She’s just waiting for Nancy and I to croak.
I saw Frank at Black Cup coffee last summer.
He was being handled by Lisa’s house husband, whatever his name is.
The whole fam’s tight as far as i can see.
Why didn’t conservative Lisa take her husband’s name? (the way M. Peltola does)
Murkowski Inc ….. founding father Frank Murkowski (a country club Republican if I ever saw one)
Asking Princess to do the right thing? Really?
Since when?
MA, I am asking Lisa to confirm RFK Jr, because it is the right thing to do. She may ignore my request and listen to pals over at Big Pharma and vote no on Bobby similar to how she obeyed the Military Industrial Complex in voting NO on Hegseth, (while denouncing Hegseth’s low moral character which was interesting since she voted to confirm the whole barnyard foisted by Biden). This will be sticky for Lisa since most folks are waking up after the scamdemic and really questioning whether the government alphabet agencies and Big Pharma actually have their best interests in mind.
If it is to the detriment of the country or of freedom, RINO Lisa will support it.
If it is to the benefit of the country or of freedom, RINO Lisa will oppose it.
Lisa Murkowski: The Bizarro World Senator.
Lisa do the right thing confirm RFK
Are you kidding me? You heard the tapes right? Why does all the Trump’s nominees come with baggage that involves infidelity and wife beating and drug abuse?
Greg, Trump’s nominees are opposed by Democrats. Democrats are incapable of rebutting the Ideas presented by Trump’s nominees, so they resort to character assassination. Generally, this tactic employed by the hollow, empty, devoid of ideas Democrats is unsuccessful when directed to SMART people. Sadly, however there are dummies who swallow it hook line and sinker. Especially so if a celebrity makes the accusation against the nominee.
Nicole Shanahan is going to be thinking alot about O.S. if she can’t figure out the right thing to do here. Makes me smile ay the thought of it.
O.S. – Shanahan says hello.
Too bad some folks put artifice over logic and rationality. To think that RFK Jr, a common lawyer, would know about health and human welfare would seem much like the proverbial and absurd ‘lipstick on a pig”. Pink, maroon, or Gothic black, it’s still lipstick … on a swarthy pig.
Swarthy? Do you even know what swarthy means? Bobby, Jr. doesn’t look very dark skinned to me.
What is a shame Mrs N is that you have remained ignorant of what has transpired in this country over the last 50 years or so. From Earl Butz to Joe Biden many evil deeds have been committed against the American people. Too bad you didn’t take the time and read any of Bobby’s books. I note that at least a third of each of his tomes is filled with references supporting his case. Oh Wait! A good Lawyer builds his case, and Bobby has made a damn good case about evil corruption within the agencies he will lead within HHS.
The phrase “Alaska’s militia of Kennedy supporters” gives me cold shivers. Merriam-Webster defines a militia as: “a private group of armed individuals that operates as a paramilitary force and is typically motivated by a political or religious ideology.”
Should we expect that this pro-Kennedy militia will take up arms against Senator Murkowski as is threatened above? “We are ready to activate and campaign against any Alaska senator…”
From your lips to God’s ears, SA.
I dream of your scenario. Taking up arms against tyranny is a fundamental right of every American, and of every human being. It is too bad that there are so many spineless and mindless quislings like you, who are kneejerk defenders of corrupt and sociopathic authority.
Jefferson, I’m so glad that you are back and commenting in your passionate and yet still rational manner. Goodness there for a while I thought we lost you!
Thank you, Oosik.
Last year was a very bad one for me, for multiple reasons, and I had to focus on core matters until very recently. I hope that that bad period is now past me.
A worthy adversary. Welcome back. Sort of.
I hope you got your bad stuff put behind you.
Thank you, Whidbey.
That is very gracious of you.
It was a metaphor. Just hide under your bed and you’ll be fine.
Murkowski will only do what’s good for herself
…and invisible money from Big Pharma is in the mix here
Even his family won’t support him. What more do you need?
Facts. Logic. Reason. Truth.
You know, all those things that you hysterical pro-establishment radical leftist extremists find anathema and are alien to.
N. Begich the 3rd is not supported by his family either.
Joe Kennedy made millions by illegally bootlegging booze (that is why they are rich)
Jack Kennedy had women ushered into the WH for himself all the time.
Ted Kennedy was a drunk & an idiot (& a killer)
This alcoholic family is full of bad people …… imo
And they never go away (like the Begich clan)
If you are not supported by the Kennedy’s that is a positive sign.
Hardly anyone on this forum supports you either Dog. What more do you need?
She only votes for herself as see on all she voted for when Biden was in office. She is not vote for Trumps mandate that the majority of Alaskans have.
Murkowski will never do what’s right for children and voters – it doesn’t pay! AIPAC, Zelensky, Soros, the Deep State – now that’s a different story!
Murkowski won’t be the only Senator voting against Kennedy. I’m betting Collins, Ertz, Cornyn and Ricketts will also vote no. At the very least, I bet it will come to Vance having to break a tie.
Murkowski is a complete pro-establishment, pro-corporate, pro-tyranny scumbag, who can always be counted on to do exactly what is against the interests of the nation and the average American.
Time to earn his votes (again).
In that function he’s like that super-expensive NFL special teams draft pick; he sure cost a lot but when he’s trotted out for the game-winning play he’s worth every penny (or vote, in this case).
Murky Lisa will at best vote present, but I expect her to vote no.
She is fully committed to democrat policies and working against Trump.
There’s not a MAGA bone in her bony body.
Megs Testarmata, well said!
Senators are, in fact, supposed to vote for what they believe is right, even if they think their constituents might disagree:
“Certainly, Gentlemen, it ought to be the happiness and glory of a representative to live in the strictest union, the closest correspondence, and the most unreserved communication with his constituents. Their wishes ought to have great weight with him; their opinions high respect; their business unremitted attention. It is his duty to sacrifice his repose, his pleasure, his satisfactions, to theirs,—and above all, ever, and in all cases, to prefer their interest to his own.
But his unbiased opinion, his mature judgment, his enlightened conscience, he ought not to sacrifice to you, to any man, or to any set of men living. These he does not derive from your pleasure,—no, nor from the law and the Constitution. They are a trust from Providence, for the abuse of which he is deeply answerable. Your representative owes you, not his industry only, but his judgment; and he betrays instead of serving you if he sacrifices it to your opinion.”
Well, she is pro-abortion, so sitting back and hoping that she gives consideration to Providential concerns is likely a bridge to far.
Lisa Murkowski was a traitor from childhood. She grew up with Dianne Feinstein, one of the most corrupt families in California. I know this because Pamela Raygor grew up with both of them she told me when she blocked me from going to the GOP State Convention in Juneau with 10 amendments I wrote, two of which would have outted Lisa Murkowski. But Pamela Raygor stopped me two days before I was supposed to fly out using my voters registration card which had a “U” instead of an “R” which she knew about months before. She waited till I couldn’t do anything about it and stopped me from going to protect Lisa. Pamela is a Republican GOP chair. These traders to America jumped parties on purpose to infiltrate the Republican side to take over. Dave Donley is one of them.
If Ohio Dan and NB3 had the courage and integrity of Lisa, it would establish that Alaska is the greatest of the 50 states. Denali forever!!@
Lisa has integrity? When? Be specific please. And it’s Mount McKinley. And Trump is your POTUS. Cue the tears.
“You’re not the boss of me…” – Lisa Murkowski
Oh common guys. Lisa will vote for RFK Jr. He is a democrat and she wants their help when she needs it and will vote with them every time. Don’t get me wrong, I will enjoy his running of HSS because I believe he will do a great job. But don’t get your panties in a knot thinking Lisa baby won’t vote for him. She has her agenda.
“…one reason we wanted him as our leader…”
Good Lord. There’s the problem with people today. You want leader. You want to be led. I just want representation. Then get the hell out of my way and let me decide for myself. Politicians ARE NOT our leaders. Sheep are perplexing. .
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