In a case that has confounded law enforcement across the nation, Jack Amadeus LaSota, a transgender man-to-woman former Alaskan who was once declared dead, has re-emerged at the center of a sprawling and violent saga, with murders from California to Vermont linked to a cult LaSota is said to be part of under his pseudonym, “Ziz.”
A boating accident in 2022 began to unravel the web of cult-like extremism, murder, and deception that has left investigators scrambling.
On Aug. 19, 2022, LaSota was declared missing after falling overboard in San Francisco Bay. Despite an extensive Coast Guard search, his body was never recovered.
By Sept. 7, 2022, a short obituary had been published in the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, mourning the loss of the adventurous and highly intelligent 31-year-old.

It seemed like a tragic end for LaSota, who had moved from Alaska to the Bay Area to work in the tech industry.
Three months later, in November 2022, he/she was found alive—under suspicious circumstances.
It was that November when an 80-year-old man was brutally attacked in Vallejo, Calif. The assault left the man blind in one eye, and the assailant plunged a Samurai sword into his chest. Among those detained at the scene was none other than Jack LaSota, back from the dead.
Two years later, in 2024, an attacker returned to finish the job, slashing the now-82-year-old man’s throat in broad daylight. By then, LaSota’s name had surfaced in connection with other violent crimes.
On New Year’s Eve 2023, an elderly couple in Pennsylvania was executed in their home.
And on Inauguration Day 2025, a shootout in Vermont between suspects and Border Patrol agents left an agent and a suspect dead.
These seemingly unrelated cases all had one thing in common—connections to LaSota and a radical group known as the “Zizians.”
The so-called “Zizians”—a loose network of highly educated, mostly transgender, vegan individuals—have been described as a cult with extreme beliefs. Their ideology appears to be an offshoot of what is called the rationalist movement, which emphasizes logic and reason as the ultimate sources of knowledge.
LaSota goes by the name “Ziz,” and is believed to be the group’s leader. According to Open Vallejo, the Zizians subscribe to a bizarre philosophy that involves a conflict between the two hemispheres of the brain, with only one hemisphere being “good.” The sides of the brain are trying to kill each other. Their belief system has been described by some as a “death cult.” Only Ziz says both hemispheres of his own brain are good.
LaSota’s background is in Alaska. He was the son, but now the transgender “daughter” of an instructor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. LaSota interned at NASA and Oracle and worked at Google, as well as at the Machine Intelligence Research Institute and the Center for Applied Rationality.
Now, LaSota is a wanted fugitive in multiple states. Law enforcement agencies are working to unravel the complex network of individuals associated with the Zizians and their potential involvement in multiple homicides.

Major news stories explain this bizarre case in greater depth. This news story is a summary of original reporting found at national media websites and does not represent original MRAK reporting.
Well, certainly this is another interesting and disagreeable story from our degenerate national culture. The murderous Zizians have been fortunate not to have met up with me.
And, you have been fortunate not to have met up with him or her or whatever.
Yes, I have so far not needed to defend myself from any such reptiles. Always alert and prepared for it, though.
This is not ladylike behavior.
Savage. – sd
You stole my line. 😛
His dad worked at UAF? That pretty well explains it all. Wack-job institutions produce new wack-jobs.
I’ve actually seen the opposite on occasions. Wack-job professors of social sciences, particularly from the History Department at UAF, whose own kids behave pretty normal, and are courteous to others with dissimilar political beliefs. These kids blame their parent’s and uncle’s grotesque political behavior largely on alcohol and drugs. And a few are just plain old NASTY.
It’s true.
It’s somewhat deeper than that. From the January 28, 1991 FDNM: “Jack Amadeus LaSota, 9 lbs. 2 oz., born Jan. 23 to Kathryn and Daniel LaSota of Fairbanks”. Dan LaSota was elected as an officer of the local Green Party three months later and was elected to the borough assembly in 1993.
His father’s Twitter feed (which abruptly stopped in November after the election) is filled with nonstop pro-Ukraine posts and the ubiquitous divisive, political libtard opinions. He was also in Democrat politics in Alaska. He has interacted with and follows other “rationalists” on his account so he likely introduced his son to some of this ideology. His mother apparently confirmed to police her son was dead which would be obstructing justice, no? Sounds like the parents are radicals themselves. There has been a massive failure to apprehend and prevent most of these murders.
I agree Patriot, UAF, the Wormhole for Pathological Learning. Every year the Legislature Steals half our PFD Check to fund a University System that produces monsters.
Our constitution allows anyone to call themself “transgender” and act as the opposite sex. Anyone deluded into actually believing they are of the opposite gender suffers from psychosis, whether so-called professionals agree or not. Such behavior could also be just a fetish; however, its more likely to be a fetish combined with a craving for attention and privileged victim status. Anyone using feminine pronouns to address a man is being played like a fiddle. We should not patronize nonsense.
This story will never make mainstream media as these types are protected. There was a mass shooter, can’t recall their name, who was trans and wrote a manifesto which has since disappeared.
Maybe. It’s definitely on X, which means it’s probably garnering more attention.
MRAK credited national media websites for the content of this article. As is mentioned here. This is a major news story and can be read about in greater depth. One of those places is NBC news.
Instead of including a check mark box T for Trans, a check mark box should be included for C or I, because All of this is crazy and insane. Maybe T means troubled?!
So I followed up by reading additional reporting on these murders. The German student, “Bauckholt” has a lengthy story in ABC news. What struck me about it, not only that the same perpetrator returned to the 80 year old man two years after his first assault, but that all the while that ABC relays the sordid tale, they CAREFULLY and THOROUGHLY refer to the murderer as “she/her.” They don’t even mention that Bauckholt is a male-to-female transgender. How kind of them to defer to this maniac’s preferred pronouns!
If a woman was going to attack, with the intent to kill, it sure wouldn’t be with a freaking SAMURAI SWORD!
This group is so bizarre, it buggars belief!!
Im glad i wasnt the only one who had noticed this as well …..what a bazzar time in whitch we sre living in…….
There is still so much to these murder stories I cannot follow. Why on earth were they roaming around after impaling their landlord with a Samurai sword, only to be allowed to finish the job before he could testify against them at the hearing?? And the daughter who’s parents were executed in their home and the ring camera records someone saying “MOM” (she’s an only child) and all they did was question her?? Still unsolved? There are deaths that could’ve been prevented if law enforcement and the criminal justice system did their job instead of letting these murderous lunatics roam free.
I thought they were the peaceful folk that wanted respect?
Further proof that transgenderism is a mental disorder.
Trump won – we can tell the truth now.
The whole LGBTQ+ community, in general, has a lot of mental health issues.
The Progressives have normalized homosexuality – in the exact same way they were trying with transgenders.
Go back and listen to Obama and the Clinton’s talk against homosexual marriage – that marriage was between a man and a woman.
All of these people need our compassion, they need mental health – but it doesn’t mean we should normalize perversion, decadences, fetishes, and mental illness.
The truth.
They are mentally challenged at best. Should not be working around the public, on our airplanes, or any Government spot.
PERIOD! They are sick in the head. Proven over and over!
It occurs to me that these… ‘wimmin’ (womyn? womban?) might otherwise have been welcomed in the U.S. Army, or in some other branch of the U.S. armed forces. Oh, well, it’s too late for that now.
It appears that ‘Ziz’ is a stolen, shortened version of the name of Dr. Seuss character Zizzy Zozzfozzel from the book “The Cat’s Quizzer,” which features the Cat in the Hat challenging readers with silly questions, whereby readers are expected to pick up a host of oddball facts, have fun juggling sense and nonsense, and exercise their imaginations. In the book, Zizzy (and brother Ziggy) get all 100 questions wrong. This lends itself to the apparency of having an antonym-like symbolic reference to the Zizians’ self-proclaimed pseudo-philosophy based on logic and reason. LaSota even looks a little like Zizzy Zozzfozzel….
Time for MAGA: Make Asylums Great Again
Ziz as a name has been speculated to come from old Testament as one of the Hebrews old Gods, don’t know my bible that well but maybe even not in Bible but Historically true. Also as a character in a Video game. And I’d heard another theory but forgot what that was. Yours seems about fitting as this guy and folks draw in are somewhat childish but have become capable of murder ect.
Strangest quote about them was by friend of Ophilia, think its the guy killed by Border Patrol, who ran in same circles and not drawn to the group could see what was happening and warmed Ophila that, “Its a Dealh Cult with a high local death toll.” This before they really got rolling.
Bizarre as you could imagine. Trans Radical Vegan Cult, wow that’s pretty selective. Though maybe not so much out in Cali land.
And a little bit of “Mainstream News” covering it;
Though while looking for the story it had dropped off main page, I did see that NBC now has a separate area labeled “Blk News” and also one named “Latino News”, hey don’t worry it may be separate but its equal. I didn’t see that they would prefer white folks just move on rather than be welcome to read it.
How utterly bizarre. This guy is still on the run? Scary.
Is it too much to hope that Jack Lazoda and his Zizian cult will soon be surrounded and pull a Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid last stand, thereby saving taxpayers millions? With the hormone drugs that are being fed these transgender folks, is it wrong to assume these pharmaceuticals are scrambling their minds? Is it any wonder we have the incidents such as Vallejo, or the school shootings in Nashville?
Time was, we had places where people with these sorts of mental illnesses could live out their lives with no fear of them harming others.
Has anyone noticed that there is a lack of comments from Dog, Sebastian, Mrs N.. or any other liberal?
They are probably all ziz buddies
So what? I don’t come here to play to them. The fact that so many do play to them is a chief reason why this site’s comments have declined in quality the past few years.
Not a liberal here, but general provocateur. But y’all are getting your panties up in quite the wad. Yeah, this guy/gal (whatever) is a psycho. But that doesn’t mean all trans people are psychos. But y’all just hate trans people, so anything that confirms your biases gets you all excited.
Look, trans people aren’t out to get you. They don’t want to abuse you or your kids. They just want the right to exist. So take a deep breath, count to ten and read Leviticus 19:18 and Matthew 22:39.
No one here has said that all trans people are psychos, although no one can deny that very many people of that type seem to have troubling psychological issues. Theirs is generally a problematic existence. Also, Biblical exegesis is certainly not your ‘thing,’ so don’t give up your day job to troll here.
It’s a fact that gay marriages have the highest incidence of domestic violence – especially lesbians.
There is a disproportionate amount of pedophilia within the male homosexual community.
There a higher incidence of mental illness within the LGBTQ+ community.
Facts are facts.
Trump won – we can tell the truth.
Literally in the news TODAY, an illegal tran$ activist raped an underage boy in a public bathroom. So, yeah. You may want to ….
His dad is a political appointee on the Alaska APOC.
I checked it out and you are right. He is an APOC commissioner. – sd
Un-freaking-believable. Maybe not.
Lots of similarities to The Charles Manson Cult and the Manson Women in the late 1960’s here, they have clearly been indoctrinated and probably medicated by illegal/ and or Prescription Drugs , could It be that Barry Obama is their inspirational Leader. Severe Mental illness seems to be the template for the progressive Left, the guy/girl/ whater in the photo somewhat resembles Murkowski, could they be popping the same pills? Just saying lol!