Alaskans ‘swamp the vote’ with early voting

Fairbanks voters wait patiently to cast their ballots on Oct. 23, the third day of early in-person voting in Alaska. There were close to 100 people in line at 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday.

Alaska conservatives are voting in greater numbers than ever since early in-person voting started on Monday.

Monday’s turnout for early voting across the state was 9,882.

That is as high as the total early-vote count was by Day 4 of early voting in 2022’s general election. Alaskans have been waiting in lines as long as an hour and a half to bank their votes early.

Also, absentee ballots requested from the Division of Elections now exceed 10% of the entire voter roll in Alaska. The deadline for requesting an absentee ballot is Saturday, Oct. 26. Information at the Division of Elections on how to have a ballot sent to you by mail is here.

Anecdotally, voters tell Must Read Alaska that there are a lot of conservatives in line with them. At the Gambell Street voting location in Anchorage, people waited for an hour to vote on Tuesday. Those who voted there Monday waited for 90 minutes.

In Fairbanks, about 100 voters were in line at 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, the third day of early voting.

The Republican National Committee has a new program this year called “Swamp the Vote,” which is to encourage conservatives to get their ballots in quickly, which helps their candidates turn their focus attention to those who haven’t voted yet. Banking votes economizes the efforts of the campaigns and helps the campaign donations go farther.

“Republicans must win – and we must use EVERY appropriate tool available to beat the Democrats, they are destroying our great country! Whether you vote early, absentee, by mail, or in person we are going to protect the vote,” the Swamp the Vote website says.

“Do your part to fix the damage Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have caused by Swamping Them with Votes.  Request your absentee or mail ballot or pledge to vote early in-person today!  You can also confirm your voter registration details or pledge to vote on Election Day.”

There are 11 days remaining in the 2024 general election that ends Nov. 5.


      • You may pray that Mary doesn’t get re elected. If she does the future of alaska will be a national park only the rich can afford to reside in.

      • That all depends.
        Will the ballot counting be rife with questionable events? You know like a sudden inrush of 6,000 votes in a row for the same candidate? (A statistical improbability that could happen by random chance only about once in the history of the Universe, but it happened several times in 2020)
        Will the ballot counting be observable, or will there be white foamboard placed over the windows? Will a “water main break” (otherwise known as an overflowing toilet) clear the building?
        And, if any funny business is observed, will the politicians refuse to look into it, and will the DOJ threaten to imprison anyone who questions the results?
        If none of that happens, I think I would be OK with claiming my candidate lost.

    • You will be able to notice the ballots cast by Democrats by the Sharpie Circles where Dunleavy’s Division of Elections has changed them.

    • And how does that happen exactly, given that the mechanics of early voting in person are exactly identical to voting on election day. How does one “change votes” during early voting? Please explain and be specific.

        • Your retort is one word? Seriously? Do you know how much scrutiny the Dominion machines have been under since 2020? Do you know that Fox news had to pay Dominion almost $800 million over false claims that their machines switched votes? Get a grip.

          • Ah yes, one word equals 2 paragraphs of your response. A great return on my investment

            Fox news paid Dominion you say? Well my friend, welcome to the beautiful and abundant world of money laundering.

            Kinda like duct tape and banana.

            But sure, we can just believe the beautifully crafted narrative put out by the billion dollar media industry and stop thinking for ourselves instead, like you do. So easy.

            Love ya Cman. Life would be so much harder without you.

            • Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt for you I guess. And please remember, that just because you’re paranoid, it doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you. Hug your own delusional narrative to yourself and share it with others. I cannot imagine there would be any evidence you could be shown that would ever change your mind on this issue.

    • Too big to rig.

      It’s our only hope. Vote, vote and vote more. We need every vote we can, everybody has to vote. Especially if we get a red wave, it makes any illegal action a greater risk to the criminals and Trump has put them on notice. I’ll take every Republican vote we can. Absentee, early voting, in person, on election day. Just make sure you all vote.

      • It’s not worth it. Voting is a waste of time and a naive acquiescence to a corrupt system. Or at least that’s the logical conclusion of the baseless accusations we see on here and elsewhere.

  1. One hopes all the deceptive ads and outside money haven’t fooled that many Alaskans who want to get rid of RVC into voting No on 2. You can always tell by the way the left presents the issue- if there is a clear case of good and bad, they will do all they can to conceal the truth of the issue.

    • In the case of Ketchikan (area) the votes are sent to Juneau where they are counted. That alone is a
      very scary thought. Trusting Juneau on any topic has always been a fear of mine, and I have no doubts that if it can, it will. Voting at my voting location here on election day (with ID!)

    • To the same hands as ALL the other ballots go.
      Behind closed doors.
      Is anyone’s vote “safe” anymore?
      A large percentage of voters dont think elections have any integrity anymore.
      With a weaponized DOJ and a corrupt FBI to do the dirty work with no knock warrants for anyone who they think may be a threat to their “Democracy” why bother with a phony election process.

    • I asked that exact question of the Election Board Worker after voting early in Wasilla.

      The answer I received:

      The Federal ballot was put directly into the tabulation machine and is considered voted and accepted at that point (you can’t track your ballot online after that – it’s a done deal). The numbers won’t be transmitted until election day after the polls close.

      As far as any borrough/city/school ballots voted that day: they’re put in a slotted box for storage until election day. They will be counted after the polls close.

      • The votes are inserted in the tabulation machines. Those same machines that can connect to the internet. Our votes are not safe…period. We need to bring back paper ballots, hand counting and same day results.

          • Hahaha. I believe that there are, at least, 300 tabulators that have the hardware to connect to the internet. Not sure how many are wireless. Good try though.-

          • Thank you for stating fact. When this state turns blue for the first time since LBJ, who are going to blame? Dalhstrom and Dunleavy?

            I’m getting my popcorn ready. I’ll wash that down with the tears in MRA’s comment section.

  2. Suzanne, Can you provide an estimate of mail in ballots received?
    I emailed the Division of elections asking about signature verification and this was the response from Carol Beecher, the supervisor:
    Thank you for contacting the Alaska Division of Elections. The division does not conduct signature verification and there is no cure process set out in statute. If something were to appear out of the ordinary, the division would forward the issue to the Department of Law for investigation, but the division does not have training in, nor require verification of signatures. When an individual and witness signs the absentee ballot they attest to the truth and accuracy of what they are signing under penalty of perjury.

    So, there is no signature verification at all.

    • with so many people having illegible scribbles for signature verification, that is simply a non-starter. This is where a picture ID and at least two forms of identification come in handy.

  3. Should I vote for Peltola or Begich?
    Families who want to establish some sort of political familial royalty
    1) In the 60’s there were Kennedys, referred to as ‘Camelot’
    2) The Bush’s; H.W. Bush, G.W. Bush, Jeb Bush
    3) The Clintons: Bill & Hillary
    4) The Obama’s: Barack & Michelle
    5) The Begich’s: Nick Sr, Mark, Nick III
    The Begich name is like some sort of political business brand. WTF?

    Family politicians are not the way it’s supposed to be.
    I don’t want to vote for Begich. Mark Begich won against Stevens via mail-in votes. Ever hear of mail-in votes making the difference? That had a bad smell.
    Speaking of wtf’s, Murkowski won her seat via write-in-votes. WTF?
    Politics stink.
    Peltola voted to allow males to compete as females in Title IX sports. That bill died at the hands of the Republicans in the House in DC. Thankfully.
    Peltola voted to allow non-citizens be counted in the census and that count is used to apportion House seats in Congress which would increase number of Dem seats by allowing sanctuary cities & states to get outsized representation in Congress. WTF?
    I am aware of the ‘Good’ things each candidate is attached to. It’s the bad crap that really gets to me.
    Peltola is a real Alaska resident. Nick Begich III isn’t.
    I haven’t yet decided which way to vote.

    • Murkowski won those write-ins in 2010. The judge in that case decided the law didn’t have to be followed regarding proper spelling. The law was broken.

    • Non citizens have always been counted in the Census. It is a count of how many people are in the US and in which state.

      Prior to the Civil War, slaves, who couldn’t vote, were counted by the census and included in the calculations for representatives as well as for electoral votes

    • Pete,

      I’m not an Obama fan, but listing Michelle Obama as a legacy politician is not at all accurate. This is the type of nonsense that discounts your intended point. If you want to cast aspersions, make sure your facts over rule your feelings.

      • Jimmy,
        When it’s reported globally Michelle said she plans to run and her husband, a consummate politician, wants her to run, I think to millions of people (including me) she has become a politician. Please see the following article (one of many):

        • Until such time as Michelle Obama forms a Political Action Commitee and declares for an elected office, she is as much a politician as Laura Bush or Jill Biden. Wishcasting what you assume about her, and citing nonsense corporate media does not create a fact. You may as well assert that any number of political relatives are also “politicians”. Until they declare an official candidacy, the only ballot they are on is the imaginary ballot you invented to be big mad about. It must be miserable to go through life looking for stupid fake reasons to be annoyed.

    • Pete, Vote Begich. NBIII reminds me of his Grandfather, an energetic young leader. Nick Begich was extremely popular and respected from both sides of the aisle and accomplished much to get the Trans Alaska Pipeline approved in his short time in office.

      Take the time to talk to young Nick, a straight shooter and someone who like his grandfather desires to develop the people and resources of our great State.

    • Cman, your gaslighting has been shone upon us ad nauseum, but we aren’t complaining. You make for good comic relief.

      “Hahaha look there, another brainwashed member of society stuck in his limited thought loop. Such a funny specimen. He is able to jump out of the jar, as the lid is open, but he actively chooses to remain imprisoned. Fascinating behavior”

  4. While reading through the comments, I can’t help but ask…
    Why when Republicans lose they think the elections are stolen or fixed but when the Democrats lose it’s completely fine?

    • Lol Liz, you have short-term memory. Never mind the 2016 elections or earlier elections where the democrats were saying the elections were rigged. I love how the left has to keep the lies going – you guys are really consistent in doing that and you must be commended for that consistency.

    • Well Liz, that is because you are forming a bias in your head based only on a small selection of posts in a comments section. Dare to paint a picture with small brush strokes rather than the broad strokes of gross generalizations.

      Tell me, how is it you know everyone to be republican? Are you so brainwashed to think there are not other parties to exist? Are you so brainwashed to think that anyone who has an opposing idea to yours is automatically a republican?

      Some things to think about.

      Perhaps you also think all fairies sit on toad stools or that all dogs and cats hate each other or that Alaskans ride polar bear and live in igloos.

      Go touch grass.

  5. Early… Late… Whatever… Going to need at least a 2 to 1 margin to bust the algorithms… Anything more than that it gets too obvious… +++

  6. lol,
    Let Michelle obama run. She has the same communication skills as Kamala Harris does and really isn’t that good as a speaker on teleprompter, the younger people are totally onto the Obama’s hypocrisy anyways, they may have hoodwinked a lot of people 12-16
    Years ago, but they were the original team who divided the country needlessly on fake or exagerated racial issues, the Obama’s litterly
    got rich off being political, as most all Dems have, atleast most present day republicans have gone out and built
    their own wealth long before entering politics, that’s actually how it use to be, sadly
    the Dems changed that particularly when the Clinton’s entered the picture, they
    All fleece the American tax payer to become wealthy then live off their tenure of power, the sickening reality hurts !

  7. If you are bored and disgusted by politics and don’t bother to vote, you are, in effect, voting for the entrenched establishments, who, rest assured, are not dumb, and who are keenly aware that it is in their best interest to keep you disgusted and bored and cynical and give you every possible reason to stay home doing one hitters and watching mtv on voting day. By all means, stay home if you want, but don’t bullshit yourself that you’re not voting. You either vote by voting or you vote by staying and tacitly doubling the value of some diehard’s vote. {Quote of David Wallace}.


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