Washington, D.C. – Alaska friends and supporters of Congressman-elect Nick Begich III have gathered in the nation’s capital to witness the formal swearing in of Alaska’s 14th congressional representative since district and territorial days and only the sixth since statehood.
The official date of Jan. 3 at noon is set by the U.S. Constitution, which says Congress starts the new session at that time, but may also pass a law to start business on a different time or date.
After members are sworn in, the session begins the process of electing a House Speaker. Begich said today that he intends to support Speaker Mike Johnson of Louisiana, who also has the support of President Donald Trump.
“Speaker Johnson and his leadership team worked tirelessly to deliver the Republican House Majority. President Trump has asked House Leadership to ensure Speaker Johnson continues in his leadership role. Unity in the Republican conference is necessary for delivering on the America First agenda. I will be supporting Mike Johnson for Speaker of the House,” Begich said.
The noon swearing in ceremony means that by the time most Alaskans are finishing their morning coffee at 8 a.m., Alaska will no longer be represented in Congress by Democrat Rep. Mary Peltola.
Alaskans have flown in for the ceremony, although even the ones in D.C. will be watching it from the screen in Begich’s office, in the Cannon Office Building.
Some Alaskans took a guided tour of the Capitol on Thursday. On Friday, Congressman Begich will be on hand to greet them after the noon swearing in; he is allowed only one person with him at the ceremony.
Must Read Alaska is on scene and will be reporting from the Cannon Office Building and the Capitol on Friday.
Friday, Jan. 3, is also the birthday of Alaska, as it is the day it became a state in 1959. President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the official proclamation admitting it as the 49th state after a 13-year struggle to make the case that Alaska would not become dependent on the federal government.
Begich III, a Republican, will be sworn in 66 years after Statehood. For 49 years of Alaska’s history, Congressman Don Young represented the state, until his death in 2022 at the age of 88.
Congratulations to Congressman Nick Begich III and the State of Alaska.
All of the trolls who came out falsely swinging their axe at NB3 for being a Democrat now get to eat crow. Nick is a conservative Republican, and a damn fine one at that. We have one of the best Congress members in the US House.
Absolutely! And AMEN to that!
Yes, Ted. And thank God that most Alaskans saw the light and sent both Mary Peltola and our Lt. Governor down the road.
Amen Ted
Speaker Johnson has the best hair of any man who’s walked the halls of Congress in decades. Begich would do well to support him.
Johnson is a ball less swamp creature who deserves nothing. But then the whole conference can not nominate a strong speaker because the rinos would never support that. They rely on the go along to get along everyday banal corruption.
Congratulations Nick on a fight won and well fought. You get a pass on this, but don’t turn into a rino. Be a leader.
Nick: Is our finest and will carry us toward victory.
God speed Nick — now it’s our turn through you to readjust where we have been— toward our new direction and destiny.
Thank you all for supporting my son Nick III. He is the right man for this time. God bless you all!!
NB2……You are welcome. Just so the record plays straight, it might not have come together for your son if the loyal readers at MRAK didn’t go after the Lt. Governor to back out of the election. Had she stayed in, we would have Mary Peltola re-elected and a most certain catastrophe for our country. MRAK played a major role in getting your son into office. And we are glad that the Begich Family is here with us
True words, Chrissy. And we hope Nick Begich realizes that. Our feckless Lt. Governor was on a path to ruin Begich’s chances. Must Read’s campaign against her worked. And we all knew that the Lt. Governor reads Must Read (and the comments) everyday. How embarrassing for her.
Amen to that ! ?
Anyone who has not got to visit with nicks dad has missed out. Always an interesting conversation. Smart guy.
It doesn’t take a genius to realize that politics is the realm of vultures; where there’s carrion, they abound! Alight and try the “pâté,” Mr. Congressman, it’s said to be tasty!
17 days and they own it all. And all the failures and successes. We will be fine as long as Trump doesn’t do Trump things, so…….
Bravo NB3! Nick worked very hard to reach this goal and the many patriotic Alaskans that helped him achieve it now celebrate with him. We eagerly look forward to communicating with Nick and supporting him as he represents his constituents in the Peoples House, and move our Great State Forward!
CONGRATS to Nick and our great state! We are looking forward to ACTUAL representation, not “Oh gee, I can’t be there to vote.” Thanks, Nick for being there for us.
Just happy to have Mary P out of there. Get rid of Deb Haaland next so we can be productive again. I just hope he does more than Dan, we never see or hear from the guy even when under attack from eco extremists.
I’ve been in 4 town hall meetings with Dan in the last 8 months and several fund raisers. You need to leave your house to find these functions jim. Dan is amazing at remembering peoples names.
I want no infighting let’s get behind these guys 100% and start pushing. We got 1 hell of a mess to straighten out. And straighten it out we will.
Very brave since one leaves US Constitutional rights at the city limits of the foreign enclave and citadel of thrived unelected bureaucracy.
Glad you’re down there Eric and CJ . Have fun.
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