Alaskana bits



 We throw in a correction here on behalf of Casey Reynolds, who reported in his blog that Rep. Gabrielle LeDoux was at the “Boss Vince” Beltrami fundraiser last Friday.

The union-fueled blog took it down several hours later without comment, but not before we received several shocked messages, including one from Rep. LeDoux herself.

We did spot a few folks, including the broadside of the aforementioned Mr. Reynolds.

LeDoux was so bothered by it she penned her own letter to her colleagues to make sure they knew she was nowhere near the union event. This case of mistaken identity was a smear tactic.


A Cessna 206 owned by Alaska Dispatch Publisher Alice Rogoff was said to have been damaged when it rammed into the dock at Halibut Cove yesterday. Halibut Cove is the location of former Lt. Gov. Mead Treadwell’s wedding this week, officiated by former Senator Clem Tillion.

Word is that Rogoff was piloting the Cessna when she dinged the dock, and the plane was brought back to Anchorage under its own power by another pilot.

Rogoff hosted an elegant engagement party at her home earlier this month in Anchorage for Mead Treadwell and Clay McClure.


We heard about a recall effort when we were in the valley last week, and this week an endeavor popped up on Facebook to explore whether people are serious about taking on a sitting governor.

So while Gov. Bill Walker recalls legislators to Juneau for a special session, there may be a diffent kind of recall going on.


Jeff Landfield, candidate for Senate District L, received the AFL-CIO Anchorage Central Labor Council’s endorsement. Landfield, a Republican, is running against Natasha Von Imhof and Rep. Craig Johnson in the Republican primary on Aug. 16.   The endorsement means union cash will flow into his campaign.


The Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly will continue to open its meetings with prayer. An ordinance to ban the practice was offered by Assembly President Blaine Gilman.

Prayer won. Pray on.


Alaska Republican Party Chairman Tuckerman Babcock named the following Alaskans to the Victory 2016 Committee, which will head up Alaska’s efforts in the federal campaigns, focused on the race for the Presidency, and including efforts to promote the entire federal ticket with the U.S. Senate, and U.S. House of Representatives:

  • Drue Pearce, Chair, Victory 2016
  • Lesil McGuire, Co-Chair, Finance
  • Jerry Ward, Co-Chair, Rural Alaska
  • Mike Robbins, Co-Chair, Events and Activities
  • George Lamoreaux, Vice Chair, Volunteers
  • Stephanie Haydn, Vice Chair, Finance
  • David Morgan, Vice Chair, Special Events
  • Jim Crawford, Alaska Spokesman for presidential campaign

Ms. Pearce is the former senate president of the Alaska Legislature, while Lesil McGuire serves as state senator and Jerry Ward is a former state senator. Mike Robbins is a businessman and Trump alternate delegate to the National Convention, and Jim Crawford is a past Alaska Republican Party chairman.