Alaskan of the Year: Jamie Allard, Assemblywoman


We polled the Must Read Alaska Facebook universe to see who people would nominate as Alaskan of the Year, and the winner, hands down, was Anchorage Assemblywoman Jamie Allard of Eagle River.

Also mentioned were Sen. Mike Shower, Mayor Charlie Pierce, Bernadette Wilson, restaurant owner Andy Kriner, Commissioner of Administration Kelly Tshibaka, Gov. Mike Dunleavy, and Leo Masters. Sarah Palin got a mention and so did Sara Rasmussen. Even hot-mess Libby Bakalar got a nomination.

But Jamie Allard received over five times the nominations as any of the dozens of others nominated.

Allard is an Army Veteran, member of the VFW Auxiliary Post 9785, mom of two, and a proud wife to her husband, a retired Army Special Forces Green Beret. As an American of Chilean heritage, her family has been Chugiak-Eagle River residents for 11 years. She was elected to the Anchorage Assembly in April of 2020 and has been making liberals miserable ever since.

Voting is now closed. Thanks to the more than 350 people who offered their nominations, and congratulations Jamie Allard!


  1. YES indeed congratulations to Jamie Allard for a job well done and her leadership in getting a Lot of good citizens to become a lot more active in the political and public affairs of our City and State…

  2. Well, it’s about time that we recognized a true hero. I am so proud to have Jamie as my representative. How she can put up with this must be a product of her great military career. But she should be able to put away the flax-vest if we had a reasonable assembly. I will honor her heritage by serving chili at the Bronson meet and greet this Saturday 6-8 pm at the Chugiak Cafe.

  3. AAAAMEN! Thank you Jamie Allard for your courage and citizenship and representation! May the good Lord bless you and give you strength in this melee!

  4. Good for her, she has been disrespected by the liberal socialist leftists assembly. Anchorage needs to pull its head out and fire all the leftists.

  5. Jamie needs to run for Alaska State Representative for district 14, Eagle River.
    Jamie has demonstrated that she has the will to stand up to the Uber Liberal Radicals in the Anchorage Assembly.
    That is the Voice we need in the Alaska Legislature.
    Eagle River needs to rid itself of Democratic Boot Licker Merick..

  6. Congratulations Jamie, you definitely deserve this for all the “guff” and disrespect that the Anchorage Assemble dealt out to you. Standing up for all of us.. You have demonstrated courage and leadership with the ongoing ever onslaughts of the Assembly, mayor, and the ultra liberal radicals. We’re all behind you..

  7. She doesn’t talk Compromising for the sake being bipartisan. We don’t need to compromise values that are proven sure and true for the sake getting along with people around us, or so people around us can get along better with us. Sometimes its other people around us who need to accept change more than Allard needing to change.

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