Alaska Republicans won’t conduct Presidential Preference Poll



Alaska Republicans, meeting in Fairbanks, voted to not conduct a Presidential Preference Poll in 2020, and they approved a resolution to pledge all of their delegates to the National Convention to President Donald Trump.

“Today, the Alaska Republican Party State Central Committee (SCC) elected to pass an interim rule allowing it to determine that conducting a PPP would serve no useful purpose when we have an incumbent Republican president, such as President Trump, running for the Republican nomination for President. As that is the case in 2020, no PPP will be conducted for the 2020 presidential cycle,” the party’s statement said.

The Presidential Preference Poll is an all volunteer exercise that is like doing a caucus via ballot. It’s a complicated exercise that is conducted in all 40 House districts by party volunteers, and is especially hard to conduct in the very rural rural districts that have small communities hundreds of miles apart, and few Republicans.

[Read the Road to the White House series published earlier this week]

The vote to cancel the PPP came as most delegates to the State Central Committee realized that the $2,500 that is charged to candidates to qualify for the PPP would likely not cover the cost of producing the event, and that the minor candidate who might pay the amount would certainly not gain the 13 percent of the vote they’d need to earn one of the 28 voting delegates to the National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., Aug. 24-27, 2020.

The decision to forego the PPP frees up party activists to work on local and state campaigns, as well as the Congressional and Senate race.

Other states parties in Nevada, Arizona, Kansas, and South Carolina have cancelled their primaries. State parties have until Oct. 1 to tell the Republican National Committee what their plans are for how they will apportion their delegate votes.

Alaska Democrats are holding a full-on privately run primary on April 4, to include absentee ballots, electronic voting, early voting, and paper ballots. They have numerous candidates to choose from, as the Republicans did in 2016.


  1. It is a fact that the Progressive arms of the Alaska sometimes Republican Party would not desire to data mine future Conservative supporters of real Conservative candidates. Accordingly, while the Democrats would partake in a recall of a Republican Governor in order to data mine future supporters, the Republican socialists reject the same data mining process in order to stifle the growth of Conservatives within the Party of Reagan.

    • Most likely the same 6 co-conspirators er- members that voted nay against Mr. Shaw. The GOP needs to clean out the rats that are hiding out.

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