Alaska Republican Party critiques Murkowski, supports Trump


Resolutions voted on this week by the Alaska Republican Party State Central Committee show weak support for Sen. Lisa Murkowski and exceedingly strong support for President Donald Trump.

The votes also show Republican activists favor the repeal of SB 91, and support the Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend being enshrined in the Alaska Constitution with the traditional payment formula used prior to Gov. Bill Walker’s political method used in 2016:

Resolution 1: Condemn US Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s vote against Obamacare Repeal

  • Passed 55% to 45%

Resolution 2: Withdraw support for SB 91 and Urge Repeal of SB 91 (Criminal justice reform)

  • Passed 92% to 8%

Resolution 3: Urge Alaska media to reject and stop using propaganda from Southern Poverty Law Center

  • Failed for lack of enough votes either way – no quorum

Resolution 4: Encourage Alaska federal delegation to support President Trump’s agenda

  • Passed 86% to 14%

Resolution 5: Support constitutional protection for the Permanent Fund dividend

  • Passed 77% to 23%

“This is a grassroots politics at its best. These are the volunteers representing all regions of the state weighing in on issues of the day,” said Tuckerman Babcock, Alaska Republican Party chairman.

The resolutions are bellwethers about where Republicans stand, he said, and they have the same basic power as the party platform.


  1. I number among those disappointed in Senator Murkowski’s work on health care, and I am someone who frequently runs into Planned Parenthood people when they are going door to door in the campaign season. All Alaskans shared in President Trump’s defeat on health care this year but those who stood with him had the higher ground, and the battle is not over. At the same time though, Senator Murkowski is the strongest possible advocate for Alaska industry – oil, fish, transportation, finance, and the like. And she understands that the need for gun rights has absolutely nothing to do with duck hunting. Senator Murkowski will have other opportunities to help President Trump and to be successful.

  2. Lisa needs to go. She’s a RHINO cut from the same cloth as Susan Collins and is nothing more than a shill for the NEA and other special interests.

  3. Senator Murkowski lost me when Obamacare transitioned to Murkowskicare. There is no way to right that wrong.

  4. Constitutional enshrinement of the Permanent Fund dividend will be great. All they will have to do for Alaskans that work for a living will be to add a little box to check to dedicate their ENTIRE dividend to payment of their State income tax obligation. If you love income taxes, by all means you will want to support the constitutional amendment to protect the PFD.

  5. Congrats to the SCC for coming around to what most conservatives (R and not Rs) believe about limited government and fiscal responsibility. These resolutions are supported by thousands who have just a small voice. Thanks to Tuckerman Babcock as well.

  6. It’s about time we got some backup. We need to have an end to any changes in the PFD. The corporations supporting the taking of the fund or the reconstruction ideas being floated will only result in a watered down royalty plan we do not support, only benefitting the governments special interest and their lobbying special interest groups. The PFD needs to remain in its purest form and be paid out as a DIVIDEND not a royalty or a plan that only serves those who steal it and their constituents.

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