Alaska National Guard to head to border for rotation to help U.S. Customs, Border Patrol


Planned for months and involving several other states, the Alaska National Guard may be once again going to the southern border to assist with border protection.

The action is not in direct response to the current border standoff between Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and President Joe Biden, who has demanded that Abbott remove razor wire from land along the border of Mexico.

It is also not a major deployment, as has been characterized by some in social media, but consists of just 20 Guardsmen and two helicopters. The Department of Defense has asked Alaska and other states to train guardsmen for possible help with the border.

It happens on a semi-regular basis. In 2019, about 10 members of the Alaska National Guard were deployed to the American side of the U.S.-Mexico border to help with border security.

“The Alaska Army National Guard has been notified by the National Guard Bureau that it is authorized to begin training in preparation for possible mobilization to support the federal Southwest Border Mission in early FY 2025,” according to a statement by the Alaska National Guard.

“The memorandum directs the AKARNG General Support Aviation Battalion to be prepared to deploy two LUH-72 Lakota helicopters and 20 Guardsmen consisting of aircrew, maintenance specialists, and other support personnel,” the Guard said.

“Upon the final decision by the Secretary of Defense and Headquarters, Department of the Army, the unit will receive official alert and mobilization. If mobilized, the aviation detachment would deploy in a Title 10 (federally funded) status and provide rotary wing aviation support to Joint Task Force- North in support of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection along the Southwest border.

Created in 1989, Joint Task Force North (JTF-N) was established as Joint Task Force – Six (JTF-6). In response to President George H.W. Bush’s renewed counterdrug efforts, Army Gen. Colin Powell, then commanding general of U.S. Army’s Forces Command, issued an order Nov. 13, 1989 establishing JTF-6 at Fort Bliss, Texas. 

The order established JTF-6 to serve as the planning and coordinating operational headquarters to support local, state and federal law enforcement agencies within the southwest border region to counter the flow of illegal drugs into the United States, the military says on the JTF-N website.

JTF-6’s original area of operations consisted of the four border states of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas – a land area of more than 660,000 square miles. In February 1995, by directive of the commanding general of U.S. Army Forces Command, JTF-6’s area of responsibility was expanded to include the entire continental United States, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. 

JTF-6’s efforts led to both a greater recognition of the potential for military assistance in counterdrug efforts and a significant expansion of the partnership among active-duty forces, Reserve and National Guard components, and the nation’s law enforcement agencies. 

In 2004, the commander of U.S. Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) ordered JTF-6’s re-designation as JTF-N. The command’s mission has expanded to include providing homeland security and counter transnational organized crime support to the nation’s federal law enforcement agencies, and its area of responsibility has expanded to include USNORTHCOM’s area of responsibility. 

From its inception as JTF-6 to its evolution as JTF-N, the command has supported more than 6,000 missions in direct support of the nation’s local, state and federal law enforcement agencies and counterdrug task forces.


  1. Given that the policy of the United State Border Patrol is to maintain an open southern border, and that this mission will take place while the current administration remains in office, one has to wonder how the AK National Guard will be utilized.

    If the U.S. Border Patrol continues to view removing barbed wire as its mission, and it orders the (federalized) AK National Guard to support that mission, will our national guard be protecting our nation, or supporting the current administration?

    I would be more supportive if, instead of supporting the current America-Last administration, the deployment was in support of the Border Patrol Agents Union (the National Border Patrol Council), which still views protecting the border as its mission.

    News: “Border Patrol Union Head Praises Greg Abbott After Military Blocks Agents”

    • “Will our guard be protecting our nation or supporting the current administration”
      Jean Pierre, the mouth piece, said 3 soldiers died for “the administration”
      Has the revolution already started?

    • Don’t think there’s anything you can support without suggesting yet another conspiracy. This is why your leadership has failed, you stonewall even the positive constantly. I was once in support of you, but now withdraw from your drama.

  2. This is good news! If all the states, just like all the people of these United States, don’t ban together, we are doomed.

  3. This is certainly a vastly better use of Alaska National Guardsmen than picking up litter along the Glenn Highway. Although I’d like to see 2000 of them going to the undefended border, instead of a measly 20. Even 2000 of them along the southern border would be almost just a drop in the bucket compared to what is really needed down there.

    PS: I hope they’ll have orders to shoot the invaders on sight.

  4. I think that this is a dangerous move. We should be concentrating on keeping our state safe at this time in world chaos. Keep your head on a swivel and be prepared for anything.

  5. I’m withholding judgment until I see exactly what they will be doing.

    This could be a good thing, it could be Dunleavy being Dunleavy.

  6. They should be looking at the border between Alaska and Canada. Recently Canada has reported a large increase in illegal crossings or attempts. With only about 4 guarded border crossings it would be easy to cross into Alaska.

  7. Mass media propaganda puppets report occasional arrests of illegal drug dealers following years long investigations by law enforcement. But, how often do you hear of the criminal receiving a sentence that discourages others from doing it?
    A few years of three hots and a cot then early release is not making an example. When most receive the hunter Biden treatment it guarantees more lawlessness. Pray the AK Guard members avoid Biden accusations of mistreating or mispronouning the drug runners.

  8. Great. Thank you Gov. Dunleavy.
    Here are CPB numbers. See what number of illegal aliens criminals you can tally for the last three years under fjb. Perhaps I am mistaken, is it eighteen million? Two separate Tally’s, nationwide and southern border plus getaways estimates. Shocking no less.

  9. Dunleavy does not decide where the National Guard goes. The article said “Upon the final decision by the Secretary of Defense and Headquarters, Department of the Army, the unit will receive official alert and mobilization.”

    • Not necessarily that cut and dry. A governor has the authority to lend Im his/her guard to another state under certain circumstances. Pending congressional approval.

      One of the reasons is drug interdiction. Which certainly applies here.

      Dunleavy could makes a case for this snd bypass the DOD, military brass, and the idiot SecDef.

      Will Dunleavy attempt to make said case, or do a Dunleavy and let others think for him?

  10. Drug traffickers need to be shot on sight and their dead bodies leaned up against a cactus along the boarder. Let the vultures clean them up. No mercy. Live like an animal die like an animal.

  11. You may want to rewrite this article. This article says a completely different story.

    I hope the Alaska National Guard has the balls to

    say NO to anything unconstitutional!

    Biden to send troops to STOP Texas from protecting border:

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