Alaska life hack: Delta bison hunt raffle odds are good this year


There are only a few days left in the raffle for a chance to hunt a Delta Bison and the odds may never have been better, according to Eddie Grasser, of the Department of Fish and Game.

With six days left to buy tickets, only 800-and-change people have entered the drawing so far, he said.

Visit the Outdoor Heritage Foundation to enter.

All proceeds from this year’s raffle will go to Wildlife Safeguard, whose mission is to support Alaska Wildlife Troopers.

“Your purchase of a ticket will support AWT, and will help stop illegal activities impacting our fish and game resources giving you a more reasonable opportunity to harvest natural foods for your family’s dinner table,” Grasser said in a note to hunters.

The winner of the tag is not subject to stipulations regarding eligibility related to drawing a previous permit or harvesting a bison; however you can’t harvest two bison in the same year.

This permit is for either sex and allows the hunter to hunt the entire season.


  1. So Just FYI, in the 2020 draw hunt, $20 will give you a 0.5% chance of drawing a tag in DI404. If 1000 people enter the drawing for this tag, your $20 will give you a 0.1% of a chance of getting the tag.

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