Alaska Life Hack: Buy a remote cabin site from State of Alaska

The Department of Natural Resources holds its 2019 Remote Recreational Cabin Sites program beginning next week. Between 10 am on Aug. 19 and 5 pm on Oct. 11, Alaskans can apply for a drawing that will be held on Nov. 5. If they win, they can stake some land in designated areas and start the multi-step process of buying it from the State.
This year, four areas are offered:
  • Innoko II, approximately 65 miles northwest of McGrath and 65 miles south of Galena
  • Kantishna II, approximately 70 air miles west of Fairbanks
  • Mankomen Lake, between the Chistochina and Slana Rivers
  • Redlands II, along the Chitanana River.
To participate in this program, you must apply, win, stake your land, apply and lease, and then buy. Alaska residents can apply for one or more areas, but may only win one area per year. The application can be submitted in person, by mail, or online, with a fee of $75.

Before applying, DNR recommends. you read the information and 36-page brochure in its entirety, to see if you qualify, and to make sure that this is the right program for you. Only current Alaska residents are eligible to participate in the Remote Recreational Cabin Sites Staking Program.

Winners of the drawings are given staking kits and participate in classes on how to stake their land.

After the parcel has been surveyed and appraised, they then have the opportunity to purchase the parcel at the appraised value or a minimum of $1,000 over the actual survey cost, whichever is greater. The payments made for the survey costs are credited toward the purchase price for the appraised value of the parcel. Buyers will have the option to either pay the remaining balance in full or to pay 5 percent of the remaining balance to enter into a state purchase contract to complete the purchase of the parcel. This process takes about three to four years from the time of lease issuance.

More information is at the Department of Natural Resources.


  1. When you read what you actually own after paying out your hard earned money you will find you don’t actually own anything. The State of Alaska retains EVERYTHING including the ” — right to remove such soil”. Just read the so-called Land Patent. This flies in the face of all that our country was Founded on. Seymour Marvin Mills Jr. sui juris

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